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16971878 No.16971878 [Reply] [Original]

any non larpy ideas out there? i dont need to work anymore and im bored out to out of my mind, the last 2 weeks are already a blur of fapping/sleeping/sitting on this computer chair at random spells throughout the day.

this spring i want to get back into shooting, beyond that ive nothing planned for the rest of the year.
non larpy above means not what wagies imagine patrician tier cads spending their day doing (ie playing the piano and reading classic literature, its the male equivalent of instathots skydiving, its what they want others to see them doing rather than whatever it is they think they get from the experience themselves)

what creative hobbies do you guys have? what gets the neets out of bed every day?

>> No.16971896

>tan everyday in the south Florida sun
>make OC memes like Bobo
>maintain a sticker pack on telegram
>drink liquids
>workout everyday
Youll be happy

>> No.16971911

Learn an instrument
Start painting or carving or whatever

Make things

>> No.16971964

We're all different.
Personally I workout 5 days a week. thats about 2 hours all together.
I try spend 1-2 hours learning a language a day too.
Its exhausting sometimes, doesnt leave me much time to relax after work but i'd hate to wake u pat 30 and not have learned a foreign language when it was always a dream of mine as a kid.
And i'd had to be a fat unfit piece of shit for no valid reason too

>> No.16971987

make 8k a month growing micro greens

>> No.16972018

You sound so pathetic being judgemental about other people's hobbies and assuming them inauthentic while admitting to doing nothing interesting yourself.

>> No.16972052

Not OP but what language are you leaning and how? Also how's it going?

>> No.16972110

>other people's hobbies
no, its their imagined hobbies that are cringe.
like this guy here >>16971964, he isnt spending 1-2 hours a day learning a foreign language, he just wants to, which is fine in of itself but not something that will likely ever be practical for me (or him) and thus is a motivation killer. ive been to dozens of countries and english has always been enough, the daydream fantasy of one day astonishing some qt foreign lass with knowledge of her language leading to some whirlwind love story, if it ever happens at all, will happen once in your life and the years of effort it takes to make that one moment happen is totally out of sync with the fun you can potentially have.

same thing goes with learning an instrument, we had a piano in my old house my ex used to play (she could play anything, has been playing since childhood) and i doubt that if i spent 10 years working on it i could ever develop the muscle memory that she has given the path shes taken into learning it. however if i did spend 20 years i might, to what end? to that one moment 20 years from now where i can flip open a piano at a party and bang out some jingle? 20 years of work for a 2 minute moment around others.
its all a fantasy, its a larp.

the suggestion to workout more is good however, that is something i really do need, im not fat but im in terrible shape

>> No.16972145

serial killer
domestic terrorist
con man to the rich and famous
paying cute traps for cummies
be leader of a cult for people with telepathic powers

>> No.16972162

I smoke alot of weed usually 2-3 grams a day plus .5-1g of wax
also like to follow lightning network development and run a few different nodes on different software
in the summer get a mountain bike, kayak, or discgolf frisbees and make day trips places

do meditation when you use marijuana
set out a goal before you use so you direct the mind altering experience towards that

>> No.16972164

Do Brazilian jujitsu for 2 years and learn a musical instrument for 2 years. Then report back to me.

>> No.16972225

What's your definition of "classic" literature?

>> No.16972360

putting inverted commas around "classic" on its own rather than "classic literature" is asking about something I havent really mentioned at all itt. "classic literature" in inverted commas, within the context of larpy passtimes, as a singular noun, i would describe as any reading list or subject that median iqlets believe will make them look smarter to others, literature that they want other people to believe they are facinated by and not forcing themselves through. ie muh greek filosify
kind of like learning an instrument or a second language, anyone who is an expert on either will soon call you out on your bullshit.

if i had to give my definition of "classic" literature it would likely be totally different to the next persons, its not something that could really be picked apart and argued over but for the sake of you asking i will say that id describe it as anything timeless, works that havent been surpassed at least in part.
i do read, but its more about entertainment than any academic pursuit, mostly pre modern era science fiction, lots of 4/50s pulp fiction short stories. any work of fiction that does outrageous world building i can get lost within, from that era its akin to alternative history given we are now in a year many of the sci fi stories are set, even if its only a 20 page snippet its enough to send me to sleep happy every night.
sure theres probably 'classic' books of that genre and from that era, some would probably describe asimovs foundation trilogy as a classic (i might too) but i just call it sci fi.

