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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16938754 No.16938754 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16938775
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Dividend cut coming in soon.

This might be the final nail in the coffin of The Great American Dream.

>> No.16938786
File: 24 KB, 667x599, 2020-01-21 14_12_11-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a bubble to me

>> No.16938788
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>stock drops a measly 5% in an hour
>boomers literally shut down exchanges of the security in response

>> No.16938841
File: 74 KB, 2000x1000, 2000px-DJIA_historical_graph_to_jul11_(log).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like a bubble to me

>> No.16938858

Damn. Look how small and insignificant the dotcom bubble and the great recession are compared to the great depression.

>> No.16938902
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>> No.16938946

now imagine it coming all the way down from up there

>> No.16938965

Good. Now we just wait for the rest of the stock market to follow

>> No.16938967

the 100 year bubble
either this or it is the economy that has been growing

>> No.16939002
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Don't forget this

>> No.16939031

Thats REALLY bad.

They spend $43 on share buybacks.

They now OWN $43B worth of stock.

A stock that ran right into a fucking wall.

Now they have to BORROW money, and take on DEBT, in order to stay off this crisis.

Good god.

>> No.16939048

no no it's ok they halted trading shh nothing to see here the economy is booming go back to work

>> No.16939056

anon no, pls

>> No.16939113

dont worry they are too big to fail

>> No.16939125

The irony is that they outsourced the engineering to India. So it’s actually India’s fault

>> No.16939135

Send best regards to Lehman Brother’s

>> No.16939137
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Head severance now

>> No.16939147

Wow, that poor guy

>> No.16939186

lmao. don't worry, if they need to dump their bags the boomer market will just get paused for a day and then since evryone's attention span is nonexistent and the fed is pumping money into the markets at record pace they can undo their mistake by dumping. hell, forget about dumping even, they should probably just do more buybacks

>> No.16939210

reminder that boeing supressed scientist research finding their altitude meter at fault, instead blaming the pilots 10 years ago


>> No.16939247

this is the end state of oligopolies that are given too much government protection. it's only a matter of time before humanity loses the capability of flight altogether. all the boomers who could do the work have retired or died and all that is left is a bunch of abject retards in the "finance" department and $9/hr indian coders.

>> No.16939249
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>halting stonks

muh free market

>> No.16939303

I bought an ATM call after trading resumed. It's going quite well. Should I sell or wait for Trump to tweet and pump it back up even more?

>> No.16939354

Halting stocks is as dumb as closing banks during a bank run holy shit

>> No.16939378

Kike money changers are a dime a dozen. You cannot just replace Boeing.

>> No.16939423

So sad seeing an american company being obliterated by a europoor company.

I think we can all blame Trump for this. Vote Sanders 2020.

>> No.16939609

arent airdrops supposed to help the price?

>> No.16939720
File: 131 KB, 1544x858, Screenshot from 2020-01-21 22-21-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ironic that the captcha had me looking for busses.
Airbus is superior in every way.
The 787 dreamliner had those cabin fires.
Max does nothing but crash.

Meanwhile Airbus has a sublime safety record.

>> No.16939746

Meanwhile Airbus is only worth 108 Billion Euro compared to Boeing's 176 Billion Dollar.

>> No.16940264

This would need to 2x in a year start looking like a bubble. It hasn't gone parabolic yet.

>> No.16941384

I'm a buyer when it hits $250 kek

>> No.16941396

>muh make america great again
it's ogre

>> No.16941710
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Tesla is next, u mad /smg/ booomerz? (option trading zoomer chads excluded of course)

>> No.16941751

why did they halt trading for a shitty 'normal service estimated to resume in..' statement? They put out about 2 of those every quarter, as they nosedive into bankruptcy

>> No.16941789

Airbus is shackled by EU protectionism that complicates the entire production process.
Idk the countries off hand but to build one plane, the parts come from several different countries to be assembled in France.

>> No.16941906

For real who wants to ride in a max even after it gets ungrounded? They need to just kill the plane

>> No.16941911

Diversity is strength!!!

>> No.16942531

It’s fucking hilarious and infuriating at the same time.

