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16939846 No.16939846 [Reply] [Original]

Who here /onlinebusiness/? I run a website that makes about 10K USD/mo off affiliate commissions, I also write on the side for $40/hr for beer money. Anyone else got themselves an e-hustle to stay away from being a wagie? CPA, SEOs, even dropshitters are welcome

>> No.16939868

How many site visitors do you get every month to be worth 10k of affiliates? What kind of website is it?

>> No.16939894

Usually around 2000-2500. We were at 4K and climbing before google fucked us in November, we use organic search traffic as our main driver. It’s a review/informational site in the adult niche which pays about 20% or higher per sale

>> No.16939909

I meant 2000-2500 per day not per month my bad

>> No.16939938

How does a brainlet start doing this sort of thing?

>> No.16939953

this bump for brainlet guide

>> No.16939957

I'd love to buy out a chunk of your site.
Offering based on 15x monthly profit.

I run a six figure amazon business. Looking to diversify my income streams.

>> No.16939984

Here's my brainlet guide to affiliate marketing:
Start off by finding a niche to promote. The goal is to find something with the best mixture of high traffic but low difficulty ranking for keywords. AHrefs is a good tool for this and you can buy access for cheap through a group buy. High traffic means lots of searches, low difficulty means not a lot of competition so you need less backlinks to rank.

Once you've picked out a niche (lets just say enemas in this example) you need to make a website. Pick a good domain name that's easy to remember/type and topical. Exact match domains like bestenemasever.com aren't really the best, enemabros.com for instance would be better but there's 1000 times better than that. Next make an about page with some fake bullshit about how you just love enemas and want everyone else to know how to shop for them.

Your next move is to start writing reviews on the most popular enema products out there. You should find retailers that aren't amazon (percentage sucks) who offer percentages of 10-15% per sale. Write about popular products and plug where to buy them in your review, usually one button at the beginning and one at the end of your review. Keep writing more and more, always be producing more content.

Next is procure backlinks to your website. The easiest way to do this is with guest posts on another website, usually you pay $50-$300 for a link back to your site to be put into a new article on another good website. You want links from popular websites that people actually read, not link farms/PBNs.

Pick niche --> make site ---> promote products with review pages ---> get more backlinks ---> wait ---> profit

>> No.16939997

Standard multipliers these days are 20x-35x, with future trends seeming more like 25x-50x. If you're trying to buy sites that actually make money you gotta offer enough for me to actually want the payout instead of just continuing to grow the site and making that money myself. Why would I even sell you a portion of the site now anyways? I'd still do all of the work but just give you a portion of my earnings? No chance in hell.

>> No.16940024

Currently developing a website which could generate some good traffic if my expectations are right, planning on putting in ads for revenue generation, as there is not a product to sell, just a function to use but you have to visit the page everytime to use it etc., could be made into an product tho if i could sell api access but thats stuff for the future

How much revenue can one expect just from ads?

Any other angles to generate revenue through a website which mainly provides a tool/function to use?

>> No.16940041
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>I also write on the side for $40/hr
Yeah this is the part I'm gonna need more details about honestly.

>> No.16940079

I write for two clients. One sells guest posts while the other is just a straight content agency, but the kind of work is nearly identical. I write a 500-1000 word article on just about any topic under the sun from why you should pay for a maid to why an eco-friendly bed is your best bet in 2020. My real rate is $10/500 words but the quality burden is so low and my fast typing skills (100wpm) make it all too easy to make 40-60 an hour, so like 2000-3000 words. They need someone better than indians who can just write something a webmaster is willing to post, I also put in a link with anchor text to the client's website. Since the end client is paying like $500 for the link to who pays me it's a pittance to pay me $10-$30 per article.

If you want to make similar cash just make a portfolio, here's like four article titles so you can make a portfolio: Things You Need to Know about a Search Engine Marketing Consultant, 7 Sleeper Sofa Beds To Choose For Your Tiny House, 8 Steps to do After Being Involved in a Car Accident, Is Hiring a Professional Cleaner Worth It?

Once you have a portfolio look for content agencies or link building services and send them an email as a content writer asking for $10/500 words. If you can write fast and bullshit just as quick you should be making at least $20-30 USD an hour. Random facebook groups that people who own websites hang around in are good too.

>> No.16940101

Ads don't really pay that great until your traffic is behemoth size. You can sell guest posts to your site for about $300 a pop once you start ranking though, that's a good way to monetize that assuming you post random blog/info articles occasionally. Another way to monetize it would be to have only a limited amount of free uses every x period of time before they need to sign up for the paid version, assuming its that cool of a tool.

>> No.16940133

You do do all the work for other sites too, and they wouldn't pay you unless they profiting on you hardcore. I'd wager you are undercutting your potential income by 40% by giving your labour away, hence 15x vs 25x.

Sell yourself short and expect the market to notice.

>> No.16940156

so you only spend money for backlinks? Is it worth to put some money into facebook/google ads to promote your website? how much times it tooks you to get 10k/m level?

>> No.16940164

So basically the process is:

1) Write a small portfolio of 3 or 4 BS articles about whateverthefuck you want, 500-1000 words each.

2) Find things called "content agencies" and "link building services". Also look for webmasters hanging out in facebook groups.

3) Solicit them via email as a "content writer" and ask them to buy your writing for ~$10/500 words with a link to your portfolio.

I have no idea what a "content agency" or "link building service" is or looks like but this seems like a good start.

