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1692608 No.1692608 [Reply] [Original]

The more high quality she is, the more high quality of a man she desires, why is this so hard for men to just accept? Like we live in a fantasy land where the good women just fall into a "good guys" arms. Do you think Kim kardashian would be fucking with Kanye west if he didn't have the status and lived in some Detroit projects? Absolutely fucking not. Who else agrees in order to have the best women in this life you have to first and foremost have a strong status in everyday life and in the business world?

>> No.1692640

It's obvious, and never has been disputed by the people who actually think. The only people who think "good women" like "good men" are the people who don't think and don't care to put value in how the world actually works nor would be convinced otherwise.

They're the same people who believe life is unfair, that no matter how much work you put in, you'll get cucked. They're the ones who believe that degrees are memes, college is a ruse and that connections and status are given and never earned. They're the ones who believe in the 1 out of million exception rather than real world everyday situations. Quality radiates and exist in quality scenarios. I don't expect to go to mcdonalds and get a Gordan Ramsey steak. I don't expect to find an intelligent female who has a heart with infinite future possiblities when i'm shopping at Wal-mart for ramen noodle cups while wearing my Feelsgoodman.jpg jam jams debating who was the best waifu of 2016 with my other weeb/neet friends.

>> No.1692677

That is some pretty convoluted way of trying to shitpost off-topic on /biz/. Have you considered >>>/pol/ or >>>/r9k/ for your crackpot theories about women?

>> No.1692720

A little too black and white.
It's not that the exceptions don't happen, it's more that people put too much faith in them happening.
Of course life is unfair, but smart people recognize this, rather than complaining about it.

>> No.1692747


>the best women in this life

Sex? Quantity and quality? Or something further within the same social standing, because that's kind of vague.

>> No.1693006

>Kim kardashian
>high quality woman

Opinion discarded

>> No.1693177

The best quality women are intelligent, cultured and have good hobbies.

You don't need money to get them, you need to be intelligent, cultured, and have good hobbies.

Unfortunately, people on 4chan tend to have none of these qualities.

>> No.1693224


Yeah this pretty much nails it.

If you fall for a chick whos hobbies include facebook and shopping then you have sighed a death warrant.

If you find a lady who actually has some depth of character and has interests which you find cute then you are on your way to a good relationship.

If you look after yourself and build on yourslef in terms of knowledge and take interest in things then you should only deserve a chick who actually has the same depth of culture as you.

>> No.1693254

Looks you fucking idiot.

>> No.1693258

>This what nu-males actually believe.
might as well just be gay, huh?

>> No.1693276

Ye ofcourse, isn't this basic knowledge

>> No.1693739



Many men on 4chan complain about women but the reality is they don't want to accept a woman on their level.

When you date "up" there will be problems because the higher value person will be aware and exploit the power differential.

>> No.1693762

Lol at the people that are disagreeing with this, go up to that 10/10 girl you know with that no money ass wallet of yours and let's see how that goes. Wake up call, this is reality not Disney land.

>> No.1693774

>go up to that 10/10 girl you know with that no money ass wallet of yours and let's see how that goes
if you're a 10/10 it'll probably go fine.

women care about looks more than money.
personality too, but only if you also have looks.

>> No.1693799

Muscles are the next best thing after money to have. That's why I have muscles, but I'm always working on money

>> No.1693807

Go to chaturbate and look for slavery69 right now and tell me that still applies

>> No.1693820

>To have the best women in this life you have to first and foremost have a strong status in everyday life and in the business world.

I honestly didn't believe this when I was a teen, but I do now (had to learn the hard way).

If you don't have money and don't put any effort to look good physically then women just won't want you.

Women want men who are confident, have money and look good.

It really is this simple.

>> No.1693831

>Women want men who are confident, have money and look good.
later you might realize these are pretty much all the same thing, and the main ingredient is beyond your control.

>> No.1693848
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>not buying the highest quality women
Low quality women don't have that lifelike feel

>> No.1693880

if I know she can't make ME money what's the point of talking to her?

>> No.1694052

That's more of a r9k shitpost, but I do agree with you

>> No.1694057
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>> No.1694094

Not quite right. You only need is a +9 in one of the holy trinity: Looks, Money, or Talent.

I'm 7/10 in looks, 5/10 in money, 9/10 in talent and can score a few quality ladies a year.

>> No.1694187

>9/10 in talent

>> No.1694400
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Men like hot fertile women.

Women like high status men with resources.

It's the same for animals, it's just natural.

Poorfags can still get laid though, it's just much harder.

>> No.1694403
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>women care about looks more than money.

wrong wrong wrong

>> No.1694405

>it's just much harder.
poor people breed like rabbits.

it's poor autistic boys that demand super hot women that don't get laid.

