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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.02 MB, 1280x752, SsRfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16977044 No.16977044 [Reply] [Original]

>Ripple announces IPO
>ripple distances itself from XRP
It's Almost Time

>> No.16977053

for XRP being dumped into oblivion

>> No.16977071
File: 883 KB, 1200x800, XRPKING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple the company will be deemed a security
XRP will be either considered a commodity or a currency.


>> No.16977140

XRP is considered a premined shitcoin that is permanently dumped on dumb “”investors”” using bank and exchange as a middle man to avoid being labeled as security
they can continue the permadump for years

>> No.16977152

Now I am convinced, how could I have been so blind?

Shorting XRP now

>> No.16977200

I wonder in the future if you will execute yourself for being so idiotic.

>> No.16977226
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>> No.16977240

No one is shilling anything you retard.
When the price rises You will kill yourself. How i do not know. but you will end your life for being so retarded.

>> No.16977251
File: 20 KB, 320x383, I have no arguments but I have feelings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16977257

>When the price rises
When the price rises based Jeb will derisk a bit more than the usual amount

>> No.16977273

jed can do what he likes.

Yes how dare i have opinions.
Your image best describes you, You have no arguments.

I promise you will kill yourself for missing and the blame will be squarely on your stupidity.

>> No.16977292

>jed can do what he likes

Imagine being this retarded, that somebody who has billions of XRP and is not exactly friedns with Ripple is not a threat

Yeah, but everyone else is a retards, right?

Enjoy getting dumped on you fucking mouth breathing knuckle dragger, while I will be collecting my XRP shorting profits.

>> No.16977319

he was a co-founder of XRP he can do what he likes with his xrp.

He has signed a contract he can only sell 500,000 XRP a day. he can't just dump all at once.

I don't see you creating fud over litecoin founder dumping all his holdings.

>> No.16977327

>while I will be collecting my XRP shorting profits.

and there we go, This cuckbreath is holding XRP while creating fud, being a greedy nigger trying to keep everyone else out.

>> No.16977336
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>> No.16977437

You enjoy getting dabbed on don't you?

>> No.16977464

Through an IPO Ripple will be a Household name, like apple , Microsoft, Google.

BY then it would be too late to get XRP.

>> No.16977477
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>TFW still has billions of free funbux

>> No.16977486

fuck i'm all in on this standard crypto token, let's go to the moon boys

>> No.16977536

Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says. See what they despise the most more than anyone by far with no clear reason despite it being the best functioning cryptocurrency that exists with most of its interest coming from the US government, global banks and institutions while already being used by a Fortune 500 remittance company to move money globally in seconds that also handles more transactions per day than Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum combined without breaking a sweat.

Then go all in.

>> No.16977549

It’s always opposite day up in this motherfucker

>> No.16977556

They need more money, dumping XRP on dumb bag holders is not working anymore.

This is the last desperate attempt of a useless company to stay afloat.

>> No.16977592

They are planning something big, once they have an IPO they no longer need to sell the XRP they have.

>> No.16977597

yes, the moon (0.20 cents) is coming soon

>> No.16977608

>they no longer need to sell the XRP they have.
biz brainletism caught in the wild. for xrp to work it NEEDS to be distributed.

>> No.16977611

>This is the last desperate attempt of a useless company to stay afloat.
You’re talking about a company that was originally invested in by Google that also received around $200 million in investment less than a month ago. A private company can’t be allowed to control something as valuable as XRP, don’t you understand? It has to go public so that there can be some kind of fairness. This is an American incorporated Silicon Valley company with over 400 employees, not your pajeet bedroom ERC project.

>> No.16977626
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>> No.16977644

XRP is already distributed. the XRP in the ESCROW is being sold to institutional buyers, they no longer need to sell to them. when that dries up the only place they can turn to is the exchanges.

>> No.16977655

sirs rajit says xrp is a shitcoin, buy my erc20 token pls sir.

>> No.16977669

>XRP is already distributed.
fuck me, i thought ripple had enough money to hire smarter jeets to do the shilling.

>> No.16977675

>No one is shilling anything you retard.
Sure thing, pajeet.

>> No.16977686

You don't even know what shilling means. where did i ever shill?

>> No.16977773

When the next wave of newfag crypto cucks like you come in they’ll be sucking on my bags like I do your mums tits

>> No.16977795

Holy shit

This makes every tone vays of twitter a fraud

Post this under every fucking anti xrp comment

>> No.16977798

Is that a fact?

