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File: 89 KB, 3338x1208, Screenshot_2020-01-20 Team – BitcoinSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16927507 No.16927507 [Reply] [Original]

Kek, can't even see the team on their official website. Muh Satoshi. Craig is a literal scammer and not one BSV shill can provide actual evidence why their chain is technological superior.
Can't wait to see your scamcoin be dumped after the genesis hardfork. Screenscap this for future reference.

>> No.16927519

Literally go look at the block explorer faggit, we hit 100+ tps many times while BTC is stuck at 7

>> No.16927580

still better then 99% crypto with youtubers in team

>> No.16927585
File: 67 KB, 843x718, Screenshot_2020-01-20 Bitcoin SV Explorer — Blockchair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Besides blatantly lying (see screenshot), TPS means shit if the core product isn't decentralized in the first place. Literal no development on your shit chain. Can't even bother to list your actual developers, what a fucking scam.

>> No.16927599

The team is Craig 'Satoshi' Wright, Steve 'The Cock Sledgehammer' Shadders aka the Unfuckener, and Daniel 'Literally Rapes Your Mother' Connoly

>> No.16927649

haha checked

>> No.16927705
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, ENg0qJdUcAA2m6O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no devs on BSV only paid shills.

>> No.16927817
File: 661 KB, 1629x2195, 1549883138821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So any bsv cuck/pajeet (and yes it doesn't matter if you're White it does't make you automatically trustworthy, just a little less likely to be a scammer) care to refute this original source from your scamcoin's website?
Pic related is one of craig's famous patents. This one in particular proves that Chainlink is ripping of it's tech. Although craig probably doesn't even know what an Oracle is.

>> No.16927880

You're not getting cheap SV, no ones selling. Get over it.

>> No.16927895

>there's that shill that overuses Kek again

>> No.16927916

>uses legitimate evidence to prove it's a scam
>pffftt, you Just want to fud to buy cheap

Literal delusion right here. Would't toch your scamcoin with zero liquidity with a ten foor pole. Just wait for your dump after the genesis hardfork.

>> No.16927965

But we're literally pumping, like always.

>> No.16928015

What is the point of a blockchain when no one can run a node you inbred retard?

>> No.16928041

Yeah it will dump drom 1500 to 900 and then moon to 3k but u are smart for not nuying at 300 right

>> No.16928163

neat coping thread

>> No.16928210

Imagine still thinking bsv isn't decentralized in 2020. Name one transaction thats been censored. Name one. You can't and never will.

>> No.16928235

Imagine thinking ‘X’ in the current year!