>> No.1694409

>I'm not ugly, I'm just broke!

>> No.1694410
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yeah but go in any McDonalds or whatever and look at the women. I wouldn't touch those fat fucks with a ten foot pole with shit on the end.

This thread is about women of quality.

>> No.1694415


you're an ugly, broke, antisocial loser that demands hot chicks date him.

best of luck with that.

>> No.1694418

Im a good looking guy

Im fucking as many hot chicks as I can, until I get into my 30s and that fact that I dont have a nest egg makes me look like a fucking loser

>> No.1694425
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It's funny how women can smell failure.

The best dating advise is 'get a life, be a success'.

Playing vidya and smoking weed in your 30's reeks of failure.

>> No.1694427

That girl is so hot would suck the fuck out of dem titties

>> No.1694428

it actually gets easier as you get older, unless your dates don't get older too.

don't be that 30 year old dude dating high school cheerleaders and you'll do fine. You'll find single women over 30 make their own money.

>> No.1694527

>That's why I have muscles
Gotta say that sounds good, but come on man, you don't have muscles.

>> No.1695506

I've literally had numerous women tell me that they don't give a shit about looks.

>> No.1695568

Women lie and manipulate.

Never trust the words that come out of a woman's mouth.

>> No.1695733


>believing women know what they want

A few decades of feminism and womens studies can't undo millions of years of evolutionary selection

>> No.1696883

he fucked up he meant to say: status
>9/10 in status
=extremely attractive 8+/10
=extremely wealthy $100,000+ depending on local and other factors
=extremely famous aka. celebrity, politician, religious leader, etc.
...and those types of things

ps. best bet is to focus on wealth

>> No.1698152

I really don't know anymore.

Most men just need decent looks, some money and a car to attract women.

Other men are just talented (great musicians, artists, business men, etc)

And there are very few men (kind of like me) who can't get any woman to like them no matter what they do, have or how much effort they put in.

>> No.1698172


Women are generally more about their "emotions" than men, so attracting a women is mostly about chatting them up and creating an "emotional connection" where you both "feel" the same way about things.

Its a simple concept but if youre like most of the people on 4chan, youre prolly too emotionally selfish or not mindful enough to create that connection.

>> No.1698173


I cringe every time some newfag leddit faggot posts this kind of shit. I bet you haven't even been to those boards and are just parroting what you've read other parrots parroting.

/pol/ is mostly politics and racism. /r9k/ is all over the place. Butthurt over women is and for a long long time has been a staple of 4chan culture, get over it.

>> No.1698192

This is what society usually tells men to keep them running the hamster wheel and never getting anywhere.

The truth is women want stipends. The only thing they want is to get money and not have to deal with 80% of men.


>> No.1698249

we all cringe over your life pal

>> No.1698326

>shopping at Wal-mart for ramen noodle cups >while wearing my Feelsgoodman.jpg jam jams debating who was the best waifu of 2016 with my other weeb/neet friends.

Sounds comfier than having a 3d gf desu

>> No.1698334

go back to r9k fagit we discuss stocks and stock accessories

>> No.1698536

Life is fucking unfair, why should I be subject to all these social grand standings just because you subject yourself to them. I deserve shit and I am entitled to it. Literally EVERYONE feels this way.

>> No.1698741

I have. Fuck, I've even been on /r9k/ when it was still called robot9000, starting from its first week after creation actually.

And having a long tradition on 4chan does not make it any less off-topic for /biz/. Random bullshit is what /b/ is for. Or /pol/ ("allowing women to vote was a mistake", "feminism destoys the west"). Or /r9k/ (general depression, misogyny and MRA central).

>> No.1700046

>you're an ugly, broke, antisocial loser that demands hot chicks date him
triggered vagina detected

>> No.1700065

It completely depends what you define as "high quality" in women.

If by that you mean spoiled brat who is semi-famous or related to someone famous and hasn't experienced struggle in her life but happens to be good looking... Then yeah. You better be rich and famous.

But for me, nah. I've wifed a "high quality" woman already. I wasn't successful when we met. And together we have became relatively successful. Of course I will never be a millionaire. But this has no effect on how desirable I am to her. And I have in no way settled for less than a high quality woman. Believe me.

Stop making excuses for yourself and/or unrealistic targets. Because THAT isn't how to become desirable.

>> No.1700079 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 528x396, malemodelsmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh.. the only guys actual quality (prime aged goddesses) are 6feet high schoolers with male model faces. They could be working at McDonalds it wouldn't matter. Looks = prime aged 10/10's. Money and status is the biggest cope of them all.