>> No.16972402

>Do Brazilian jujitsu for 2 years
I have considered doing some martial art, I've never in my life met somebody who has regretted it.
Where would I ever start as a complete beginner?

>> No.16972415

I've done a lot of week in the past, feel like its been played out for me, I'd be down for exploring modern designer drugs.
Only ever had 1 and a half psychedelic trips that I really should revisit

>> No.16972418

I genuinely enjoy live poker.
Lifting weights I dont particularly enjoy but I know its good and the results are nice. Visiting hookers/brothers is nice too but maybe a bit degen.

>> No.16972443
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>be leader of a cult for people with telepathic powers
where to find such a thing?

>> No.16972456

would hike, i did have a spell in my youth while at university where i would go /out/, should really work myself up to a trip this spring.

i do need to be in better shape, hiking would be ideal i think, i could do it solo.

>> No.16972604

Kitesurfing has been recommended to me a few times as well. Its not for showing off. Its spending a lot of time on the water alone.

>> No.16972660

Martial arts. Boxing especially.

t. crypto NEET that started to box a few months ago

>> No.16972674

how did you get into it?
did you just rock up to a gym and ask to be trained?

>> No.16972680

If I never had to work again, I would work on making vidya games like I always wanted. I'm already working on it, but my energy is so drained after work... but this is the definition of a passion or even a calling, and I still find time for it when I can.

>> No.16972702

working out isn't a hobby, gym rats can say they love getting a pump but as a gym rat myself, nobody actually enjoys it. Its great to feel good afterwords, but it's not really something you can look forward to doing in your off time.

>> No.16972719

1 on 1 sessions first. Still doing them.

Attempting to go to boxing classes as a total beginner was a complete failure in my case

>> No.16972726

call the biggest black guy in the sport a nigger and rock up to his gym throw on the gloves

>> No.16972749

>I've never in my life met somebody who has regretted it.
Because the people who ruined their bodies in sparring don't talk about it

>> No.16972847

make a handwarmer app that makes your phone hot so your hands are warm.

>> No.16972859

Get a 3d printer. Fun as fuck and very satisfying. Massive time sink a whole day vanishes playing with a model and testing it to get it right. I wish I had more time to tinker with it.

>> No.16972883

I literally do play piano though
fuck normies ruined that too?

>> No.16972895

> I workout 5 days a week. thats about 2 hours all together.
fucking dyel lmao, post body. each of my workouts are 2 hrs

>> No.16972914

I make music, audio production is very stress relieving once you get over the hardships of learning the basics

>> No.16973001


>> No.16973184

I code in Python/R all day after working at my job coding in SAS all day.

Currently I'm setting up an trading bot looking for profitable opportunities between dydx and DDEX.

>> No.16973416

mfw i realised i have no hobbies

>> No.16973474

Dream of kms

>> No.16973504

My workouts are also 2 hours but almost all of that is rest period.

>> No.16973636

lol good work

>> No.16973705

Why the fuck do you project so hard you lazy retard

>> No.16973728

it seems as though youre looking at hobbies from the perspective of what impresses other people. hobbies are about what you like to do not for clout or for social points but because you actually want to spend your time doing it. most of the people that spend 20 yrs playing piano dont do it for the moments they get to flex their skills they do it because they like it. youve got a ton of free time so find what you like and get good. if you truly enjoy your hobby it the satisfaction of improving at it will be more than enough motivation.

>> No.16973811
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>it seems as though youre looking at hobbies from the perspective of what impresses other people
ive described that thought process yes but ive also specifically said its an inauthentic larp, it seems you have missed the point. many anons usually reply to these threads about what they would do if they had the free time and just ream of the same lists over and over that they think are the right answers.

>> No.16973842

Writing, photography, cinematography, sound and music production, walking, hiking, reading.

>> No.16973913

my bad for the misunderstanding. there’s a lot of options out there and some of the more cliched ones will come up a lot bc everyone wants to be some big rockstar or something. most look at hobbies as a fantasy status signal booster (oh did you see jerry he’s good at piano/crocheting/lacrosse/whatever). also keep in mind theres a lot of legit musicians or artists that do have the desire to neet it up and create all day. you can usually tell if someones genuinely interested in getting good or if they just like the idea of getting good by talking to them though. other peoples opinions are unlikely to catch your attention from what i can gather so really consider for yourself what you want to put your time into. what interests you? shootings a good hobby

>> No.16973977



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