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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 185 KB, 1356x1376, midwit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16972989 No.16972989 [Reply] [Original]

Average /biz/ poster in 2020

>> No.16973007

>Thinks he's superior to black people
Basically everyone thinks this

>> No.16973013

>has sex

>> No.16973016

>thinks he’s superior to kangs

>> No.16973017

Chainlink is high or low IQ. No midwits allowed.

>> No.16973026

Mostly low IQ, though. I think like two people on this board see the whole picture (I am one)

>> No.16973027
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>> No.16973047
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I play solely video games developed for ivy league finance classes. Get on my level you stupid data miner.

>> No.16973049

I always like when the faggots who post this shit want be to say shit like
And it never works, closest was the coomer meme but I gave up jerking off like 6 months ago.

>> No.16973051

100 iq midwits calling people niggers while only being a slightly more refined version of a nigger is laughable. from the highest point theres no observable difference between a nigger and a midwit.

>> No.16973061

This, literally everyone hates blacks. Spics, chinks, Arabs, other Blacks, etc, whites are ironically the nicest to them.

>> No.16973064

>Chainlink is high or low IQ. No midwits allowed.

pea brain

>> No.16973113
File: 25 KB, 633x484, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. 110 IQ seething nolinker

>> No.16973166

t. dunning kruger

>> No.16973191

Classic midwit

>> No.16973197

You don't see any of the whole picture if you still own chainlink and own 0 bsv to this day. sorry midwit.

>> No.16973208

Ah you must be the other one. We already had this discussion. I am the smarter one of the two. You got destroyed in the other thread. Goodbye.

>> No.16973211

Not even close. Try again.

>> No.16973226
File: 134 KB, 847x711, hi234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. My IQ is in the 99th percentile and I immediately realized LINK was the next moonshot. Things come so easily when you're genius-tier IQ.

>inb4 ur LARPing ur a midwit who thinks he's high IQ111!!!1@#1
I took the Mensa exam in real life and scored 140 on the Stanford–Binet test. I told them to fuck off though.

>> No.16973236

>"How do people have depression"

I think there's a threshold at which people are actually unable to solve their problems. The problems in people's lives can just be a mental exercise like anything else, it's a huge advantage IMO if you are smart to actually solve those problems and improve your life. There's plenty of stupid people with things like drug addiction, obesity, poverty, etc. that actually lack the mental capacity to bring themselves out of that situation. It takes a great deal of awareness, problem solving, experimentation, knowledge, productive work to really rid yourselves of those things. I've done countless things in attempts to really improve my state of being. Repeated the successful ones, "installed" new behaviors and patterns that give me better results. It's all meta-cognition. So a high IQ actually makes it more likely to solve these problems. It's just diagnostics.

>> No.16973240

You sound like my dumbass friend who thinks just because they test good means they actually know what's going on. I guess that makes you a friend. Fuck.

>> No.16973241

Have sex but don't reproduce, Incel

>> No.16973245


>Takes test
>Pretends he doesn't care

>> No.16973256

Smart contracts and big data might be meme. Why does it need to be a crypto?

Check mate

>> No.16973276

This is true for early adopters (people bought in the $ .15-.40 range). High IQs bought because they knew, low IQs bought because the memes were funny. Midwits didnt enter chainlink until it was already 2.50+ and most likely lost money.

>> No.16973304
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>that retard that doesnt know

>> No.16973337

I mean you're kind of right because in the grand scheme of things there are millions of people who are much more intelligent than me (140 IQ is like 99.4th percentile while 165 is like 99.997th percentile, so like 1 in 40,000 people globally with that IQ as opposed to like 1 in 400 with IQ of 140 ) and the only people that really make a difference are like 160 IQ and above or have a bunch of other personality features that work in their favor. IQ is more about pattern recognition and logic and it correlates positively with success but it doesn't define other aspects such as work ethic, discipline and general disposition although those with high intelligence are more likely to have those positive traits things.

I was curious about my IQ because I feel like a stupid fuck but I scored high on the online tests, I could give a rat's ass about their gay little club though.

>Midwits didnt enter chainlink until it was already 2.50+ and most likely lost money.
They will still make money, bullrun starts after halving. BTC making lower lows and higher highs on a long-term timeline. With all the global tumult BTC gains are guaranteed and LINK will follow.

>> No.16973428

Im saying at the current price they most likely are down, so were a lot of early adopters who bought and .30-.40 and had to endure drops to .17 etc. They can still make profit with and iron grip and being able to read the clock without hands. However, the IQ separation/chaotic luck is evident for the people who can do the same thing, but DCA'd at x10 lower price.

>> No.16973445

Have gay sex

>> No.16973528

80 iq here, need 160 iq brother to tell me if chainlink is a good investment

>> No.16973581

This is why Buffet and Gates unironically practice "effective altruism" which is based purely on numbers of lives and values niggers equally to westerners. Pretty stupid.

