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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 600x800, DEDAB536-6F24-46B6-AD47-0A895D432246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16930677 No.16930677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16930712

it's better than letting it all sit in a bank like some autistic sperg. go live your life, cuck. you could get hit by a bus tomorrow.

>> No.16930715

Leave them alone. We're all running away from something, anon.

>> No.16930776
File: 61 KB, 1150x1204, 1579101556633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>travelling is the ONLY way to spend money
roastie detected

>> No.16930791

is traveling a meme? i dont see any point on me traveling

>> No.16930797

i like travelling but i like buying shitcoins more. i'll travel when i make it. problem, nigger?

>> No.16930812

It isn't if you are a woman or chad. You get all the exotic fucky fucky you want

>> No.16930825

Travelling is the bomb. You see that all your problems where you live are tied to that shithole. You can swim at beaches and ski and meet people and shieet.

>> No.16930840

fuck that has the most autistic graph i have ever seen

>> No.16930894

Did they compare crime for crime?

>> No.16930931
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>> No.16930936

Based onions poster BTFOing materialist cucks

>> No.16930943

wages have gone down and the executive share of profits has gone up exponentially since the 1970s, but you want to be a bucket crab to your fellow peasants instead of having the balls to take on the profiteering elites

>> No.16931001
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>Travelling is the bomb. You see that all your problems where you live are tied to that shithole. You can swim at beaches and ski and meet people and shieet.

>> No.16931085

I'd rather do it when I'm old so money isn't a problem and I can just relax. I'd also like to be conversational in the languages of the places I want to go so I'm not stuck in tourist traps with everyone looking at me like a big dumb dollar sign.

>> No.16931107

You realize that brewing your own beer is cheaper than buying it, right?

>> No.16931111
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i love traveling

>> No.16931117
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>You realize that brewing your own beer is cheaper than buying it, right?

>> No.16931129

You know what's even cheaper? Not drinking the liquid jew at all.

>> No.16931140

until you fuck up a batch and pay for all the equipment and bottles and cappers and kegs

>> No.16931145

Traveling for work right now. It’s very overrated. If you are loaded it’s maybe okay but if you are just your average mid upper class American with 1 or 2 million net worth it’s not worth it.

>> No.16931173

Have you ever considered giving your beer a cool name and then getting hipster places to stock it?

>> No.16931189
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>wages have gone down and the executive share of profits has gone up exponentially since the 1970s, but you want to be a bucket crab to your fellow peasants instead of having the balls to take on the profiteering elites

>> No.16931190

No. The market is very, very saturated where I live.

>> No.16931236

Call me a faggot, but I wouldnt wanna leave my cats that long alone. I love them more than some family. Also, I never grew up going on family vacations, we were poor. On top of that, I'd rather invest about 500 bucks a month into crypto and stocks.

>> No.16931258

I dont like basedboys but rich people will be the first to go

>> No.16931272

Travelling is awesome if your company covers all expenses

>> No.16931292

> Federal reserve gives us artificially low interest rates
> Student loans.....for travel
> Instathots
> Boomers with huge bank accounts
Welcome to the age of overtourism anons!

>> No.16931303

>he doesn't have foreign girlfriends to stay with to save money

>> No.16931406
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In barbados buying shitcoins and not ugly :D maybe take trip to nearest bridge incel

>> No.16931423
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>> No.16931433

you're a faggot.

>> No.16931524

Whenever /biz/ hates on traveling it sounds like pure cope
Not from a financial standpoint but from a social standpoint
Yeah if you're an autist who can't connect with people you're going to hate being out of your normal routine without any of your comforts.

>> No.16931529
File: 44 KB, 508x524, 7482063C-B418-4316-B175-4859F2863D3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>anon I think you should spend some time in [shitty irrelevant country], it’ll be good for you

>> No.16931546


>> No.16931573

Nice projection. I live in my own house.
What is there to see in this globohomo clown world that I can't see on the internet?
Why would I want to meet new people? I fucking hate people.
Yep, sounds like normie faggot bullshit to me. Now please return to plebbit.

