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File: 381 KB, 671x899, Milton_Friedman_1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16926167 No.16926167 [Reply] [Original]

I mean this guy was the most prominent libertarian economist in history yet supported a very progressive idea which is similar to something proposed by one of today's Democrat candidates.

>> No.16926256

less bureaucracy I guess

>> No.16926285

>which is similar to something proposed by one of today's Democrat candidates.

LOL no. He suggested it as a replacement to existing social programs, not as a supplement to it. He'd be vehemently against a VAT and described taxes on unimproved land value as the least bad tax.

Yangcucks are economically illiterate.

>> No.16926312

Yup this. Land is the one resource that belongs to all of humanity, a flat land tax globally, distributed further into a global equal share distribution is the fairest form of capitalism. Your computer and website servers sit on top of land, everything sits on top of land, tax the land and return that tax to every citizen on earth for letting someone own their land.

>> No.16926335

he's a kike who wants to enslave the goyim, and what better way of doing that than tying their existence to a hand-out which renders all other attempts to incentivize wealth creation futile

>> No.16926336

He's plan would scrap all the social programs and replace it with UBI, Nixon actually ran a try case and it worked out decently.

Right now the largest issue stopping people from getting off welfare is that it doesnt taper. I've seen people get 50 cent raises and have to step down because it put all their welfare at risk. We have the Earned Income Tax credit, which is an annual version on UBI, that needs to be more dynamic

>> No.16926342

Negative income tax is not basic income you retard. The prerequisite is you have to work.

>> No.16926691

They are mathematically equivalent if you consider both taxes and transfers together like any literate person should, just administered differently

And there was no prerequisite to Friedman's NIT, anyone could sit and home doing nothing and collect it if they wanted

>> No.16927395
File: 153 KB, 620x509, 1578586681147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did he advocate a basic income?

Also direct transfers can cut the size of Government

>> No.16927416
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>he's a kike who wants to enslave the goyim, and what better way of doing that than tying their existence to a hand-out which renders all other attempts to incentivize wealth creation futile

>> No.16927509

but yangbux isn't a supplement. it only stacks with social security. anything else would have to be traded off for the 1k

>> No.16928044
File: 79 KB, 920x518, 1577994294365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capitalism and communism are two sides of the same shekel

>> No.16928286
File: 312 KB, 1716x2560, robocommunism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this book, watch documentaries like these, and see what Ripple is planning globally. The "free market" isn't as free as its advocates pretend and as Alan Greenspan says it isn't an end in itself.


>> No.16928320

Cause he's a retard.

>> No.16928509

He realized that without government enforced wealth redistribution, there will be a lot of people starving in the US.
Some may get a job under the tax-free ancap government, or whatever, but there will always be people that can't provide for themselves and whom are not under the responsibility of other people.
So how to create a wealth redistribution scheme in the state, without blowing the state up to massive proportions and interfering with the free market, the answer is UBI.

>> No.16928820

Universal distribution in some form is a good idea. Too bad every single dem candidate is a fucking retard

>> No.16928840

probably to undo the damage caused by the fed

>> No.16928863

because the goal of any form of libertarianism or anarchy is communism, as strange as that sounds. But this is jews we're talking about they're master of these mindfuck games, (((milton friedman))) knew what he was doing its all about fooling the goyim, just repeat the word freedom and they will eat it all up

>> No.16928878

its no coincidence the biggest promoters of libertard thought were jews. Ayn Rand was a double agent working for the russians

>> No.16928903

I'd be okay with that.

>> No.16928926

Wrong. He even clearly points out this difference in one interview where he talks about it.
Prerequisite is to work

>> No.16929135

I think that while UBI is the right idea I think it will only treat symptoms but never the disease. We here on /biz/ are generally aware that money does not work how society around us makes it out to work. Proper financial education should be a pillar of a high school education on the same level as Mathematics, Science, History, etc. If people knew what investment opportunities lay before them in this world and they had UBI and if the average person had even halfway good financial practices the wealth inequality gap would narrow in the long term.

>> No.16929156

people are either convinced they should hold cash or they leverage way too much debt into bad investments (worthless degrees or bad mortgages)

>> No.16929184
File: 287 KB, 553x584, gommunism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooooo you can't give people enough money to live. that would take money from the billionaires noooo

>> No.16929212

In that case, why not just lower the requirements for welfare? Seems more likely to happen than the actual guaranteed $1k a month.

>> No.16929220

I agree with the sentiment but the problem is it's never them who ends up paying taxes. You always end up footing the bill somehow. In Europe, you can't even take a shit without paying a tax on it.

>> No.16929227

>i support higher taxes for rich people but won't pay them unless you force me to


>> No.16929242


Honestly people just don't think about it. Consider how much time you have actually thought about your financial situation and how to improve it within the last week. Then consider that you browse a financial forum for 'fun'.
Most people make their financial choices on the spot based on hearsay and bad advice, and most people never bother to read the fine print. Unless something strange happens, most people do not spend more than an hour per year going over their finances with the intent to plan and optimize.

