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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16963017 No.16963017 [Reply] [Original]

I’m here because I saw some videos about some collapse of cryptocurrency in 2018, and this board was losing its mind or something? More or less the first time I’ve used 4Chan. I guess this is as good a place to start as any. First question what the hell is “link“ and what does reaching 150 K have to do with it?
Next question somebody red pill me, Or cryptocurrency pill me, or whatever is done on this board so I can get it over with.

>> No.16963030

Link is a scam please move along

>> No.16963033

lol, good luck faggot

>> No.16963036

fuck you

>> No.16963065


you should visit


thank me later, friend

>> No.16963073

Crypto"currency" is the word used here to donate magical internet coins autists use to play a suicidal game of hot potato. It's all a scam, crypto will never go anywhere until a major fiat actually collapses, invest in biotech.

>> No.16963080

I want you to be very careful about going down the crypto rabbit hole my young zoomer. Crypto will ruin your social life

>> No.16963107

anything this site promotes is a tool for personal destruction and spiritual enslavement, just look at the idiot above trying to get him to his his pol cult.

>> No.16963152


>> No.16963154

^are you young = obviously yes
^you have no responsibilities?
^do you have 4digit worth savings of any sorts that you dont know what to do with?
^you have a healthy social life, and no need to cope in some sort of way by living in some escapist dream fantasy where you drive a lambo to impress that highschool crush you never went after?
^ are you able to emotionally deattach yourself from having lots of money, and being ok that the next moment all could be gone in a total failure and you still live your life happily like nothing happend?
>are you disciplined in a way that you have a structured way of living, with hobbies and doing various activties? so you dont end beeing vulnerable refreshing this useless catalog full of brappers, for 8 hours the day
^are you willing to buy into an asset and forget about it for the next 10 years?

if all these tick yes, congratulations an investment of all in LINK (buyable on coinbase.com), can potentionally highly likely be beneficial to your life

if you are negative on some of these points leave this board and not come back it will harm you seriously and a huge waste of time that will never pay out in any way

>> No.16963171

google is your friend

>> No.16963172

>Or cryptocurrency pill me, or whatever is done on this board so I can get it over with.
> spoonfeed me everything nao

shut the fuck up and get the fuck out you worthless brat.

>> No.16963190


kys OP

>> No.16963203

Actually we are in a bullrun right now, kneepads have never been in higher demand then right now. I bought a pair in 2017 for $30 and just resold them to some newfren for $50!

>> No.16963428

Start with /pol/ you kike

>> No.16963932
File: 67 KB, 750x747, 1579647180605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. upon first reading your piss, my good-natured soul was excited to answer your questions. YOU ARE A FUCKING FAGGOT. I truly hope that one day you will realize what a complete disrespectful, unwise and arrogant piece of shit you are right now. perhaps you will go stronger from this epiphany and return here with thoughts that contribute to society... FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.


>> No.16964870

the only difference between restaurant food and peasant home cooks is the amount of butter and salt being used in the dish. thats why eating out tastes better to the average normie wagie working a 9-5 that's "afraid of cooking"/seldom cooks.

to /ck/ patrician cooks such as myself, cooking is an ensemble of different tastes, textures, temperature, heat (spice), acidity and sweetness, underscored by a creativity and improvisation that results in the purest form of unadulterated creativity that titillates the senses and challenges the palate to be daring, bold and ultimately fearless in their new foray into the culinary world.

>> No.16964876

absolutely this.

>> No.16965343


>> No.16965554

don't post in biz OP. when you post in biz, biz remembers you. and when biz remembers you, you can never leave.

leave while you can or else you'll be damned to wander these boards forever, shitposting, shilling/fudding bags, and buying high/selling low.

>> No.16965562
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>> No.16965805
File: 162 KB, 750x747, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to spend a minimum of 3 months lurking /pol/ to become initiated. If you can handle that you'll stay here forever.

>> No.16965827
File: 95 KB, 686x526, 1579799378267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crypto pill is to make memes. Now fuck off zoomer.

>> No.16966892

Go to fucking pol you fucking idiot and don’t even fucking think about coming back here till you’ve lurked for at least 2 years

>> No.16966911

Based advice, buy link, with every pay check, and wage slave until it explodes, buy low sell high. dont get caught in fomo. in-fact when you get fomo. log off

>> No.16966917

Anon rule 1 is always DYOR, do your own research, its your money. dont fall for shills. selling thier shitcoins