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16920980 No.16920980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i've smoked weed everyday for the last 8 years

>> No.16920990


>> No.16920993

If you quit make sure you have benzos for the first few nights, or the dreams will rip your dick off.

>> No.16921012

>smoking the herbal jew
yeah, don't do that.

>> No.16921027

Way longer than that anon for me
During all that time my relationship with kept changing
The last year and half it’s been extremely negative relationship, yet still smoke on daily basis
Really need to stop but I can’t

>> No.16921048

I did heroin daily for about 5 years. Now I just take kratom every day. Though oddly I do miss heroin - somehow my brain is only remembering the good times and not the times I was shitting in a McDonalds cup during withdrawals when I was living in my car

>> No.16921060
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Stopped 1.5 months ago. But now I'm drinking 2 redbulls a day because I'm so bored. Being less paranoid all the time has been nice though.

>> No.16921069

I'm likely to be you in 5 years because I've been doing the same

>> No.16921079

I smoked weed everyday for the last 10 years and quit about a month ago.
It's not supposed to be addictive but it sure feels that way when it's a part of your lifestyle.
I still have about $60 worth of it in my garage but I've managed to stay away from it.
I just told myself I'd smoke less of it, and I did until I stopped altogether.
All of my friends still smoke regularly and ask me all the time if I want a hit but I just pass on it.
I would tell myself that it's making me slower and I don't have an income that can support the habit. Now I spend my weed money on stonks and scamcoins.

I can attest to this. I had a dream where my aunt/mother/whatever was making a meal in the oven and it was some horrible turducken type meal except it was a turkey covered in small fish like sardines or anchovies and stuffed into a pig's head that was the size of a hippo.
The worst part was they were all still moving while they were baking in the oven, and the pig looked like that game of hungry-hungry hippos while it was devouring the sardine-encrusted turkey.
Truly the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.16921082

Well, I used to drink heavily every night for about 6 years. The problem is that you're trying to escape something. The thing is you can't run away from problems you must deal with them. Your habit is just a crutch and you won't find peace hiding behind clouds of smoke.

>> No.16921085

I was on 10 years at 26y. stopped because of panik attacks and feeling of stress. feeling better now but still lazy af

>> No.16921090

At least your liver isn't fucked up.

>> No.16921098

>and it was some horrible turducken type meal except it was a turkey covered in small fish like sardines or anchovies and stuffed into a pig's head that was the size of a hippo
Sounds like a standard dish in China or Vietnam lol

>> No.16921115


>> No.16921142
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I smoked for 6 years and stopped becuase I thought it was fucking with me, turns out it was the porn addiction I had. Have been testing this for nearly 10 years. If I go on a streak with porn and smoke then I’m fine, once I stop the streak then everything goes downhill even more. Smoking weed or not smoking weed doesn’t change anything for me. Stopping porn and withdrawing from it is about as fucked as oxy withdrawals for me mental-wise. The jews got me but I’m getting out fuck those faggots.

>> No.16921144

Marijuana is one of the most toxic substances given a free pass by society. It is NOT a benign herb if you smoke it daily.

>> No.16921165

Not as bad as alcohol to be fair

>> No.16921178

Alcohol and tobacco are far worse, and given a 100% free pass

>> No.16921185

When I quit I had a dream I snorted copious amounts of cocaine and ran into a school shooting saving people. Very euphoric and awesome

>> No.16921190

Based and spacedoutpilled

>> No.16921212

Same, but I've forced myself to slow down significantly. The key to everything is moderation, friends.

Also, yes, weed does have a direct effect on dreams, in that I don't get them at all when I smoke. The dreams I've had recently have been fairly strange, but since I have nothing to compare them to, I just assumed thats how my dreams always are.

>> No.16921241

Weed makes you retarded, glad I quit that garbage.

>> No.16921262

Smoke weed everyday

>> No.16921285

Addiction sucks.

Smoking weed every day is harmful to your body (lungs, heart, and brain) and mind (pleasure & reward mechanism, confidence, ambition, and self-motivation).

Good luck, anon. I hope you make a change that improves your life.

>> No.16921293


>> No.16921302
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>> No.16921343
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> Don't listen the literal pussycats in this thread.