>> No.16977809

XRP will flip BTC b4 EOY

>> No.16977810

no, he just drew that up in paint

>> No.16977833




>> No.16977843


Its over buttfucks

>> No.16977849

Holy moly


>> No.16977860
File: 44 KB, 512x512, Fuckrippel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But sirrrrr rippel is a scam

Can someone fuck over tone maggot vays?
This son of a bitch is always posting the exact words on his fucking twitter. Its time to bring all the buttfucks to their knees

>> No.16977871
File: 115 KB, 682x900, bizmill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao amazing thread boys
even the bsv shills had higher iq

>> No.16977882
File: 30 KB, 377x550, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xrp brainlet at work. This is a public forum, anyone can create an account and claim things. Doesn't proof anything.

>> No.16977885

you realize that info is like what, seven years old?

>> No.16977894
File: 1.02 MB, 1903x2780, _biz_ - _invents a way to dump on people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, its a random post that
1. anyone could have posted
2. says about the fud going on at the time
3. a shill could have made

Have to say the posting looks odd on this /thread we have OP coming along sayin dumb shit like >>16977327 showing he doesn't know what shorting is...then you come along. after >>16977773 bumped the /thread that was 20 min old. Thanks for the same image as pic related.

We three options here
1. paid shill
2. unpaid shill
3. fanboy of the utmost degree (confirmation bias)

>> No.16977918

You realise that this info is wrong as fuck and the old story stayed in the brains of total deluded bitcoin buttfucks repeating old misinformation because of fear against ripple?

>> No.16977920

How much do you get paid? or at leat explain why you put so much time & such little effort. You're clearly the same shill, same pic, same title. Or do you shills use the cloud for your images?

>> No.16977922

yeah just like you creating fud. Fuck off
hundreds of users posting "RIPPLE IS A SCAM" is some random guy doing it.

go to ripplescam.org and you visit a porn site that that profits off ads and installs shit on your computer.

>> No.16977925
File: 37 KB, 512x512, IMG_20191229_172920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm dooown everything is under control!

All good in buttcorn world! This post is seven years old! Anyome could have said that

>> No.16977938

>doesn't know what shorting is
No, its obvious you are a fucking retard who has no clue what the fuck you are talking about. How can you short xrp if you don't own xrp idiot.

>> No.16977940

See you at 0

>> No.16977954
File: 70 KB, 960x590, ripple scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burner accounts?
are you new to the internet?
do u have a hard time understanding this infographic?

>> No.16977964

>the same fucking fud poster
what does a burner account have to do with anything, You still need to spend money

>> No.16977965

Go back to twitter, you don't even know what shorting is. #xrparmy #xrpfam #welovegettingderiskedon

>> No.16977969


>> No.16977971

To short you SELL, then when the price is lower you buy back, to give the same amount of assets back that you borrowed to short.

>> No.16977973

wew lad

>> No.16977988

lolmao, is this real life?
single digit iq confirmed.

>> No.16977993

Selling still requires you pay a fee you retard.
It doesn't matter if you do it or not. You think anyone gives a single shit if 1 fucking idiot shorts? everyone wants it to go go 1 cent so they can buy more. everyone shits on brainlets like you.

>> No.16978006
File: 1.50 MB, 1600x1518, Logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental Olympics from both sides

>> No.16978016

>Selling still requires you pay a fee
Manvinder please leave

>> No.16978017

>what is exchange fee's

>> No.16978020

>Selling still requires you pay a fee you retard.
Starts Backtracking
Just admit your dumb & leave permanently
Look faggot, I'm the Omnipresent boogie man you fuckin hate. You know why you hate me, cause you can't face reality!
You're showing how fucking dumb you are while STILL being an arrogant cunt. Why the fuck would I ever leave you alone?
You clearly are a paid shill

>> No.16978024

are you really going to do this? you accused the anon of hodling...not paying exchange fees ffs.

>> No.16978048

i unironically dont know what exchange fee's are. Please explain, and take ur time. You can even make a diagram in paint or something if words are too dificult.

>> No.16978074
File: 43 KB, 501x383, 1561489269710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is the difference.

First of all he's holding.
2nd he thinks he's being smart but he's actually spending money and thinks he's doing it for free.
Only whales short because they profit, this idiot is actually spending his own money and time to try and short a market for no personal gain. talk about LOW IQ.

IF he's not doing that then that means he's actually a whale and being a fucking nigger trying to fud others from buying.


>> No.16978226

>what the fuck is the difference.
I gave you a link read it for once asshole
>First of all he's holding.
Holy fuck you NEVER read, I even gave you a link READ IT
>2nd he thinks he's being smart but he's actually spending money and thinks he's doing it for free.
>Only whales short because they profit
>this idiot is actually spending his own money and time to try and short a market for no personal gain.
talk about LOW IQ.
Don't how many times I've told you to stop with the projections
how much you getting paid? What is the benefit for you?