>> No.16940211

I'd wager you're a shithead. My labor is spent writing content that then drives sales to another website who pays me 20-25% (1/5th to 1/4th of the entire product's retail price if you prefer fractions). They pay me because without me they wouldn't have made the sale, I'm pretty much just an extension of their marketing team that gets paid by performance versus a set wage. I don't have to hold product, ship anything, or pay any employees. But I still get a sizeable portion of the money made from any given sale. Yes, this means their markup is so high that they can give that much money away and they're still making money but they have factories and employees and I have a laptop.

I'm actually a huge shithead with organizational problems and probably work 5-10 hours a week if that, if I actually had my shit together the site would probably be double in size and traffic.

It's a two man operation with me doing most of the content while my partner does most of the SEO/website stuff but I'm fairly passable myself. Our expenses are usually 1-2k a month and that's if we bought a lot of links, we're pretty solid now to the point where our only real expense is hosting so it's way more like $500 a month because we've gotten better at finding good links.

I'd love to know what 40% I'm apparently leaving on the table by "giving my labor away". If you're suggesting I buy the products myself at a wholesale price and resell them directly you really aught to reconsider how valuable your time is doing all of that crap plus the fact that customers always feel more comfortable buying from places they trust instead of my random shopify site.

>> No.16940317

you have any blogs/forums/discords worth to follow and read to know more about affiliate? some study cases etc

>> No.16940369

More or less we only spend money on backlinks. Lots of people spend money on content but we're blessed in that I can do all of it myself. My friend does a lot of the SEO stuff so that means together we're pretty much iron clad. We do pay a dev to make things work better or other misc costs for tools and such but the cost for those is so low it's barely worth mentioning. Some people swear by ads but we've never touched them. I don't think they are worthless but the current burden on making them and optimizing them is a low priority versus other things that can make us more money with the same amount of effort. If you can find a way to capture traffic consistently and make money from it, go for it.


That's more or less the process, yeah. Just have a portfolio that shows you understand English and can write bullshit articles. Content agencies sell content. I wrote a goddamn 2000 word article on a coffee maker yesterday ffs. Link building services sell links from a "high authority" website to one that wants some of their "link juice". Good outreach and emailing skills will increase your chances of success. Just think about it simply: find people who need words written and offer your services as someone who can write words. $10/500 words should be considered the absolute base wage a westerner should charge. Lots of people might shit on me for taking that low but its just too ez.

The discords are usually filled with people who are literally just starting, I've yet to find a discord full of actually accomplished affiliate marketers who make enough to quit a day job. Matt Diggity has a lot of good content while Neil Patel does an okay job too. If you can steal access to Matt's Affiliate Lab somehow that's essentially all you'll ever need to get started. Just learn about On Site SEO, Off Site SEO, Technical SEO, and Content and you have the four pillars taken care of.

>> No.16940387

>affiliate commissions

>> No.16940412

>Matt's Affiliate Lab
Holy fuck 1000$, bit pricy.
Your websites are all wordpress? and how long it tooks you to actually make profit from websites?

>> No.16940465

It's super pricy and literally just information you can find by Googling. All courses are just information you can find yourself, you're essentially just paying for the fact that they found similar info first and tested it a little before making a course about it.

All wordpress but we use Thrive Architect as our page builder. It took us six months to make our first sale, 12 months to reach minimum wage for both partners, now we're making 10-15k per month USD after about 16 months. Don't slack like I did initially and you might be able to shave a few months off of each milestone.

I put a link on my website and if someone clicks it and buys the product I get a percentage of the sale. Review website is how I capture interested traffic. Any way you can find people who will buy shit from a link you post will make you affiliate dollars.

>> No.16940524

Gratz man! good work Im happy for you. Keep rockin'

But you are flipping websites as well or just focus on few and try to build them as big as possible?
You are focused on one niche or exploring new ones all the time?

>> No.16940533

What site? How are you making 10k per month from that? I have never bought something like that.

>> No.16940594

I need to start putting effort into my other sites. I have 3-4 I should start developing but I'm mostly trying to keep my main site growing. I wouldn't consider selling this site for less than $1million, it's not really at that point yet but by EOY we want to be making 30k USD/mo. We're actually a relatively small fish in the niche so it's beyond possible.

Standard SEO hygiene means keeping your site & niche a tightly guarded secret, copycats and such. Nobody necessarily buys anything from our website. We capture traffic looking for information about a particular product and if they go to the store page from our site we get paid. Once you write about enough products that people actively look for information on and they buy it after being linked from your site you get paid. Simple enough although something like 90% of affiliate marketers fail because they can't make compelling content or promote the most ass products/services known to man just because they found them on clickbank or some shit

>> No.16940685

you're so full of shit lol

>> No.16940728
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>> No.16940838

wow 2k pajeets, isnt that $2 in cpm

>> No.16940908

I don't know how much it is in CPM since that's not what I do. I make money from people who actually buy shit after clicking my link. My commission rate is about 20%. So if 1% of that converts (20 people) for a 50 dollar purchase that's 200 dollars a day. Even pajeets should be able to do that math.

>> No.16940958

I found something like this and more less its what you said here. https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/ahvuq6/amazon_affiliate_website_from_0_to_7786month_in/

I will read more about this. Heard fo affiliate marketing like 2 years ago but though that its dead already

>> No.16941618

i suck dick for cash. does that count?

>> No.16941698

How involved do you get with the products? Are you actually buying and using them or just bsing reviews? Also how important is advertising to get your site higher in the search results?