POST-WEED DREAMS are probably the single best reason to pick up a weed habit.

1. smoke weed everyday
2. quit
3. ???

>> No.16921352

better than me. i've done meth at least once a week for the last 4 years. keep telling myself i should stop but at the same time don't see the need to

>> No.16921354

I smoked weed nearly daily for about 8 years too before I quit. I still enjoy the occasional toke but not all day every day like I used to. Feel so much better, no brain fog and more confident. The key is to give yourself other things to do. Keep busy and your urge to smoke will go away. The first few days are the hardest. I never thought I’d be able to quit but I did it. So I know you can too if you really want.

>> No.16921361

you're trying to drive the mentally unstable to full blown schizophrenia

>> No.16921379

OH yeah and btw I love how people say that the schizo shit is a myth but I have witnessed multiple in my life go schizo/nuts from the reefer.

>> No.16921387
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Viva le safeth

>> No.16921435

Well then maybe learn from these guys and stop?

Or accept that you're being a dumbfuck, and you're gonna get everything coming

>> No.16921443

Weed is for sissies, it causes paranoia, demotivates, and fucks with hormones so badly you'll grow tits as a male stoner.

Real men smoke PCP. It motivates, nullifies all negative ideation and pain, increases neural fluidity for dynamicism, and only causes permanent brain damage as a negative side effect. But you aren't a pussy, are you?

>> No.16921581
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just read in class that schizophrenia is basically fried dopamine receptors. Checks out.

>> No.16921613

God damn

>> No.16921621

2020 is my year of no porn. You can do it too

>> No.16921645

You smoked in the first place to cope with “boredom” which I’ve come to find out is just further coping, this time against existential anxiety. Be industrious and productive. Stop running away from reality. You’re no longer a child.

>t. former smoker

>> No.16921741

What does it feel like and do you believe it is addictive?

>> No.16921786

i got two years on you. almost getting tired of it.

>> No.16921788

thats one way to look at it. i smoke it and actually get shit done. im sorry youre not able to do the same. fucking pussy.

>> No.16921910

8 months clean after 14 years heavy daily smoker. It was the right choice. Stay strong.

>> No.16921937

to all those who quit, congrats. Just a warning, if you were a heavy smoker and decide to start smoking this shit again, you will be smoking double what you used to, seen it happen many times

>> No.16921948

It's not that bad bro, buy some uos stacks and smoke weed for the rest of your life

>> No.16921955


>> No.16921966

How long have you been clean? Don't go back, bro. It's not worth it. I would rather kms than have to live that kind of life.

>> No.16922006

yep, i have seen 3 people in the last 10 years going schizo from weed.
one got out with help, one is full blown and one is still under treatment

>> No.16922011

No buy ARPA and you can do that
Imagine playing games and still getting closer to the optimum life.

>> No.16922052

How many BTC would you have had if you weren’t a degen? Use math

>> No.16922059

This is why they’ve been able to suppress silver for so long
Goys will by an ounce of weed for $300
Instead of an ounce of silver for $19
Wonder how many ounces you could have stacked by now, you might’ve been able to make it

>> No.16922086

I've smoked maybe a dozen times in my life, and each time the psychosis got worse and worse. At first it was just paranoia that people knew my thoughts. The last time I had multiple personalities arguing in my brain but it seemed like they were separate entities and I was convinced that I was from another universe and the only way to get back was to die. And when I finally sobered up I felt like this reality was fake for a few days. Never touching that shit again I have an uncle with schizophrenia.

>> No.16922092

Me too

>> No.16922096

I've smoked maybe a dozen times in my life, and each time the psychosis got worse and worse. At first it was just paranoia that people knew my thoughts. The last time I had multiple personalities arguing in my brain but it seemed like they were separate entities and I was convinced that I was from another universe and the only way to get back was to die. And when I finally sobered up I felt like this reality was fake for a few days. Never touching that shit again I have an uncle with schizophrenia.

>> No.16922108

>marijuanas bad mmkay
>green id
It's like the universe is trying to tell you something..

>> No.16922118

Where do you prefer to purchase your silver anon?

