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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16930632 No.16930632 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ I don't really know if there's any other relevant board to post this but my gf has full blown taken the bait from this hipster douche and I can't talk any sense into her.
Do you know anyone or have any of you been victims of mom's or the like? How would you define the crap these cons do? "Spiritual guide" my ass.

>> No.16930646

She bought Skycoin?

>> No.16930667

She's fucking him.

>> No.16930673

I'm so infuriated that my girlfriend has full blown taken the bait in this bullshit. Some hipster douche charged her 5k for these 1:1 sessions where he just goes on about "energy, goals, vibes" and all the other Tumblr bullshit under the sun. It's so enraging that I can't talk any sense into her or her friend who went on this "retreat"in Hawaii which I called it all from the very beginning. From the methods, to the way it'll all work, to the timing of when they really sink their hooks in.. of course it's been a few months since said retreat and now she's in the fucking hole on these fraud losers for nearly 7 thousand fucking dollars when you include the bait trip.
It's hard to be around, it's got to be what it was like being a family member to someone gullible and desperate enough to join jonestown. Fuck me. Since it's not my money I've got no right to be upset, yet just a year ago I showed her a documentary about similar idiocies and scams and she said how are people so stupid.. this whole thing makes my blood boil. I can't stand frauds, cons, "spiritual" douchebags and any other leech trying to suck the life and money from people who actually work for a fucking living.


There's the site he operates on and he's got an Instagram of 600 followers so you know he's TOTALLY the real deal to turn your life around.. fucking prick hasn't even lived a quarter century! What's he going to tell anyone about anything!?

>> No.16930687

MLM's, not mom's. sorry about the damn phone posting.
Doubtful, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.16930689

She's fucking him.

>> No.16930777
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wat fren? me onions no comprendhende

>> No.16930959

>just a year ago I showed her a documentary about similar idiocies and scams and she said how are people so stupid.. this whole thing makes my blood boil.
parasitic psychopaths selfish bastards. not respecting and appreciation for others and don't care if they even destroy lives. hippie scammers should be imprisoned

shes a gullible bitch. women are gullible retards. she prolly fucked around there. dump her stupid ass. teach her a lesson. maybe shell regret her stupidity

>> No.16931000

It's getting there. I can't stand the hippie bullshit as it is, but to contribute to it TO SUCH A HUGE EXTENT is just embarrassing. She was smarter than this, I don't know what the fuck happened.

>> No.16931013
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>> No.16931028
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Top kek

>> No.16931040

>(Winter?) Jacket in the summer
Big yikes.

>> No.16931263

Dump that bitch OP

>> No.16931342

Report the nigga to the IRS, I doubt he's paying taxes on his scam imcome.

>> No.16931367

Daniel Dabek scammer from safex

>> No.16931370

Adding to this, break up with your gf. There's a 95% chance she fucked the guy at that "1 on 1 Hawaiian spirit retreat." You don't need a dumb bitch who chooses to get scammed, much less one that cheats on you.

>> No.16931403

This you’re getting cucked op

>> No.16931611

She is cheating on you 100%. Enjoy getting cucked

>> No.16931700

I should clarify:
The 1:1 schlock is just a once a month video call.
The Hawaii retreat was a group of suckers, think of it like this Tony Robbins (sp?) seminars where a bunch of poor saps actually pay good money to listen to some asshole yammer on about fuck all.
Anyways, the Hawaiian retreat was put on by some chick who sucks people in with this pseudo-relationship pseudo-spirituality gimmick. The guy is just some fuck goof who happened to be there.

I'm in Canada, not sure if he is as well but since he's charging USD I would happily report him to the IRS if it's at all possible. Someone supply the info/link and I'll gladly take the reigns.

>> No.16931723

Here you go, fren.

>> No.16931727
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And by happened to be there I mean he probably goes to them all the time and also works the gullible into forking over more money.
I just hate that their guise is under happiness and vibrations and realizing your one true yadda fucking ya so when I talk shit about it I'm the one who is bad for not wanting "positivity"

I'm just colossally disappointed. I can only hope she opens her fucking eyes this year.

>> No.16931744


Well I'm a Canadian so I'm not sure if they'll accept this, furthermore if this douchebag isn't American then I'm not totally sure it'll even affect him (?)

>> No.16931758

Tfw can't just fill out an e form
I gotta pay postage for the slim chance or getting this guy his commupins. Oy.

>> No.16931818

I used to think people paying high amounts for internet "sex workers" was bad but even they actually offer something for their dollar! Boy, never thought I'd respect an internet slut but I guess when compared to con leeches ..

>> No.16932488

This is a 99% fake name.
Stefano is an italian name but Ganddini is misspelled. The italian surname should be Gandini or Gaddini, not Ganddini

>> No.16932495

Damn anon, if you're getting cucked by this guy then I don't know...

>I'm in Canada
Well that explains a lot.

As the market saying goes: pump her one last time and dump her after.

>> No.16932517


Also /adv/
But they'll just give you some sappy advice about how to talk to her and shit, like working it out with her. Terrible place.

>> No.16932542

> oy
Hahahaha jews getting scammed/cucked
Poetic justice..

>> No.16932544
File: 61 KB, 656x633, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this thread makes me sad because girls are actual fucking retards who are prone to falling for this type of hilariously stupid bullshit.

I love my girlfriend to death and she's a wonderful person, but I could 100% see her falling for a MLM scam (maybe not some hippie-dippie "vibes, bro" MLM, but something else for sure).

Girls are literal children at all points in their lives and I sincerely hope you can talk some sense into your girlfriend, OP. Just remember that whatever happens, it's not your fault. Godspeed.

>> No.16933031

Hey this guys website is a cpanel shared hosting account. Maybe you can hax it OP? Please post any emails of Mr Stefano's that you know of.

>> No.16933283


Hey OP this Ganddini guy seems pretty lit senpai.

Anyway I got bored looking into this guy but found his gmail (stefano.ganddini@gmail.com) address was pwned in a hack on canva.
I wonder if he is also related to: https://ganddini.com/
Seems likely that Stefano's dad may be a big Californian consultant.
Finally I suspect the username login for Stefano's website is: stefanog

>> No.16933363

Bruh, I literally could've written this post, right down to the part about watching the doc.

Nothing you do or say will make her give this up.

You can either break up, or just let it go and let her spend her money on whatever she wants. You will never convince her to stop.