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16946352 No.16946352 [Reply] [Original]

What's you prediction on bitcoin price by halving?

>> No.16946380

13k at halving....20k eoy....135k may 2021....45k eoy 2021....78k 2022

>> No.16946392

it is the biggest meme ever

>> No.16946405

priced in
and there is no new money
BTC will bleed and bleed and bleed

>> No.16946411


>> No.16946418

i agree with ~13k at halving

the rest is asuka meme

>> No.16946439

It will crab after halving and BTC cucks will realize they wont make it. Some will leave crypto and some will move on to alternatives that scale, mostly BSV and BCH which will both 10x but overall crypto mc will decline

>> No.16946501

This. This always happens. There's always some event *guaranteed* to make everyone money and rocket the price, that by the time it rolls around everyone knows about it and everyone buys in expecting it to happen, except because everyone already knew about it, there's nobody left to fomo for the event.

You niggers need to realize that all this shit worked in the past because crypto was still relatively invisible and market movements happened naturally, with people reacting to shit and a lucky few that held reaped the benefits of that unknown. The only, the only fucking way that BTC will break the 20k ATH is with a real life catastrophe making people shuffle their assets around and panic. Otherwise, this shit isn't used by anyone, stocks are doing amazing, and the entire blockchain industry ended up looking like the biggest scam ever.

>> No.16946511


>> No.16946523


>> No.16946543

We'll attempt to break $9k and hold another 1-2 times, it will fail, and then we'll test $7k again before bouncing up once again to $8.5k and then the MTGOX fud will hit in early March, pushing us down again to the $7k range where we'll crab until the halvening, it'll be a non-event and people will dump and crab in the low $7s and THEN come summer we'll test $9k, break it, and push towards $12k by winter.

>> No.16946591

>it won’t happen again

>> No.16946599

>is literally happening again

>> No.16946616

shoo boomer

>> No.16946642
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15k at halving, 60-100k by Christmas, 280k by EOY 2021.

>> No.16946656

the best thing about once the citadels are built is what we will legally be allowed to do to you.

>> No.16946661

Is there anyone that takes people like >>16946543 serious ? How can anyone make such sweeping predicitions based on bascially their feelings. Crypto is extremely volatile and any prediction is bound to be garbage. Just look at how one small crisis pumped the entire market.

>> No.16946686
File: 602 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200120-152709_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long you can keep coping. The BTC log meme chart that somehow convinces everyone it will continue to go up forever will be invalidated. This will cause even the biggest bulls on hopium to capitulate. At the point where almost everyone is cursing crypto and nobody has hope for it continuing to rise, that's when you buy dumbasses.

The halvening will not moon the price. At that point there's literally nothing left for people to look forward to besides blind hope.

>> No.16946694

>halvening will not moon the price
its literally never mooned on date...its always a one-year build up afterwards.
learn the industry you're trying to trade in newfag.

>> No.16946730

Yes, I know. No part of the halvening will moon the price. It will literally do nothing to the price even a year out. Scarcity only matters when people actually want to own the thing that's scarce. The difficulty will increase for an asset declining in utility for the first time in its life. Less and less places are accepting BTC for the first time in its life.

Think for one minute instead of letting your hopes do the thinking for you.

>> No.16946738

We'll reach 240k and then settle on around 100k.

>> No.16946749

the problem is that the halvening was just an excuse for whales to pump the price, the only thing stopping them from doing it again would be an obvious lack of public interest
and I'm not sure it's the case although the 2017-18 crash really repelled A LOT of normies from ever touching this shit again

>> No.16946750

4.3k. Half of the current price.

>> No.16946771
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>> No.16946789

People forget that you need the miners to run the network. The miners need money to run the network. There are hundreds of different grey and black markets as well as organized crime entities and rogue states that rely on these markets to make transactions in order to survive. They dont care what the price of a bitcoin is as long as the network stays up.

Betting on bitcoin in its rawest form is betting on human nature and literal supply and demand economics in its purest form.

>> No.16946809

Kek and 4 years later this faggot is still posting

>> No.16946810

>it's another "look, this person was wrong so that means anyone saying this at any point in the future is also wrong" episode

>> No.16946819

>less places are accepting crypto
Haha. Good one boomer.
>China literally building entire universities to study and build on the blockchain.
It’s like you hate money and want to be retarded.