>> No.16931577
File: 89 KB, 750x1000, pepehype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some really cheap plane tickets anon

>> No.16931584

How about the opposite?
An autist wants to try to connect to different places and different societies.
As an experiment or whatever.

>> No.16931603

How should I spend my money then? I got $15k in crypto, $20k just sitting in my savings, and the rest I spend on stupid shet on amazon and fast food.

>> No.16931630

>t. hasn't traveled for work
and you end up spending the entire trip working and make sure to save all your receipts and you can only stay in approved hotels and use approved airline flight with 2 connections because it's cheaper oh and we booked your flight on Saturday so you won't have a weekend... be sure to submit your expense report within 3 weeks or we won't pay you and you can be our line of credit until we reimburse you

>> No.16931652

>cat person

>> No.16931677

the absolute state

>> No.16931696
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Na. It's always the poorfag npcs that hate on traveling the most. I think there's nothing more honorable than starting a family in a community and contributing to your community, but not everybody is able to contribute to a community and/or start a family.

I sincerely believe traveling and seeing the world can be very honorable and worthwhile as long as you're doing it for righteous reasons, learning, sharing important lessons you've learned, etc. and not just being a fucking hedonist narcissistic faggot. Example: Anthony Bourdain's travels brought happiness to millions by sharing intense slice of life thought-provoking moments with a huge audience. Meanwhile there are girls being flown to dubai/maldives/etc. to snap a picture in a g-string in front of blue water, post it on instagram, then eat arab poopoo while getting buttfucked. One brought value to the world through traveling, the other did not.

>> No.16931735

$5000 a year to experience Southeast Asia culture and release my cum in their beautiful women. That's less than 3% of what I make in a year and well worth it.

>> No.16931737

wow, when did so many /r/eddit faggots infest this place?

you won't listen to this, but maybe another anon will https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTKwT4GHkj0

>> No.16931740

I want to try travelling only because I've mostly been poor all my life so travelling is a rarity. I'd like to go somewhere nice or exotic at least once.

>> No.16931762


>> No.16931766

>You see that all your problems where you live are tied to that shithole.
Yea, it’s one of the best methods of gaining perspective on your life. Traveling and psychedelics. That is, if you do both correctly.

>> No.16931775


>> No.16931840
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it's a good existence and I support it, I would never deny that. I'm more prone to living on my own off the land, or living with a wife and family and contributing to the land/community. Planting seeds and all that. But there's not just one way to live an honorable life. Traveling and seeing the world can be an honorable existence, and to reduce it to "muh travel meme basedboyface.jpg" is pathetic incel redditor trash posting and you should kill yourself if your smooth-brain can't expand past /pol/ memes.

>> No.16931868

fucking retard

>> No.16931928

keep coping incel

>> No.16931975

these are the kinds of people who buy your bags, thanks reddit

t. 150k linker who sold 80K at 3.50

>> No.16931979

>gotten laid in korea, china, japan, thailand, malaysia
stay mad incel.

>> No.16932051

I grew up with cats. Cats are underrated. They have a variety of personalities and can be very affectionate. I just think anyone who values animals like a child is deranged

>> No.16932310

>I LOVE going on vacation!!!
Travel is a religion to these people. It's insidious. Men and women wasting their best years spending half their income going to Europe and Thailand to do drugs and fuck strangers

>> No.16932458


>> No.16932482

You know what's better than traveling and letting your money sit in a bank? Silver, Gold and chainlink. If you aren't spending every single last free dollar on silver, gold and chainlink you will never make it.

>> No.16932508

>Seeing the world and meeting new people

Cringe sheltered faggot goals

>> No.16932516

Sex and drugs are the way most people have had fun historically, high culture and the arts have been inaccessible to the vast majority of people, and most of the times it's just a cope for not having sex and friends to do drugs with.