>> No.1700082
File: 657 KB, 720x826, jb slayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. You will never be a biological alpha making prime aged girls look at you with LOVE and LUST.

If you aren't a jb pussy slayer by high school it's over. Simply put, lay down and rot. NEET while trying to make internet bux/autism bux. Just lol at working when you lost the Chad lottery.

>> No.1700084
File: 104 KB, 528x396, malemodelsmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only guys FUCKING actual quality (prime aged goddesses) are 6feet+ high schoolers with male model faces. They could be working at McDonalds it wouldn't matter. Looks = prime aged 10/10's. Money and status is the biggest cope of them all.

>> No.1700268

Dubs to confirm. That's why I'm moving to Seattle.

>> No.1700436


> doesn't mention looks

do you even biology?

>> No.1700684
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>Like we live in a fantasy land where the good women just fall into a "good guys" arms

Yes, because that's exactly what women and weak males (I won't call them "men") tell boys and young men to believe.

The logic is "If you can't get a gf, you must be a bad person, because women like good men, and if you have a gf then you must be a good person."

It's the Just-World fallacy. We treat attractiveness like a moral value when it isn't.

They can't believe the reality of modern dating, because that means admitting manipulative assholes who think women are inferior are getting laid. And any self-professed nice guy who complains about having woman problems must not really be nice and must actually be a manipulative and entitled ass. Because if he were actually nice, it means that genuinely nice guys aren't getting laid.

Women are a meme. Make money and fuck hot hookers.

>> No.1700691


>they don't want to accept a woman on their level.

Men's range of "would fuck" is far wider than women's. It's biology. This means women are more discriminating than men on average. It's women who want men "better" than themselves. They can afford to do this because they have the pussy.

Biology 101.

>> No.1700704

>I've wifed a "high quality" woman already. I wasn't successful when we met.

I'd like to ask you two questions.

Were you a college student or at least had a good career before you met your wife ?

Were you physically fit and financially independent before you met your wife ?

I'd really appreciate it if you and other guys here on /biz/ can answer these questions..

>> No.1700719

This is the most accurate statement I've read today

>> No.1700725

A hot woman will marry some ugly beta wall street analyst for the paycheck and jerk him off only on birthday's while she rides attractive people's dicks while he's at work.

>> No.1700774

>Who else agrees in order to have the best women in this life

Your definition of "best" is pretty shit judging from that picture but yes, if you want to be desirable to desirable women you need to be desirable.

>> No.1700841


Incorrect. There's a big difference between "would fuck" and "would marry".

Since women have the baby they have to think "how fucked would I be if this person got me pregnant?"

So of course they are gonna be a little more discriminating when it comes to casual sex.

I've slept with a lot of women. I'd be so fucked if I had to stay with some of the ogres I have slept with.

>> No.1700847
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All women should be locked up in chains and sold/bought as property.

>> No.1700938
File: 36 KB, 504x382, 1433770189193 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC) (2016_04_10 14_06_15 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw scored a gf a few points higher than I am when I was poor
>mfw make six figures now and nothing changed in our relationship besides the fact that we appreciate eachother even more
life's good

like the other anon mentioned, get a cultured and intelligent woman, not some dumb fucking slut...

>> No.1701335
File: 2.40 MB, 2828x1968, Women are literally wired to cuckold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Since women have the baby they have to think "how fucked would I be if this person got me pregnant?"

What is contraception? What are abortions? What is the welfare state? What is women in the workplace?

Your statement would have been correct maybe, I don't know, 70 years ago before the advent of the pill, strong women being wage slaves, and government funded Save-A-Ho initiatives. But now they can fuck up as bad as they want and they have social safety net after social safety net to save them and tell them it's not their fault.

Women are more discriminating than men both in terms of physical attraction AND social and economic status, and they can afford to be, because pussy has a premium and dick is dirt cheap.

Sure, if they want to "settle down" they'll probably go for the provider. But when they ovulate, they still want the tall, cocky, charismatic guy with the good jawline. It's called Dual Mating Strategy, and it defines female sexuality in general as much as "fuck em and chuck em" defines male sexuality in general. The difference is that most women can actualize their desires, while most men can't, for the reasons I stated above.

Again, Biology 101.

>> No.1701344

You need to get married/a long term partner in collage, before you get money. If you get a wife post collage the hunt is going to be extremely hard.

>> No.1701369
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There are high profile of men who got divorced years before they made millions and their ex wives from decades before took them to court and STILL got a payout. Can't be bothered with actually looking them up though.

>> No.1701373

Such a victim complex. Poor you

>> No.1701382

This is false. Most high school athletes don't have successful sports careers and most become beta cucks.