>> No.16946843

>its another "my hubris dwarfs my ability to recognize historic and economic trends"

>> No.16946875

15k or so.
that's the peak, though.
btc will dump to 12k the day after and then never reach 15 again.

>> No.16946986

>implying 11 years is enough to establish an economic trend that essentially translates in your mind to "go up forever!!"

And I'm the one with the hubris?

>> No.16947059

Bitcoin is the solution for the elites one world government. No asset has ever been deflationary in humanities time. For the first time a central world currency shows itself. You think they’re just gonna pass this up? The Euro was the big experiment for a central currency and it failed miserably. The same with dollar. Why do you think the Russians and the Chinese are stocking up on gold? They’re trying to establish themselves as the world currency. It’s never gonna happen though, there will never be enough gold for that to happen. Bitcoin is the solution for the elite. And if you’re not buying in you’re just a boomer fuck who still thinks “cash is king”.

>> No.16947102

This whole thing won’t moon because I want it too or because of my hopes and dreams. It will moon because they NEED it to. And will do everything in their power in order to see it happen. Screen shot this.

>> No.16947263
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>Less and less places are accepting BTC for the first time in its life.
Is this bait? Between the atm's, streaming and e-girl culture, business interest, criminals, apocalypse nuts, the fact that ₿ now exists, and precious metal owner's slowly realizing their shiny rocks are in an infinite abundance in space and can be artificially made by laboratories in assumingly much larger quantities in the future, AND is still found with on earth in massive numbers? Yeah i don't buy this.

>> No.16947269
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$9762.8 on the exact moment of the halving screenshot this

>> No.16947333
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after halving, 0

>> No.16947496

11.5k at halving. Dump to 7.5k eoy. 2021 will be the golden bull run

>> No.16948375

This will be a disaster year for btc. The market does the opposite of what most think. Right now normies act like the halving is a secret yet even my grandmother knows about it.

Look on twitter, telegram, reddit and biz, normies predicting retarded prices like 100k or more.

>> No.16948386

$12k then drop to $9k then a long bowl up

>> No.16948396

the halving is a fundamental event doesn't matter who knows about it.

>> No.16948406

either that or $9k or higher. which one you bet on depends on your iq. low iq retard take the insane gamble that btc somehow crashes and don't drag down all alts with it. chances of that are less than 1 to a billion.

>> No.16948421

BTC will peak at the halvening or just before, and slowly retrace for the following 3-4 months.
I could see +5K monthly gain up until the halvening, and then retracement to sub 10K.

>> No.16948424

Yes it matter. Like I said the market does the opposite of most.

>> No.16948505
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Biz about to be btfo

>> No.16948645

You know how retarded you just sounded.
>the market does the opposite
So If I want the market to go down I wish for it right? So that it goes up?
It’s fundamental for people to want the markets to go up because that’s how they make money you dumbass. Claiming that the market “did the opposite” while everyone wants it to go up doesn’t mean it did the opposite it’s doing what it’s doing, it’s almost impossible to predict it. So to claim you know what it’s going to do is laughable especially since it’s based on some pseudo intellectual feeling.

>> No.16948717

People have had the same discussion before every halvening. And you'll have newfags saying the same exact things before the 2024 halvening.
>there's no way it's going to 1m!
>this ponzi scam is going down to 10k, then 1k and then finally to zero where it belongs!
>this time it's truly different!

>> No.16948737

I don't know but people have been extremely silent on this topic even if it's only 3 months away

>> No.16949010
File: 267 KB, 800x600, 1578691575588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a new bitcoin in town that came to ruin your little bullrun

>> No.16949725

the whole point of fiat is that its easily manipulated. Why would they care about having a single global currency if it was out of their control? Besides the usd is basically already there and they run every other currency besides NK and a few arab countries already.

>> No.16950071

This is extremely bullish. Normalfags buy in at current price. Price tanks by 30-40% and they sell right before we moon.

>> No.16950167

Delete NOW

>> No.16950201


>> No.16950239

You are a brainlet your post doesnt even make sense

>> No.16950285

Projection, the post

>> No.16950388

I’m gonna be laughing at you from the inside of the citadel walls.