>> No.16932521

Anyone obsessed with traveling, climate change, and raising taxes is almost always a worthless faggot

>> No.16932540

>Na. It's always the poorfag npcs that hate on traveling the most.

I don't think I've ever seen anything this wrong in my entire life. Traveling is literally the most normiest npc meme that exists.

>> No.16932549
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>> No.16932568

Jesus Christ are you even alive? Do you literally just work, buy crypto and sit in your car reading library books because you don't want to pay for rent? Or maybe you don't even have a car because fuck insurance and you just live under a bridge and bike everywhere. Your minimalism is absurd

>> No.16932575
File: 203 KB, 1500x1125, flores-island-azores-things-to-do-poco-ribeira-ferreiro-alagoinha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to visit beautiful place sgod sculpted instead of living the rest of your life in the same city and town for the rest of your life until you die.

only onions here is you

>> No.16932576

Based op making /trv/cucks seethe

>> No.16932666

>trees and rocks
>some water
thank you anon, very cool

>> No.16932727
File: 9 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-840971862-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhh. I believe This is more suited for your taste Sir.

>> No.16932734
File: 201 KB, 573x250, hGS6eRN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps you would like to see the fine view.

>> No.16932753

I went traveling in Asia just to find out if it was a meme. It was unironically life changing. It reminded me that life can be an adventure rather than a dreary grind. Also did a vipassana retreat there, happier than ever since.

You can either listen to the miserable, negative people on biz and become like them or go out into the world, meet people and experience some amazing shit.

>> No.16933249

poor fuck what does it cost? for 2k you can go anywhere in the world for 10 days. people spend that much on fucking starbucks.

>> No.16933255


Most men i know who are into or have cars are wimps, feminine or just a little strange.
Im not talking about guys who dont mind cats. Im talking about the ones who have several, talk about their cat to people, have any cat memes, take pics of their cat or otherwise praise how cool their cats are for being indifferent.
Its usually appealing to autists because cats dont put pressure on them socially. No need to walk it or give it regular attention and be social. The passive nature of a cat sits well with the autist who is passive too. The cat wont disrupt the autists routine

>> No.16933291

what a fucking retard, money is meant to be spent stop being a kike

>> No.16933922
File: 100 KB, 866x960, 78527151_2702459206512458_8975675023717040128_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working out
>hooking up
>half ass university
>do drugs, get drunk, go to weird parties, underground/illegal raves etc.
>not stressing about bullshit imaginary lives you're never gonna live.

If you havent spent your 20s like this I feel a bit sorry for you, unless you made choices and you're happy etc. I know people who started a family early or studied all the way and got a "good" job, but I suspect a lot of these guys will end up doing the above in their 30s or 40s or 50s in one way or another, except leaving behind ruined families, careers etc.

As you get older the choices you make will have much bigger consequences usually, and if you don't know that, you'll fuck it all up.

Better do drugs and fuck trannies or whatever you want in your 20s than in your 50s is what I mean.

>> No.16933977
File: 534 KB, 600x400, 1558324239083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't afford to travel and invest
There's a reason roasties and chads (ie me) always go on about travelling, it's really fun. Probably 90% of the best moments of my life I was travelling somewhere, if even in my own country.

I guess for OP going to the supermarket is a daunting experience. Really wish /r9k/ would stop leaking

>> No.16933981

Ive done a lot of traveling and im sick of it.
Half of your time spent traveling is going to go towards waiting to get to your destinations.

>> No.16934000

What are you talking about?
Did you even read past the first two sentences?

