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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 542x540, Link142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16969965 No.16969965 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is kind of an inevitability at this point. Adoption keeps increasing price, establishes higher lows every time it dips. There is a large base of people who are never selling their Link ever, I don't care what price.

I encourage everyone to read The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab to truly understand the implications that smart contracts and decentralized oracles will have in our society by 2030.

The only question now is will you have accumulated enough before you are priced out? I know I did

>> No.16970069

What adoption you incel idiot

>> No.16970078



>> No.16970098

We get new coins working with link every day. Keep coping nolinker scum

>> No.16970106

when i look at other projects and their ceos and teams in general, there alot of patterns. no name white ceos that come out of nowhere, the typical diversity hire girl in marketing or HR, the eastern europe shithole 30yr old C+ dev, and then the typical pajeeto golang guy.
but serger is different he is publically in this space for 5 years now. about whom else can you add to this list: vitalik, charlie lee, fluffypony etc.. he successfully managed to delight top tier code autist to his project that treat this project fanatically exactly how he intended. johann the french guy, looks like he sleeps 3 hours a night whenever he is doing an appeareance on video Q&As. his mannerism alone show he is the perfect guy for this job. not like some cheap skate 5 hour on demand fivver job every 14 days to keep the github commits flowing in.

>> No.16970132

*chainlink teams starts selling/moving funds at ath prices again*

>> No.16970144

wheres the usage? partnerships does not mean adoption and usage retard.

>> No.16970198

tbf it's pretty easy to see the usage is continuously going up. If you really can't figure out how to find the current LINK usage then you aren't really cut out for this to begin with. My guess is you're a bored LINK holder.

>> No.16970248

Typical no information cope post. “It just is and if you don’t see it you’re dumb.” Are you 6 years old or just retarded.

>> No.16970270

Johan is a bullshitter. He can't answer questions that take him out of his script.

>> No.16970292

yeah, he isnt the guy to talk and sell his shit, he gets the job done

>> No.16970321


>> No.16971078
File: 15 KB, 480x480, 1562538267942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by 2030
I'll be in my forties by then.

>> No.16971087


Link is a scam...show me the proof it is not.....kill your pet cockroach incel

>> No.16971111

same anon. I don’t think I can hold out that long

>> No.16971136

The bots have control of it. Adopters will not pay for something that gets arbitrarily wash traded 100s to 1000s of percent by scalpers looking to cash out. You are the ransomer in this scenario and you will not be allowed to opportunistically profit.

>> No.16971162

Price will rise significantly before then. Staking plus small sell offs if need be...you’ll be alright. Start lifting and find a career that provides you with meaning in life.

>> No.16971172

He's the lowest IQ in the team (he is a Product Manager after all) but has been in the space for a while and is European based (read: speaks languages).

>> No.16971186

This. Work will set you free.

>> No.16971717

I'm just so tierd

>> No.16971886


>> No.16971904

wait till all the fucking dumbfucks holding this shit realize that you don't even have to sell

eventuall you'll be able to take a cdp out against your nod, people selling early will def kill themselves

>> No.16971930

wen tho? i'm not even tired yet mom

>> No.16972103

You could probably have your link staking rewards sent straight to an account you can use as liquid currency

>> No.16972167
File: 9 KB, 221x206, sweatfrog23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-should I but LINK bros?
I missed out on BTC cause I'm a retard.

>> No.16972185

how many can u buy if you do?

>> No.16972229

WuFlu gonna crash the economy, crypto won't be spared

>> No.16972251

Fuck you guys I bought 190 LINK. I already missed the autism train once not missing it again

>> No.16972266
File: 632 KB, 2277x1356, photo43@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you know but just in case a newfag reads this. Just want to give back a little as I've been lucky enough to be spoonfed on link when I started browsing biz: https://exploring.link/eoy2019.php

>> No.16972269

It's only $2 so with my tax return I can buy a decent amount.

>> No.16972284

>The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab
smart contracts was such a small part of that book you fucking moron

>> No.16972300

Once the proper DeFi tools exist selling wont ever need to happen.

>> No.16972304


>> No.16972316

they're all just checking exchange prices lmfao

>> No.16972336

Well you asked for a proof of usage. This is a proof of usage.

