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16969846 No.16969846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What age does your dick stop working? Am I running out of time to use it at 25? Do I only 5 years left before I need pills?

>> No.16969860

Depends, do you death grip?

>> No.16969867

As long as you’re in good shape and not jerking off all the time you until like 60.

>> No.16969876

i am 60 and i dont need pills. but if you are a fagott like you it won't mattee anyways.

>> No.16969902

I'm 40, moderately successful and fuck girls regularly with no issues. Doesn't feel like my libido has gone down at all since I was in my 20s. Plus I'm older so younger girls like me more. It's a nice cycle.

>> No.16969906

go back to your classic car forums boomer scum

>> No.16969945

32 and I feel like my erections are stronger and my dick is bigger but that’s probably from jelqing several years. Still get morning wood and pre cum like a faucet.

Stay /fit/, clean up your diet a bit, stop smoking cigs especially when you’re older and I see no reason why your dick wouldn’t work sans mental or some medical condition.

>> No.16969970

No matter how many times I wash my asshole, it still sinks really bad

>> No.16969996

Stop watching porn and beating your dick with a death grip. Absolute state of retards.

>> No.16970010

35 boomer here. no noticeable difference yet.

>> No.16970012

>Plus I'm older so younger girls like me more
boomer cope

>> No.16970020
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same man

>> No.16970099

This is what buttplugs are for, to stop the smell from leaking out.

>> No.16970101

I'm 32 with no issues.

>> No.16970113

stay /fit/ and you will have no issues.

>> No.16970217

Exercise regularly, keep a healthy weight, don't drink, and don't smoke and your dick will never fail.

t. 37 y/o with an infallible dick

>> No.16970218

44, don't smoke, no exercise, fat as fuck. Beetus gave me phimosis, and ED. I'm hoping that keto, getting thin, and cardio will let me get most of a chub back after I get circumcised. If not, guess I'm looking at pills or the pump.

>> No.16970244

>fat as fuck
This is what's making you impotent. Too much weight causes circulation problems. Your heart fails to pump blood to your dick.

>> No.16970254

I am 33 now and my dick works better now than ever. I used to go limp in my 20s because i used to smoke and eat like shit. Now that my diet and health is a priority there are no issues and i can stay hard even after i cum.

Have a 21 year old gf too, that certainly helps :)

>> No.16970289

The last part is the answer, same

>> No.16970397

Jerked off to porn since I was about 14 everyday. The first two times I tried to have sex when I was about 19 or so, I couldn't get it up. Of course, those women didn't want to talk to me again. It basically enforced the idea in my mind that the only thing to hold a girl down is performance. And if I can't perform, then there is no point. Of course I stopped pursuing women, and just fapped to porn. here and there I would date, but could get my dick up if she sucked me off or gave me a handjob. Very very rarely by itself. Plus I would blow my load within a minute or so.

That + blowing quickly (when chicks want to get fucked for atleast 15-30 minutes) pretty much absolutely destroyed my self confidence. I'm 30 and trying to abstain from being a degenerate. But I've pretty much been a limp dick degenerate and in this "free" society, where women want you to ensure their happiness, and can drop you if you don't meet their needs, it's pretty hard to stay confident and feel like a man. If you're young and reading this, please please please stop fapping to porn.

Nowadays I'm so nervous to date for real because I'm worried about failing to please them sexually. Last two girls I fucked were from seeking.
Fuck, maybe there is hope after all.

>> No.16970410


>> No.16970421

35, dick still works fine, but only for traps/femboys now. After fucking a lot of em I can't get it up for women.

>> No.16970442

Maybe you're gay?

>> No.16970483

Wow WTF are you me? Once managed 2 full hours of fucking while high as a kite with this girl. Besides that, blowy and handy-j no issues but anxiety and jacking it too often means sex is difficult to start or complete. Also 30 and effectively don't pursue because I'd struggle to please. Only now am I starting to take care of my body, intake, sleep etc. Drugs and porn still regular though which is an issue. Maybe there's hope for me mid-30s.

>> No.16970534

Same here man. At 30 starting to take care of myself more. Be more aware of what I eat, being healthier, less cooming, etc. I had a realization that I wasted my youth being a coomer and just destroying my self confidence, and I would have tons of regret in my old age (if I make it there)

Fuck I'm glad to know I'm not alone. Maybe there is hope bro. Don't give up. Maybe our 30's can me the decade we make up for all that lost time and mental anguish we have felt.

>> No.16970571
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there are 70 year old men banging 10 year old women, right now

>> No.16970688

You are a victim of a coomer epidemic, thanks to internet and free porn, another soldier down.