Personally I think the schooling system should have a much higher focus on general philosophy, home econ, taxes and so forth. 22 years of schooling, sold with the primary benefit being job opportunities, and so financial success, with no time spent on how to build a resume, or file taxes, or how leverage works, is retarded.

It was my understanding, at least based on his 'Free To Choose' program, that the intent behind a negative income tax was to replace all forms of aid with a single program that scaled evenly and did not disincentivize legal work while on benefits, with the end goal of phasing that whole program out over time, though I did hear later in life he opted for a much slimmer permanent system instead of phasing it out entirely.

I don't really understand the hate Milton Friedman gets here - I really don't see anything he says as being a ploy, and he's been fairly consistent in his views - I think that, on the basis of his work in Chile alone he deserves to be taken seriously.

>> No.16929263

Taking value from producers and working families to give to non working families is evil.

>> No.16929274

Additionally, creativity a captive and dependent population that is forced to "vote" for UBI means a representative government is impossible. This is also evil.

>> No.16929329

>le socialist fist

Fuck this faggot

>> No.16929345

seems a little stupid to fixate on an imagined reality while letting the majority of the population wither and die because the traditional means of production are becoming increasingly outmoded

>> No.16929418

Because welfare is shit for many, many reasons. The requirement for getting welfare isn't just income level, there's also the social stigma and the kafkaesque bureaucracy to navigate. And once you have it, any extra money you earn is a liability.

This means that the people who would use the money to improve their lives and benefit society are probably not going to be the same people who actually end up obtaining welfare, because they are too proud and would try working harder instead of applying. With UBI, the people who actually deserve it would get a boost.

>> No.16929434

>In that case, why not just lower the requirements for welfare?
keeping track of poor people is incredibly expensive and they just end up gaming the system anyway. giving everyone the same amount indiscriminately is the best method.

>> No.16929445

they're either dependent on UBI or they're not going to eat. that's the reality in the future

even before automation causes mass unemployment, we are seeing the effects of it. most new jobs created suck, they are low paid, low hours, offer no employment benefits and basically are unliveable

this is because corpos don't need long term, stable employees like they used to given how much cheaper it is to just automate parts of their business

eventually if everything is 100% automated there will be no point in capitalism at all, but for now, something like UBI is going to be completely necessary

>> No.16929597

Yeah, he could have illustrated his point just as well with Europeans themselves instead of choosing to use the black oppression narrative but the point he makes is still the same. Well worth the read if you're interested in making an independent white homeland somewhere.

>> No.16929611

that fag just rebranded communism in XXI century fashion, to appeal to the 'awakening' and 'truther' community. Dude's a salesman

>> No.16929686

There is no use in complaining about it since it is being gradually implemented globally anyway.

>> No.16929712

If you have to have welfare you might as well have as little bureacracy associated with it as possible.
It's very easy to profiteer on govt programs designed to subsidize specific services (housing, food, healthcare, etc.), much harder to do when it's just a check sent once a month to everyone above a certain age.

>> No.16929718


That is a complete and total lie. You absolutely fucking have to have more safety nets in place because 90% of the retards are going to immediately waste their basic income on spinning rims and Jordans and have no food for the rest of the month. A lot of people on welfare will actually get a substantial benefit cut off they only get $1k a month

>> No.16929719

> Giving something not earned
maybe try putting a bullet through your brain, lazy freeloading nigger

>> No.16929977

If everyone invested in total stock market index funds then everyone would benefit from every's work.

>> No.16930406

$33/day pretty simple

>> No.16930906

They can just deal with it

>> No.16930973


How is that any different than the attitude we have towards welfare right now?

The point is that anyone saying UBI eliminates other welfare is either lying or delusional.

>> No.16930990

To get rid of the bureaucracy, if you give money directly to people you don't need millions of bureaucrats deciding how that money should be spent.

>> No.16931110
File: 1015 KB, 1280x847, eaed55f33c2ea3a717ce048c160daefa-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he was a fucking commie.

Read real Libertarians like Mises and Rothbard instead.

>> No.16931126

Imagine still believing in Zeitgeist garbage.
>dude computers will run society
kill yourself
Read Mises you fucking fool.
Greenspan hated the free market.

>> No.16931136


Heh yes hello my fellow ((((((((Libertarians)))))))))))))

>> No.16931165

You people confuse money for resources again and again.

>> No.16931195


>> No.16931227

Please, present your superior economic system.

>> No.16931259
File: 41 KB, 250x300, 1353372470993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milton Friedman was a communist.

>> No.16931289

This. Nothing to stop that mealy mouthed faggot donating his money to the government if he supposedly wants them to have it so bad.