>> No.16972337

What specifically are you waiting for?

>> No.16972345

Dollar cost average every week. Just keep stacking cubes. Any coin bought in the single digits is still cheap

>> No.16972365


It's ogre :/

>> No.16972373

Maker/LINK CDP but can have the same effect if I borrow DAI with LINK as collateral on Aave. The 5% apr is simply a bet that we'll see at minimum 5% growth per year.

>> No.16972407

link is at a point where it could just pop every second. yet it doesn’t and it’s so so tiresome

>> No.16972410

and yet they were still part of the book, mentioning smartcontract.com/Chainlink by name.

>> No.16972414

I have to sell a lot by march so it will pump hard march 31st.

>> No.16972422

That would be sweet.

>> No.16972431

10 years atleast

>> No.16972433

a really small part you fucking idiot. >>16972407
its not

>> No.16972446

Checked. I'm going to be rich. Nervouspepe.jpg

>> No.16972461

Just be careful you dont ever get too close to your liquidation rate and always have a plan to pay it all back.

>> No.16972478

Being a link holder is like being a prisoner. If you bought in early your up 5x but it's not enough to be make it. Now we are stuck between taking profits now or holding until the next big price increase

>> No.16972532

> cumulative sum

>> No.16972608

You could over collateralize to mitigate getting liquidated though right?

>> No.16972641

You're coping man, the fact that it was included at all in that book written by that man is mind blowing for any crypto project.

>> No.16972729

how? that whole book is about automation. smart contracts has a very small section. i didnt see chainl link referenced in there once btw

>> No.16972772

Based and in the same boat pilled

>> No.16972856

smartcontract.com is Chainlink, and it was mentioned.

>> No.16973652

We're all gonna make it you comfy bastards

>> No.16973672

>zero organic mainnet usage

Yeah, OP you are headed for the poor house

>> No.16973695

ironically unironic chainlink

>> No.16973960

If you don’t need a token, what are you going to make everybody put up as collateral to keep them from telling everyone you are a cuck

>> No.16974072

>Dude just wait 10 more years and you can maybe retire.

>> No.16974147


Hey nulinker. You are using 2017 fud. You are literally 3 years behind and you aren't going to make it.

>> No.16974168


i don't get why you still use that trip when everyone knows you are the biggest faggot in the universe?... go away. kys

>> No.16974178

it's weird. in the beginning I was fudding Link to accumulate more. which I did ultimately when it was around 13 cent. I amassed 470K Link. I definately think I have enough to make it. the problem though is that I can't stop fudding my own investment where I am literally all-in with my life savings. I designed some of the most hated and posted memes regarding Chainlink. again... I am all-in with my live savings and I have no intention whatsoeva to shill this project. instead I went to insane lengths to meme fud whenever I can. sometimes I sit a whole day in front of the screen and I FUD FUD FUD FUD. I don't something is wrong with me. but since I have invested in Chainlink I feel verydifferent. my behavior makes absolutely no sense... yet I am 100% sure I have to FUD my own investment.

>> No.16974418

See a therapist anon. Cash out a bit

>> No.16974518

a token that isn't chainlink. like eth, or collaterized USD. chainlink (the token) is just a cash grab

>> No.16974610

post your address, I'll come solve all your problems

>> No.16974687

>t. mad and salty pleb

>> No.16975160


>> No.16975219
File: 325 KB, 1124x2436, 20200124_223336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16976318

how many linkeds are staked atm

>> No.16976377

Nobody is using this shitcoin. Sergey says thank you.

>> No.16976390

Nice larp faggot. Your weak fud and 100 links aren't going to affect the market kek

>> No.16976411
File: 83 KB, 788x685, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot this. Most of you will eventually sell your LNK for PNK. You will fud it first but as Kleros rises in price and Link goes to zero you will finally give in at around 10 cents. See you then faggots.

>> No.16976806

>See a therapist anon. Cash out a bit
it's a pasta from 2018 newfag
''Cash out a little bit''

how retarded are you? Sometimes I don't believe that newfags are so retard to sell at these levels and not at least at 300$