Advice: go nocoom and use Cialis for an erection for the first sex with a date, I used to be like you, now I'm fine and superhard naturally

>> No.16970905

I sincerely doubt your dick has ever worked

>> No.16970909

I had similar problem. Used to get laid regularly in high school. Went to college and went full loser-mode and got no pussy for a year. Jerked off constantly. Couldn't get it up with a girl even when she would throw herself at me. Destroyed my confidence further, and girls chatted and mocked me over it which further lowered my chances of getting laid.

Friend was doctor who had cialis samples. Gave me a bunch. Next few dates I went on, when I was getting the vibe, I would take a pill as the night was wrapping up and fuck like a porn star.

One girl was way out of my league, and i fucked her senseless at a house party for like an hour (3 loads). Like most skanky college girls she told some of her friends how awesome I was and I was spoiled for choice with skanks from there on out. I never really watched porn since then (sure every now and then) and I am 40 now and never had ED since (married for 12 years).

Sad thing was that I was so close to killing myself (i.e.., prime of my life not getting laid, etc.) that this Cialis shit literally saved my life.

inb4 blog post.

>> No.16970912

post body

>> No.16970924

Cialis is great, super cheap on the dark net too. Recommended.

>Couldn't get it up with a girl even when she would throw herself at me. Destroyed my confidence further

Basically had this anon's problems.

>> No.16970974

I don't want to go all redpill mode on you, but traditionally 30's are the peak years for men.

Yeah, yeah Chads in their youth ALWAYS got laid in every corner of planet earth forever.

But by definition, Chad's are like 1-2% of the male population so thinking you "missed out" on Chad-dom is just plain wish-thinking and YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Just remember that if you take care of yourself in your thirties (fit , eat healthy, form strong relationships with your family / quality friends, etc.), get your professional shit together, etc. you have many years of promising dating / fucking opportunities ahead of you.

You will age better than EVERY woman your age you ever met.

Ditch porn, or if you have to COOM, watch non-jewish psy-ops porn where it looks like the girl is actually enjoying the shit (i.e., Passion HD, Wowgirls, or Nubiles.net, etc.)

>> No.16971234

Mine worked fine until I was 27 and then I took a year to diet and lose some weight. It hasn't come back as strong yet, but I generally feel a lot better and more full of energy.

>> No.16971282

yes, goy. pills will fix everything. take plenty of pills each day

>> No.16971308

show some respect weaboo soiboy I fought gooks hand to hand for your freedom

>> No.16971354

I tell my daughters this is just practice until you have a husband it doesn't count

>> No.16971749

Thank you for the advice. It's good to know you're better.

Good blog post. I know the feels of being down and this helps.

This is good shit man thanks. I've read stories online about guys in their 30's up to 40's who basically become "the man" (take care of their looks, good career, have a nice pad, car, etc. ) and don't settle down and get married and have fun with young hot chicks. So it's good to know that is possible. Thanks man. (I'm going with the ditch porn option altogether though and not being a coomer)

>> No.16971771

Sounds like your daughters are whores.

>> No.16971779

My dad is 73. We had a conversation the other day about Male sex health etc.

He said he was still fucking a lot and had plenty of wood no viagra needed.

>> No.16971838

How do you buy it on the drk web?

>> No.16971859

Contact the FBI. They should be able to get you set up.

>> No.16972095

51 here, use it on the wife at least daily, twice daily when I'm in the mood

>> No.16972169

any guy you see getting it hard above 26 is a liar and is on steroids. sad but tru
the male body stops wanting to reproduce at 26 unfortunately that's the last age where you can have genuine sex that you actually want

>> No.16972212


tor browser, empire market. deposit crypto to account.

>> No.16972221

Mine stop working when i went vegetarian. Best thing i ever did. Im finally free.

>> No.16972223

deposit monero btw

>> No.16972257

Would that not be a blessing in disguise tho? Im 32. Fuck my gf almost everyday around 21h. Still at 13h I feel like banging a hooker. Which I do maybe twice a week. And around 23h I feel like jerking off to Lily Thai. Which I try to do less. My libido distracts me

>> No.16972264

this but unironically

>> No.16972267

I've used viagra with every new girl since I was 25 or so, no reason not to. I don't need it once I'm familiar with her, it just helps compensate for anxiety/being drunk or tired, etc.

It's availably for pennies on ebay so why not

>> No.16972286

34 and it barely works. might have heart problems though

had to add to all the "i'm 75 and it works fine" since only hardies were answering

>> No.16972328

If you jerk of no shit you can't get it up, you spent all your sexual energy on porn. You don't need pills to get hard anon stop jerking off so damn much and quit porn.

