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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16929797 No.16929797 [Reply] [Original]

There's a coordinated discord trannyfaggot push to make it seem like "something's gonna happen this week"

The only objective info thus far points to an announcement at the beginning of Feb both on the pivotal and the way events are lining up.

Discord trannies are trying to sell fake hype into this week and buy after nothing happens so they can hold through early Feb. Don't get fucked by their tranny dicks.

>> No.16929823
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They haven't met a deadline in MONTHS

>> No.16929839


Little do these lifeless floppy cockgirls know it won't work this time. The fundamentals are too strong to manufacture a false pump at this point. 4chan and CT influence isn't shit in the big scheme of crypto.

>> No.16929857
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>lifeless floppy cockgirls

>> No.16929879

Yes, the team that never misses deadlines is always missing deadlines
Agree hope they get fucked

>> No.16929897

The deadlines are pushed back on a weekly basis anon. These tasks were slated to be completed in fucking August.

>> No.16930185

They never publicly announce deadlines and then dont make it happen
They killed off the piv except for the stuff to feb 2

>> No.16930423


>> No.16930468

Tranny hype means nothing when you're permanently all in.