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16979513 No.16979513 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /biz/,
I am currently building a pigeon loft to keep racing pigeons. I am hoping to have enough birds to trace by mid spring and I was wondering if there are any sights that I could livestream my races with and also permits online gambling. It doesn't have to be the same site for each purpose. I really enjoy both watching and betting on pigeon races so I was hoping to extend that joy to others.

t. Pigeon fancier

>> No.16980529


>> No.16980817

bro u need to shrimp race, fuck pidgeons

>> No.16980835

now there's a guy who must really enjoy getting dumped on. You will feel right at home among the crypto retards here.

>> No.16980916


>> No.16981533

this is the most retarded thing ive ever seen on biz. i love it

>> No.16981624

Pigeon racing is an ancient sport going back to the dawn of civilization and was at one point more prolific than horse racing on the United States East coast. You would be surprised how many people keep pigeons for the art of pedigree, showmanship and tradition. I disregard those that don't fancy some sort of show or sport animal.

>> No.16981661

If anyone gives any good ways to go about this or if you get trips I'll let you pick names. I've already got a supplier for my birds but I need to wait until late spring to start populating my loft. If anyone has any questions on pigeon keeping feel free to ask.

>> No.16981671
File: 6 KB, 250x187, 1579954427873s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16981681

>abusing animals for profit

Yikes. Feel tough big guy?

>> No.16981744

Ok, retard.

>> No.16981779

>resorting to ad hominems.

Thats how I know im right :^), animal abusing degenerate.

"But i really love them!! i look after them so well and feed them and talk to them111!!!!11 what do you mean they wouldn't be professional homing pigeons if i didn't stockholm syndrome them by lauding feed over them!!!11"

>> No.16981799

Twitch is the one that comes to mind for streaming it, no idea about the gambling side of it. I like the idea though OP, sounds fun.

>> No.16981800

There was a Pigeon Racer in my family. He won a lot of awards but it is a very expensive hobby if you have hundreds of birds like he did.

>> No.16981830



>> No.16981917

Thank you, I just looked that up and it seems like a the best available option. Most of the livestream would be gps tracking with the bird release and finish line being the only video feeds. Would you like to name a bird for your suggestion?
Right now I live in the city so my space is limited to about 16 birds. I had a few racers down in the states but not enough for any of the races beyond amateur.
I had never considered making a website but if I ever get the chance to I probably won't be naming it that

>> No.16981977

Name my bird Macallan, good luck with the venture.

>> No.16982039

Thank you check in on /asp/ come late spring early summer. Should be doing biweekly races by then.

>> No.16982590

>no idea about the gambling side of it
maybe a decentralized prediction market?
does link solve the pigeon betting problem?

>> No.16982733

I don't know much about crypto but I've been looking into exchange sites that could be feasible.