>> No.16934005

evironmentcuck detected

>> No.16934006

I have a friend who is literally pic related. he works constant overtime, nightshifts and makes pretty decent money. but he pisses it all away on stupid shit. he goes away on holiday every two months. he buys stupid cleaning robots and luxury gadgets for his kitchen that he never uses. if you want to meet up you have to schedule 4 weeks in advance because of his irregular work schedule and rotating shifts. always stressed out, overweight and doing drugs too. hes so fucking broke he couldnt even buy a $20 ticket when we wanted to go to a concert. when I asked him why he doesnt save money hes all like "you worry too much man just live in the moment, enjoy your life dude". when I asked him what he would do if he lost his job hes like "dont worry man, unemployment insurance has me covered." this retard will literally work until he dies.

>> No.16934007

No shit it's called traveling, not teleporting.

>> No.16934015

Lol what a degenerate retarded take

>> No.16934026

>>working out
>>hooking up
>>half ass university
>>do drugs, get drunk, go to weird parties, underground/illegal raves etc.
>>not stressing about bullshit imaginary lives you're never gonna live.
thats unironically how I lived my 20s and in hindsight it was a huge waste of time. I couldve worked hard, could be sitting on real estate by now and would be 10 years closer to retirement instead I have to make up for lost time. the only upside is I got it out of my system and wont be taken to the cleaners by some roastie like all these nerds who hit it big in their 30s and 40s and never got a whiff of pussy before.

>> No.16934040

>not spending your 20s growing in virtue and reading absolutely everything you can while leaving time for friends
Also learning an instrument

>> No.16934047

>it's better than letting it all sit in a bank like some autistic sperg
Yeah, cos obviously the choice is between doing nothing with your money and 'traveling'.

>> No.16934061

>just be a normie bro!!!
Pathetic. Weak-minded. Traveling is fine if you want to explore other cultures/countries or have a mates weekend but doing it to fugg bitches and do drugs is bottom of the barrel of humanity tier. Have some standards.

>> No.16934084

I don't get that part either. If your goal is just to fuck bitches why don't they just do it at home? It's one thing to experience different cultures but what's the point of spending all that money to get laid when you can just do it at home?

>> No.16934110

Some autists here should at least try to travel once in their life, it might change their perspective about it.

>> No.16934116

Yeah i have the same sentiment, same with the drugs. Lol traveling to do the same exact thing you would at home.....And ive been to an island epstein has (not THE island), like i get it, the world is cool but if your soul is black its just more emptiness. That anon who had a legit spirit quest seems cool. But you can get that HERE by reading aristotle and thomas aquinas.

>> No.16934134

>But you can get that HERE by reading aristotle and thomas aquinas.

>> No.16934135

My family keeps asking me to travel back to my home country but I don't wanna be the faggot that dodges the draft and still comes back for tourism. Might go to Australia next summer though

>> No.16934168

I spend 4 months mining opal and scanning for gold then travel wherever the fuck I want for the next 8 months selling my opal to high end jewellers.
So travel is how I make max profit while being able to see half the planet and fuck just about every type of qt 3.14 your little brain can imagine.
I can't believe people work in an office and live there life on repeat for 50 years. I'm 29 and have filled 3 passports and collected 4.1kg of gold for a rainy day.
Suck my balls Mr. stay at home and wank all day.

>> No.16934171

All my greatest epiphanies were thinking about a theological/philosophical thing at home, or wherever I was. Or reading the Bible/commentary and realizing very true things. Or through literature. Point is if you want muh profound experience its literally free, you have access to thousands of books right now. Its in your mind. Not denying surfing on island isnt cool or whatever, especially if youre with your friends but it wasn't this profound live-changing experience. Usually the people who say that are shallow. Spirit questanon not counting of course, sometimes it an bring a perspective or something. Travel is just abused, but I think its more of a symptom of whats wrong with the western world than a unique thing or a cause of it.

>> No.16934205

Dont know why you think these are exclusive things. I have built my own business during my 20s, but it also meant sometimes being hungry, not having money, failing at shit etc.

>> No.16934211

That sounds really interesting. Where do you find opals and gold to mine?