>> No.16972335

This, but it's easier to get from the doc with prescription, just tell them you have a performance anxiety, male doctors usually chuckle and give it to you like candy

>> No.16972347

Happy for you bruh, this knowledge is the difference between an hero and a happy life, hope other anons are reading this

>> No.16972595

ok boomer
>fapping should be relegated to bodily release like pooping or pissing so only once a day if needed
>watch anime for the pleasure of loving and being loved since 2d > 3d

>> No.16972661

why does this pic make my penor hard

>> No.16972715

freedom lmao

>> No.16972732

Dude this hit me hard. I'm 30 now, in the best shape of my life but i've always been fit and eat healthy. Also started jacking to porn at about 13 yrs old. Nothing crazy like some guys, but probably once a day on average. By the time I was 17 and about to lose my V card, my dick would not cooperate. Much like the the things you said, after a couple times of this happening with other girls my anxiety skyrocketed anytime I would be getting into a sexual situation. One of the shittiest parts is I'm attractive and pretty good with girls, so it kept happening and happening. I am so fucked up because of this now. I have been borderline abusing cialis for for a decade, it still doesn't help half the time but at least have been able to keep my gf for a few years. At one point in the past I actually wondered if it could be a gay thing, yeah turns out definitely not. I have tried to quit porn several times and had small victories, but eventually I would relapse and lose all progress so fast. As of today I am 35 days no porn, but still couldn't get hard for my gf this morning. Many days I want to die because of this, it is the worst curse imaginable as a man who just wants to love someone else like they deserve. Stay away from the virtual jew friends, keep your kids away from it.

>> No.16972760

What is death grip?

>> No.16972797

22 and my dick and libido are completely ruined. Might have something to do with SSRI's. Don't take them bros. On a positive note being free from the vaginal jew has some advantages.

>> No.16972805

Shit in the morning and shower right after. Never take a shit and not shower right after. Use your shower head and clean the crack and hole too.
Should be fine in a week

>> No.16972860

Go to bed Sleepy Joe

>> No.16972862

Imagine being close to killing yourself over not getting laid for a year lmao. Normalshits are really fragile aren't they? I haven't gotten laid nor seen a vagina for 22 years dude should I just necc myself?

>> No.16972871
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I'm 28 and my dick doesn"t work. It's fucking fantastic, I don't have to think about and do sex any more. I wanted this since I was like 14.

>> No.16972897

46 and it still works fine

just take care of your health bro

>> No.16972911
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an experimental hip hop trio from Sacramento California. The members inude frontman MC Ride, the drummer Zach Hill, and Andy Morin also known as Flatlander.

>> No.16972912
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>Am I running out of time to use it at 25?

No you fucking idiot. But apparently time is running out for your fucking brain

>> No.16972931

Thanks for the advice I already learned 20 years ago desu.

>> No.16972932

based free man

>> No.16972938

77 years old here. Still bang the wife a few times a month. Doesnt work as good as when I was 25, but it's ok

>> No.16972947

Most important thing is to eat properly and do some strength training to try and reclaim your proper hormonal balance from this toxic cesspit we currently inhabit. DON'T smoke weed, it's worse than all the plastics and onions in the world.

>> No.16972956
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>being a degenerate porn watcher
>not watching hypnosis porn
>not training yourself to please women
not gonna make it

>> No.16972959

Take phyllium husk twice a day...the fiber cleans you out and drink two or three liters of water a day. In two weeks you’ll be fine. Also wash your hole once a day.

>> No.16972982

>just don't do anything bro it's all bad for your boner
normalfags are such fragile snowflakes living in crystal balls hahahahaha

>> No.16973008

Hey, drugs are great. Just not cannabis. At least use sparingly, or you will grow breasts.

>> No.16973037

I doubt drugs of any kind including nicotine and alcohol are fine for your erection. Judging by what the paranoid retards said ITT eating a hamburger will kill your erection. Trick is to enjoy life and stop being a silly normalslime.

>> No.16973065


Might just be a mental block. Maybe you're to fit and lean? Being sub 10% bf kills libido massively.

I wouldnt worry about the cialis though, shit is harmless and is even being beneficial to preventing high blood pressure etc.

Personally i can't feel physical attraction to a long term gf anymore. The only way to go is sneaky cialis get rock hard all the way. Even masturbating feels better on cialis. Dont worry women cheat as well (secret lube, spit etc etc etc).

>> No.16973140

Good recommendations, I try to push all coomers to do POV only

>> No.16973603

Faggot, must be a link holder

>> No.16973768
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I'm 31, 32 this year, I started working out right before I turned 30 and it definitely improved my dick. Getting fit is not a meme.