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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16922493 No.16922493 [Reply] [Original]

I've been faking going to uni for the past 2 years and dumping all the money on Chainlink.

>> No.16922506

It would be based if you did this for Monero. This is somewhat cringe

>> No.16922507

you're up? take the money before you regret it fool. You will double disappoint your parents otherwise

>> No.16922514


>> No.16922526
File: 512 KB, 1000x559, 1552448076843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre not alone kek, i go to one course per semester. I am 27 fucking years old and dont have a bachelor and never worked a fucking day in my life. My father said this will be the last year he gives me money. I got 10k stinks and 0.33 lp how fucked am I? I am too autistic to work.

>> No.16922537

Wtf is wrong with you? How the fuck would be based on Monero that's just dropped in value and not Link that 10x. You are either one retarded shill or a redditor
You too paid shill

>> No.16922547

I have the same as you but am also currently pursuing a phd, with success. You should hedge your bets and at least pursue something, or you will not make it.
The fact that you got all that link with your dad's money should make you feel ashamed.

>> No.16922554
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 1571943867594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based future billionaire

>> No.16922559

fuuuck too real bros. I am so fucking ashamed of myself

>> No.16922576


>> No.16922579
File: 235 KB, 375x360, 5c2de7b16420bbd276edc831df66d3ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LINK is bullish but, XMR more.
90% retracement for one year after going x100 in 2 years is pretty healthy.

Just check XMR price in 2022 and you will realize why it was a better idea buying into a totally private coin when the three biggest central banks of the world are planning to create their own traceable FIAT scam.

Chain link is a good idea but implementation will take a decade, we need privacy NOW.

>> No.16922580
File: 69 KB, 667x312, 1579516451868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will soon disappear without a word to the apartment I bought and live off my earnings.
Can I warn the police to ensure that they don't start a search for me?

>> No.16922598

It was the money i saved faggot. I am literally living on 20$ a week and put all student loans into crypto. I am studying educational sciences and only have to get like 40 more points for my bachelor but all the cringe lies they are teaching makes it real difficult for me to finish the bachelor.

>> No.16922600

That's a life changing bet you made anon, hope it goes your way.

>> No.16922697

> money I saved
> money is from student loans
your'e literally too dumb and lazy to get a bachelor; you're entire life depends on a overpriced erc-20 token doing a 10x

you have a 1% chance of making it, maybe a 10% of getting out debt free and a 89% of living a guilt-ridden life slaving at a shit-tier mcjob just to pay back your loans

>> No.16922767 [DELETED] 

Faggot i come from luxembourg, i made it already the moment i was born

>> No.16922784

I live in luxembourg, i made it the moment i was born kek cope harder

>> No.16923205

Based welfare state bro. If i dont make it ill just pretend to be retarded and cash in 26 000 NOK each month and live from that in thailand.

>> No.16923210

How much money did you invest and how much money do you have now in chainlink?
Was it worth it?

>> No.16923228

They don't check up on you?

>> No.16923296

That's the best part. Its allowed to live abroad with disability money :)

There was even a TV show where they checked up on a colony of 2x/3x year old people living in Spain from their supposedly stress induced disability money. It's all legal. Actually 8% of the population is on stress induced disability money, from that 30% lives in vacation countries.

>> No.16923310

>he thinks he can buy property
just kys now and save everyone the embarassment

>> No.16923350

LOL Holy shit. thats fucking based. Holy shit, why not do it now?

>> No.16923382

This, also anything feeless.

>> No.16923398


>> No.16923401

Zoals ieder ander tatta

>> No.16923405

Actually his chances to make it are 100%

>> No.16923406

You're gonna get rekt when they inevitably change this law