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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16925877 No.16925877 [Reply] [Original]

Why yes, i do give the government 40% of my income. How can you tell?

>> No.16925949
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 5ED3C09F-D9BE-4DFB-82DF-901205DDCB97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you could spare for a brother is a measly 40% oh we gon have to get bernie out here squeezin you real good. Sharqueesha needs her pay

>> No.16925961

Why yes my home and car are taxed simply because I own them. They call this property tax and it is great. Of course we need more taxes. We need more money for the schools! Duh!

>> No.16926091

You silly wagie it’s far more than that factor in (((sales tax))) on every item that you purchase.

>> No.16926112

My favorite part about taxes is that it all goes to help the glorious state of israel.

>> No.16926357
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40%? That's it ? you are like a little baby, here watch this

>pays an additional 15-20% for spic tier basic health insurance
>drop off child to school, his high school has a metal detector and SWAT tier police presence in it
>drive down streets that look like a 2nd world country and pass infrastructure that looks like it was abandoned since 1973
>wife growing increasingly indoctrinated, collapse of marriage right around the corner

I really can't believe there are teams of sociologists getting paid millions of dollars to study why men are killing themselves by the millions, that just scratch their heads and say idk lol

>> No.16926374

Don't forget property tax, excise tax, road tolls, capital gains tax (on money you invested AFTER paying taxes on it), death tax, and soon the carbon tax.

>> No.16926543

>taxed on the income I earned through learning and offering a skill that is in demand and helps people
>taxed on my car
>taxed on a house I 'own'
>taxed on alcohol and cigarettes
>taxed on toll booth on way to work unless I take a much longer route
>taxed on money I made trading through my own skill and tenacity
>taxed on the house my grandmother left me
>taxed on driving inside London
>taxed on everything I buy (VAT)
>taxed on public healthcare I don't use (((national insurance)))
>taxed on stamp duty
And yet there are less public libraries/galleries/museums, the NHS is getting worse every year, the roads are shite, there is zero investment into public transport or infrastructure and the pavements are dirtier than ever. So where is it going? Maybe ask the raghead with 13 kids who lives next door and drives an S-class. As soon as my net worth hits 1m in GBP I'm moving to a supposed 'third world' country and leaving this shithole forever. It's MY MONEY you CUNTS.

>> No.16926569

I actually wouldn't mind paying taxes if I felt like I got my money's worth. As of now, I can spend my money way better than the government can.

anyone else know this feel?

>> No.16926571

Yeah just a tad