>> No.16973606

Based, everyone I have met in crypto.

>> No.16973632

Not understanding that you are just playing odds of affecting outcomes makes you "pretty stupid."

Anyone that understands math knows that putting it into Africa would give the biggest boost in A.) Affected outcomes B.) New workers C.) Discovery of 160+ IQ people (the only people that can affect science and engineering at this point)

B & C are all that they need in their funnel so it actually serves themselves

>> No.16973692

Yeah, even other blacks think this.

>> No.16973707 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 329x499, 14950373951511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>100-115 iq
>thinks he's superior to black people


>> No.16973784

is it fun?

>> No.16973804
File: 1.09 MB, 2094x2095, wojtek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, the morn has come and the long night is vanquished! As a 170 I.Q. man all too disillusioned with the curse of seeking happiness that so easily dissolves into the ether, there's very little this world can offer me. However, with the creation of a new Wojak or with a novel twist put on an old classic I can finally savor a twinge of delight unlike most others and peculiar to that form, inhabiting an island of its own within the ocean of my mind. Bravo!

>> No.16974058

it's not. BSV is Bitcoin and bitcoin is indeed a very good investement right now. BTC is a scam.
there, i gave you all the information you will ever need. will you listen though? probably not.
do i care? not really desu

>> No.16974149
File: 84 KB, 750x669, 1564154724619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post is right, theyll never get it.
theyve spent their whole lives trying to imitate those they recognise as being more intelligent, even going as far as outright lying to show how clevar they are, midwits are the worst bullshitters and easily called out on their parroting of others thoughts they dont understand.
they cant just let a market tell them what to do, they cant connect the dots, they MUST prove themselves constantly. all the TA faggots with their 300 meme lines fall into this category aswell, they cant simply see a trend and follow/counter it, they have to wedge themselves into the process and 'outsmart' the market, blowing up accounts left and right, all just to prove they can.

>> No.16974171

low iqs think its genuinely innovative and buy
normals know it's not and don't buy
High iqs know it doesn't matter and buy

>> No.16974263

lol that pic is spot on. i get along with sub100s very easily, some of the finest people ive ever met. midwits are tryhard embarrassments.

>> No.16974286

I remember construction workers trying to shill me cannabis stocks near the top. Best sell signal you could have.
It helps to befriend the common fellas that white collar people ignore

>> No.16974416
File: 336 KB, 691x722, 1576501563891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avg black IQ in US is 85, 70 in most of Africa

>> No.16974435

theyre more instinctive creatures, they dont tryhard as you say, never on a mission to prove how great they are and can accept when somebody who knows ore than them points them in another direction. with midniggers theyll expect you to explain step by step why youve come to a different conclusion to them that theyll never understand anyway.
you can usually tell somebodies iq by what they find funny, if you have to explain a joke to somebody theyre probably an 115iqlet, if they make snarky comments theyre midlets.

>> No.16974745

Yes, if you like finance that game is extremely fun. It's the classic "start with $1,000 and get rich", except it's extremely in depth. Right now I'm dealing with having bought long interest swaps right before the fed went berserk so my holding company is losing like 4 billion a quarter on them, and my oil company is getting hit with antitrust law suits left and right now since I've been using my banks huge balance sheet to fund their extremely aggressive 60% growth a quarter, I own 55% of the integrated oil and am having trouble engineering bankruptcy for the rest of these companies before I lose all my cash. I've started buying up all their loans and freezing their credit though so that might help, but they refuse to declare bankruptcy even with 3 years of nothing but cuts to their business assets. I bought some long dated futures on the index right after it crashed though with my internet services company so it's getting pretty big.

>> No.16974933

sure about that bud?

>> No.16975405

shit coin

>> No.16975421


>> No.16975432

>anyone who isn't black is better than black people
Fixed it for you.

>> No.16975459

Basically everyone is correct

>> No.16975469

How do niggas even function being so low iq?

>> No.16975480


I actually have 117 IQ so fuck you. I hold HEX over Chainlink so I guess that's where the difference goes.

>> No.16975594
File: 71 KB, 666x582, nq4hji89hjg21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm anon they don't function. Take a look at Africa or America's inner cities

>> No.16975734
File: 104 KB, 750x922, getaload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took an iq test posted here that "highly intelligent" people were scoring in the low 100s. I took it drunk and got a 117. I took other online ones and got 140ish when sober; from what I understand they're pretty consistent with real ones.

So yeah, I figure I between 130-140.

I've got an IQ question for biz:

Is OP a faggot?

>> No.16975745

sub 60 iq detected

>> No.16975776

> Tfw 126 IQ
> Just smart enough to know how retarded I really am
> But too smart to enjoy anything from vidya, to dudeweed to booze to thots to nature
> Only thing I want is wealth
> Literally no dream, no passion, just wealth
I literally work, come home and watch CNBC and browse /biz on my phone. I just want to die or make it.