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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16945476 No.16945476 [Reply] [Original]

Quant False Scam Promises

Launch offices und Uk & Asia & Usa
Exchanges, multiple T1's

100k Quant Token Dumps by Quant Team und Old team members


>> No.16945481

Gil his last card Swiss Stock Exchange

3 More Execs Leave Swiss Stock Exchange’s $100M Blockchain Project


>> No.16945513


great pumps though, thanks based shillbert

>> No.16945527
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check here for more info un Ocean

What's to come in 2020? We've detailed our product & community goals for the next 12 months which include:

Developer adoption by deploying REST API
going permissionless
funding for development of killer apps on Ocean

https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/2019-year-in-review-43bed3615608 (2/2)

>> No.16945547
File: 128 KB, 620x530, Money2020-Europe-2019-Gilbert-Verdian-Quant-Network.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, coz somebhody is on the phone, bank or major finance player.

No Gil, it's the office manager to pay your bills

>> No.16945549

Knew it

>> No.16945582

Tis is very stranghe as well

New US COO is Gagik Alaverdian.

Gilbert's real name is Gilbert Alaverdian.

He worked for CSC (check his LinkedIn profile for proof) in 2002 and
here's an article from 2002 where his real name can be seen:


Gilbert (ALA) Verdian...?

>> No.16945589

An 18 year old article?
The fud has reached new lows

>> No.16945609

IN 88000 Quant TOKENS!!!!

Bought back a scam coin.
KickToken (KICK)

Why shill been dumphing?
Blockchain ish real und fair

>> No.16945622

Kick token was air drop donnie

Give it a rest

>> No.16945634
File: 82 KB, 4000x1403, 1_TtelWqf-VQ1GQ4y_UGRO1Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whe are making new economy, data driven.

Bank don't use crypto or blockchain.

Qnt is a scam buy Ocean

>> No.16945652

Why you Quant faggots complain so much? You deserved to get scammed, we SAFEX holder been raped in the ass by dabek and his lies, he promised space program, satellites, container ships, marketplace and 5$ per coin, just accept the scam like we did and learn to live with your heavy bags

>> No.16945702

But Muh Banks are coming...

$15 to $2 dump, All organic.

Und Banks bought licensing via treasury nobody knows wallet, no buys KEk

>> No.16945712
File: 12 KB, 337x149, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latest scam, nobody is buyhing it anymore. even Brad is sick and tired of Quant.

All wallets are exposed they cashed out massively.