>> No.16978292

That's not how it works you fucking retard you still must buy it to sell in order to short.

What you are suggesting is futures contracts

>> No.16978358
File: 381 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20200124_223956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This idiot again.

>> No.16978368
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>> No.16978373

>That's not how it works you fucking retard
>you still must buy it to sell in order to short.
ffs read the link, you BORROW it, for someone that already has it.
>Traditional short-selling involves borrowing the underlying asset from a trading broker, immediately selling it at the current market price, and then buying it back at a later date to return to the lender. If the market does fall, you can profit from the decline, but if it rises, you’ll have to buy back the asset at a higher price and accept the loss. An alternative way to short-sell is to speculate on price movements with derivatives such as CFDs and spread bets.
You've never properly traded have you? If you did you'd know what shorting is!
thats from the link, they your illiterate ass can't read!
>What you are suggesting is futures contracts
You also clearly don't understand derivatives. I NEVER said that, you said shoring, see the green text from the link I gave you.
Again, how much you getting paid? What is the benefit for you?

Read this to it describes you perfectly

Fuck off either paid shill or someone thats to dumb to know OP IS A PAID SHILL
He's to dumb to know what shorting is...but I'm the retard

>> No.16978437
File: 48 KB, 680x437, 1562461209139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to set money aside for the IPO my fellow ripple fags. We're all going to make it.

>> No.16978483
File: 103 KB, 828x828, IMG_20200115_095432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I can ask you how much you get paid to fud (weakly) xrp. I'd wager nothing because you do it for free as your programming dictates you do so. Yet, the npc will know not why.

>> No.16978544

No buddy, I only do it cause you guys are the dumbest bunch of tards on here. I can only resond with the truth.
Are you OP? Where did he go He used >>16977860 ID for a bit I would suspect but once I called him out on it he came back.
Your either the same tard or to dumb know OP is a paid shill
>I'd wager nothing because you do it for free as your programming dictates you do so
I see this all the time from what i would susspect is yourself, why project?
its what makes me think you're OP, he's dumb, you're dumb, is everyone that hodls ripple dumb?

>> No.16978572

He hates xrp and he knows not why. It's like a bull seeing red, a libtard seeing a Trump tweet. He seethes and reeeees yet he will never know why...

>> No.16978601

>he will never know why...
I do know why OP thats changed IDs. I've already said.
Why don't you know how to short?
Is it cause you make your money from shilling?
Why would you even argue about something you're unfamiliar with?
How familiar are you with what you're getting paid to shill?
Why would you think people wouldn't notice?

>> No.16978698

I'm not OP baka. Watch this though if you want to know why xrp is going to melt your face off.

>> No.16978760

sure sure, OP. I'd have to be as dumb as you to be to totally suspicious. (((IF))) you are not OP, turn around to Deepinder (OP) & say hi to him for me. Hope I didn't hurt is precious feelings.
Why continue in a /thread that shows how dumb ripplets are? Would you like to explain shorting to OP? You sure your not OP? Wouldn't you be embarrassed to be associated with a tard like OP?
So, how much do you get paid? Are you OP supervisor or something? Someone comes along to when the other tard disappears, its how these /threads work. I've been in enough of them as you know.

>> No.16978846

I dont give any fucks what anybody here thinks lmao

You sayripple is a scam and we have shown you proof that you are full of 7 year old lies you didnt even know they were lies lmaooo

>> No.16978860
File: 43 KB, 512x512, IMG_20191220_085138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is all 7 years old!! Anybody could write that

>> No.16978895


>> No.16978909

OP taking to himself...
Maybe it worse, do you have multiple personality disorder?

>> No.16978923


This is a poojet poster

>> No.16978932

quality art

>> No.16978969
File: 42 KB, 214x318, BC49092A-099F-48B0-ACE2-B5367FD13108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy, pssst. Yeah over here...come sit in the office for a sec. hey listen I’m all in on this shit and we love what you’re doing, here’s a firm hand shake. But...uh well the team upstairs was talking and we all agree that your pitch, while VERY SUBTLE, lacks a certain wit and style.

We know you’re trying really hard and your village is dying etc etc, but this is gonna be your second written warning, I don’t want to remind you what happens next RARR. Hehe. Just kidding, but...seriously.

>> No.16978973
File: 217 KB, 1194x1168, 1565351145386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fucks you in the stinker*