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16959854 No.16959854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Its not just bats, snakes, gators, monkeys, and fermented rats. Its human babies.

They get what they deserver. I hope the virus kills all of them. Sell your chinese investments.

>> No.16959864

Link for the sceptical

>> No.16959875
File: 288 KB, 686x526, 1579783569875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16959939

Fake news

>> No.16959964 [DELETED] 

>its real
Fucking chicks goddamnit

>> No.16959968


>> No.16959974 [DELETED] 


>> No.16959978

nah this is real. you have no idea how bad things really are. look up "the cruel dishes". Chinks are genetically evil.

>> No.16960015

I remember reading something about chinese turning fetuses into a powder and taking them in pill form because they thought it increased lifespan or some dumb shit, but this seems far more disturbing

>> No.16960050

The Chinese eat them but in the U.S the abortion babies go to the Jewish elite for stem cells. Merica is not much better if at all

>> No.16960073

they posses no empathy

>> No.16960100

Dude wtf i am about to puke. No way the chinks are so disgusting and i thought live monkey brain was their top. They deserve to be eradicated out of this planet

>> No.16960116

they are disgustang but any proof about virus originates from these?

>> No.16960123

There are 1.3 billion people in China. What are the odds we find some seriously fucked up stuff there?

>> No.16960140
File: 10 KB, 223x226, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this or is it not fake news?

>> No.16960145

Asians are actual flesh robots, look how they treat eachother and animals too

>> No.16960149

is it 2001 again?

its an art exposition


>Yu's most famous piece of conceptual art, titled "Eating People," was performed at a Shanghai arts festival in 2000. It consisted of him cooking and eating what is alleged to be a human fetus.[3] The picture, circulated on the internet via e-mail in 2001, provoked investigations by both the FBI and Scotland Yard.[3] It was intended as "shock art".[4][5] Snopes and other urban legend sites have said the "fetus" used by Zhu Yu was most likely constructed from a duck's body and a doll head

god, im fucking old...

>> No.16960155


>> No.16960171

That’s the placenta. This is far more fucked up. I know this is all part of a co-ordinated anti Chinese psy op but god knows the world needs to know how fucked these insects really are.

>> No.16960177

ever see asians start charities? no, china even has laws that require animal cruelty, you cant test on humans

>> No.16960182

>trusting snopes

you may be a literal boomer

>> No.16960212

You can find dozens of references to this exhibition with more photos. Yahoo! didn't turn anything up, Boomer?

>> No.16960222

I remember spamming this shock image around forums in order to create chaos (and get banned) around 2004. Thought it was real.

>> No.16960232

baby eating CHINK detected

>> No.16960247

The Wiki says,
>Yu has claimed that he used an actual fetus which was stolen from a medical school. He was prosecuted for his deeds
Considering the Bumfights creator was also caught importing dead fetuses and baby parts at an airport, my guess is that the baby is real. And Snopes saying it's made of a doll head is a lie to make the Chinese look not as barbaric.

>> No.16960275

Uma delicia

>> No.16960465

yeah it's a real fucking fetus though. not whatever retarded shit they said. you really think "Organ Harvesting and daylight child kidnapping Bonanza - the country" is above this?

>> No.16960491

Based and redpilled

>> No.16960509

>In 1995, one human rights advocate recorded allegation of doctors eating dead fetus after performing abortions at Shenzhen hospitals. To confirm the allegation, an undercover reporter from Eastern Express visited a state owned health center for women and children and asked a female doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that the hospital was out of stock but reminded the reporter to come back. When the reporter went back to the hospital, the doctor offered ten fetuses for free.

>The disturbing human rights abuse comes from a distorted view of unborn children in Chinese culture. Traditionally, ancient Chinese considered ingestion of firstborns, aborted fetuses and placentas as part of a mother’s flesh. An unborn child has no personhood of his or her own. Hence, mothers believed that they were theirs to reabsorb to create a new, healthier baby. This type of belief is common in societies practicing cannibalistic infanticide.


but whoever said the jews also do this with planned parenthood clinics is also right. bbq'd baby brains etc.