>> No.16942551

Checked. This is why they're so scared of crypto

>> No.16942575

GM was saved

>> No.16942587
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now here it is priced in gold

>> No.16942595

Look at how much money GE wasted

>> No.16942622

whereas Boeings unbridled capitalism functioned so winningly, they bought the regulator? Soon see how much Burgers still moaning about 'state intervention and protectionism' when the US Gubmnt has to prop up the remains of their stinking carcass. Until the worlds actually still fucking trusted Airplane Regulators (aka the chinks) say its Ok to set foot in one of their flying coffins again. And that's not going to happen anytime soon, regardless whatever horseshit Boeing spout. Ain't no-one trusting those racketeering reprobates again in a hurry

>> No.16942656

That's how every stock looks. It's not a bubble, its how much the currency has been debased.

>> No.16942697

Good, I hope it dumps so I can buy a shit ton and be rich in 10 years.

>> No.16942923

>Dividend cut coming
wait and see if the idiots start borrowing cash to pay dividends. Not even government could save anyone with their heads still provably that far up their arse. That would be count the parachutes time.

>> No.16943089

This. I want my $150 shares

>> No.16943119
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They now OWN $43B worth of stock.
If they run out of credit facility that $43B of stock magically turns to shit.

>> No.16943121

No. I own a bunch of 2u. The other day it ran up 15% in less than 3 minutes because the algos were reading rumors wrongs. I was able to sell some at 12%. When it opened back up it dropped most of its gains.

>> No.16943146

that's what a lot of companies are doing, they have payout ratios above 100%. meaning they pay more out in dividends than they make in profit in a year.

>> No.16943171

if they own a shitload of their own stock via buybacks, isnt that just money laundering?

>> No.16943191

What caused the runup from 1980 - 2000? Was it just computers and the internet or what was going on there?

>> No.16943410

That's not how vendor management works.

>> No.16943425


>> No.16943455

I’ll buy in at $80.

>> No.16943456

unironically selling all my stocks tomorrow. the fact that they halted trading just shows again how rigged and inflated this bs market is

>> No.16943929
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>> No.16944188

I’m actually curious to know what (((their))) spin is on why they’re allowed to do that. The USA is supposed to be about muh freedom and capitalism (kek, I know) but being able to freeze trading because NOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOO YOU CANT JUST LET NEGATIVE NEWS AFFECT OUR STOCKS is just so fucking retarded that I want to know how they justify it.

>> No.16944189

>Idk the countries off hand but to build one plane, the parts come from several different countries to be assembled in France.
just like boeing sources parts and sub-assemblies from different states and even countries.
whats your point?

>> No.16944192

>Bitcoin? Isn't that a scam internet money with overfluctuating values? Lmao, stop being a kid and invest in real stocks.


>> No.16944247

the (((official spin))) is that since majority of trading is done by bots, a simple programming bug or bots misinterpreting "human" language (ie news that other bots post) can cause a runaway effect and bankrupt a company. they added these safeties after something like that actually happened a couple of times with early bots.
anyways, these halts are usually short, from several minutes, to couple of hours, just so everybody could check if its bots getting crazy or theres an actual reason for dropping.

>> No.16944263

Too late fren, they already are. They're also looking for a bail out. All the cash on the balance sheet is credit, they've spent all their money on stock buybacks to pump their price and now all they have is debt. They'll either get bailed out, or gov will give them a nice fat 10B contract.

>> No.16944335

Based and stonkpilled

>> No.16944698

Hopefully this teaches them a lesson about outsourcing, but I suspect they're mega yids in charge so probably not.

>> No.16944725

that is fucking retarded lmao
it just fucking confirms that the stock market has nothing to do with the actual productive output of the usa
if bots can bankrupt a company by just fucking trading numbers completely unrelated to anything that physically changed, then this shit is all made up fantasy bullshit

>> No.16945139

>this shit is all made up fantasy bullshit
congrats you just described modern economics and finance

>> No.16945781

How is halting a drop even legal? Why is it always in that direction. You never see halting when it's going up. How can this be called ''free market''

>> No.16945792

Just fucking scrap the whole plane and start again with a better name. And get rid of pajeets from programming your fucking planes asshole. Eat fucking shit Boeing.

>> No.16945960

that's a logarithmic scale, the other two are significantly larger

>> No.16946046

while you're not (mathematically) wrong, a depression is much worse than a recession. So technically the visual representation on the log chart is much closer to the effects on the real world, even though the numbers were much smaller back then.

>> No.16946089
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B A S E D .