The hot girls also get knocked up and age like milk.

If you are in HS your future girlfriend is in 1st grade by the time she is in her early 20s you will be dating her and your former high school hottie will be an aged old hag.

>> No.1701385
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>> No.1701387


She almost had a point, until she went full "treat me like a woman" mode.


>> No.1701388
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>women over 30

>> No.1701675

Do not believe this pseudo science evolutionary psych stuff. This stuff has been discredited time and time again by real academics.

A lot of the people who spread this content online have an agenda, either they own websites selling shitty dating advice to gullible insecure young men, or they are paid shills spreading this crap for politically motivated reasons.

Humans are not basic primates, we have complex needs and wants, it doesn't matter what gender you are.

The truth is, the world is full of predators and suckers. Don't be a sucker.

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"

>> No.1702225
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>biology isn't real
>we're not primates
>gender isn't real
>the sexes are the same

>people actually believe this

>> No.1702269

Anon said humans are not basic primates, didn't say humans are not primates. Learn to read.

>> No.1702286


Theres more women than men. Also women have a 20 year window of value while men have a window of value of 50 years. Even more sometimes.

And contraceptives and abortions don't negate deep rooted feminine psychology of seeking an appropriate seed for their egg.

Again, for men the value of seed is very little. We can impregnante 200 women. Some hot, some ugly, some smart, some dumb. Women seek to get the highest value sperm they can and produce a handful of babies from that particular sperm producer.

>> No.1702289
File: 55 KB, 412x474, Nigger Trophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

African women are a dime a dozen for Chinese oilmen nowadays.

They cheap, love our money, and you can beat them and they won't do shit.

>> No.1702292


>> No.1702295


I ran into a Bball star from my highschool a couple years ago. We are in our 30's now. He was driving a truck and had recently been arrested for Heroin.

I recently ran into a betacuck from my grade. He's about to finish his residency as a doctor. He still acted like a betacuck though and was single.

>> No.1702301


> Don't believe science

Pretty sure if hundreds of researchers all use the scientific method over decades of time to study human issues and draw conclusions on them, the results can be trusted.

>> No.1702323
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>Theres more women than men

Not even by much, and operational sex ratio doesn't change the fact that women still want men "better' than themselves, it just means women will have to share those men, which we can see most of them don't mind. The fact is they'd rather share a very attractive man, even begrudgingly, than have an average one all to themselves.

>And contraceptives and abortions don't negate deep rooted feminine psychology of seeking an appropriate seed for their egg.

Exactly, and as I just showed you, that seed won't necessarily be the one of the man she marries, IF she marries at all.

The best DNA does not always come with the best resource provision for the raising of the kid. And with the welfare state, women can get resources from taxes while having the kids of a man they found attractive on a primal level, even if that attraction doesn't make logical sense to us.


He said we're not basic primates, then blathered on and said everything that means "we're not primates at all". Reading comp, cumshitter.

We run on much of the biological wetware that all other mammals run on, across many biological substrates.

>> No.1702340
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>African women are a dime a dozen for Chinese oilmen nowadays.

>> No.1702351
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Chinese brains. Nigger muscles.

You love this don't you, beta white C U C K S?

>> No.1702364

dont you mean japanese then? chinese are just like any other asian culture, philippenes, taiwan, vietnam, etc

>> No.1702366

>Chinese brains. Nigger muscles.
perfect slaves.

>> No.1702371
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>> No.1702686

Looks are important, but beauty fades with age and being near a dumb hottie is soul crushing. I was dating one and she was like the stale fancy bread

>> No.1702701

Oh that's why people usually go out with different races, because it excludes material social standards.

>> No.1702706

Perfect slaves?
They'll be able to btfo us physically AND mentally

>> No.1702722

Anyone can go to the gym and get muscles (Tho most professions it won't help you at business)
Unfortunately you can't change looking like a half nigger, statistically negros are unattractive and less hireable

>> No.1702962

insect like obedience and order from chinks and nigger strength. how is that not perfect slaves?

unfortunately, it doesn't work like that so you just end up with jungle chinks like pinoys.

>> No.1702985

>how is that not perfect slaves?

You are going to have to breed a lot of them to get that trait set. What are you going to do with all the ones that have nigger brains and chink strength?

>> No.1703016

put them in a circus or construct a thunderdome i guess.

>> No.1703366

Richfags who get with "high quality" pussy who normally wouldn't give them the time of day if they were poorfags, are well on their way to being cucked in the worst possible way..

Change your definition of "high quality" to mean a respectable woman, not just one who has big tits.

>> No.1703382

I definitely agree and what's more I think you're wrong about men not accepting or understanding this. Men are not blind to this.