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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1692138 No.1692138 [Reply] [Original]

so if 4chan were a stock market and the boards were individual companies, what are the googles,apples, amds etc?

Well i think /biz/ stock is pretty worthless since theres no good info most time.

>> No.1692139

I'd short all except /fit/

>> No.1692140

>give me info, /biz/
>i think /biz/ stock is pretty worthless since theres no good info most time.


>> No.1692154

It depends on how they're valued. If it's about post quality and usefulness, it'd definitely be one of those small niche boards whose userbase hasn't changed since 2007. If it's by volume and whatnot, it'd obviously be boards like /b/ and /pol/.

>not short(ing)