>> No.16934213


>> No.16934233

Reading and travel go hand in hand and you get to talk about it with people from strange lands with completely different views on the same book. Then you go for a surf, fishing, hike, fuck, dance, yoga or whatever random shit is going on wherever you may be.
Most beaches have awesome old men or women who hustle weird books to broaden what it is you read.
Travellers read more than most people I know, gotta do something on the plane/boat. Trading books with strangers is fucking great also.

>> No.16934235

You assume I have over 5 million dollars, Once I hit 5 million I will enjoy my earnings.

>> No.16934268

Australia, Opal mining is a fucking hard gig and not for the faint hearted but finding gold is as as easy as it gets! Invest in the right detection devices (different ground needs different equipment) research where gold has been found during gold rushes and go for a long walk scanning. During drought makes it easy due to being able to scam creek and river beds. Less experience is needed than most people think just read up on gold rushes then get modern equipment. Gold mining is fucking hard and panning for gold takes some practice but a top tier detector and some savvy research and a person can find all sorts of goodies out in the wild. Diamonds is my new venture but early days and haven't found anything worth writing home about yet.

>> No.16934302

That honestly does sound really fun. I like backpacking, might give it a go! In your professional opinion, do you think America or Canada could still have areas of untouched findings like these, gold at least, or is Australia just so large there is enough untouched land?

>> No.16934304

Traveling once a year is fine

>> No.16934452

Australia has a much smaller population and most of that is in a few major cities. Australia is expensive but clean, super safe and our ladies love travellers. I make money here, spend it elsewhere but if you don't mind a bit of hard work then Australia is a great place to travel. Always lots of work for backpackers picking fruit etc. if you are low on cash. If you do find gold TELL FUCKING NOBODY where it was! Great looking women and crazy places to see that make you feel as though on another planet.

>> No.16934458

I can do those things in my country except skiing. I don't even like skiing that much

>> No.16934487

Also I would not recommend Opal mining as you need people you can trust and plenty of experience before you start finding anything of true worth. Buying Opal and selling it in the USA, UK and Asia is a great way to do it with way less effort. I just know the game and love digging holes to find crazy fucking gems that form millions of years ago, opalised fossils and shit are very cool. Most opal miners are fucking insane though and truly addicted to it.

>> No.16934521


>> No.16934594

wtf take that back or i will call my wife‘s boyfriend to beat you up

>> No.16934603

Hardcore projecting.

>> No.16934645

traveling is wonderful, i don't understand you people.
It's like tattoos, piercings, make-up, lack of hymen.
Redflags are lifesavers, quite literally.

>> No.16934717

Who forces you to work for a wage? I started my first business at 16 you lazy cunt and you don't see me complaining.

>> No.16934725

>I just think anyone who values animals like a child is deranged

I don't agree. I think dog owners are more likely to be wimps since they require such an obedient pet. However, you are right about the autism thing.
t. non-wimp cat owner autist

>> No.16934738

Sociopathic soulless husks can't even enjoy the beauty of earth.

I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't so utterly contemptible.

>> No.16934739

When someone calls it travelling you know they are poorfags. When you truly made it you can live all over and its not muh travelling its just normal life to be international and to spend time in different places

>> No.16934750

>would be 10 years closer to retirement
Do you not realize that you already enjoyed these 10 years of "retirement" in your 20s. I'm sure they were a lot more enjoyable than using them in your 40s

>> No.16934754

When women say they want to travel they literally mean they just want to go to urban hellscapes to put on their instagram stories

>> No.16934816
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Agreed. That's the true mark of the NPC. Sadly, citycucks will continue to expand until there is nothing left. Yet they'll sir here on 4chan and blame Jews for things they could have enjoyed, but never did.

>> No.16934845

If you are not larping you are the most interesting anon on biz in a long time. Where can I read more about this? Do you just mine 4 months non-stop or spread throughout the year? How much do you usually make in a year?