>> No.16922122

I've smoked maybe a dozen times in my life, and each time the psychosis got worse and worse. At first it was just paranoia that people knew my thoughts. The last time I had multiple personalities arguing in my brain but it seemed like they were separate entities and I was convinced that I was from another universe and the only way to get back was to die. And when I finally sobered up I felt like this reality was fake for a few days. Never touching that shit again I have an uncle with schizophrenia.

>> No.16922128


>> No.16922139

I've smoked maybe a dozen times in my life, and each time the psychosis got worse and worse. At first it was just paranoia that people knew my thoughts. The last time I had multiple personalities arguing in my brain but it seemed like they were separate entities and I was convinced that I was from another universe and the only way to get back was to die. And when I finally sobered up I felt like this reality was fake for a few days. Never touching that shit again I have an uncle with schizophrenia.

>> No.16922152

.ainerhpozihcs htiw elcnu na evah I niaga tihs taht gnihcuot reveN .syad wef a rof ekaf saw ytilaer siht ekil tlef I pu derebos yllanif I nehw dnA .eid ot saw kcab teg ot yaw ylno eht dna esrevinu rehtona morf saw I taht decnivnoc saw I dna seititne etarapes erew yeht ekil demees ti tub niarb ym ni gniugra seitilanosrep elpitlum dah I emit tsal ehT .sthguoht ym wenk elpoep taht aionarap tsuj saw ti tsrif tA .esrow dna esrow tog sisohcysp eht emit hcae dna ,efil ym ni semit nezod a ebyam dekoms ev'I

>> No.16922156

I'vɘ ƨmoʞɘb mɒγdɘ ɒ bozɘn timɘƨ in mγ liʇɘ, ɒnb ɘɒɔH timɘ tHɘ qƨγɔHoƨiƨ ϱot woɿƨɘ ɒnb woɿƨɘ. At ʇiɿƨt it wɒƨ įυƨt qɒɿɒnoiɒ tHɒt qɘoqlɘ ʞnɘw mγ tHoυϱHtƨ. THɘ lɒƨt timɘ I Hɒb mυltiqlɘ qɘɿƨonɒlitiɘƨ ɒɿϱυinϱ in mγ dɿɒin dυt it ƨɘɘmɘb liʞɘ tHɘγ wɘɿɘ ƨɘqɒɿɒtɘ ɘntitiɘƨ ɒnb I wɒƨ ɔonvinɔɘb tHɒt I wɒƨ ʇɿom ɒnotHɘɿ υnivɘɿƨɘ ɒnb tHɘ onlγ wɒγ to ϱɘt dɒɔʞ wɒƨ to biɘ. Anb wHɘn I ʇinɒllγ ƨodɘɿɘb υq I ʇɘlt liʞɘ tHiƨ ɿɘɒlitγ wɒƨ ʇɒʞɘ ʇoɿ ɒ ʇɘw bɒγƨ. Иɘvɘɿ toυɔHinϱ tHɒt ƨHit ɒϱɒin I Hɒvɘ ɒn υnɔlɘ witH ƨɔHizoqHɿɘniɒ.

>> No.16922171

It's mentally addictive, as anything you enjoy is. The dreams are crazy. I recently tried and over and over dreamt of falling to my death from various places. Absurdly vivid too.

>> No.16922316
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>> No.16922367


You guys need to get control of your dreams. It’s difficult at first but you get used to becoming self aware and start doing cool shit. Go super saiyan and launch energy balls at shit. Or go find some fine roastie for bjs that feel like the real thing. The post sober weed dreams are always vivid as fuck, but so are the high ones you remember.

t.degenerate stoner 15+

>> No.16922370

remember, only niggers smoke during the week

>> No.16922428


>> No.16922492

You can't smoke silver bro

>> No.16922523

I havent smoked weed for like a month now. I just got sick and couldnt smoke and then never picked it up again. honestly weed aint all that bad I only smoke in the evening anyway, but I really dont like being high anymore. I cant read, I cant focus on shit, I fall asleep watching movies, I get too paranoid to be around people and I eat all the candy and stuff from my fridge every time. so I dont really miss it. havent watched porn since last october either but I still vape nicotine salts which kinda blows.

>> No.16922527

I can smoke several times in my life and every time my mental illness gets worse. At first, people knew my thinking was crazy. Last time, there was a lot of talk about my personality. However, it turned out that they had left, and I was convinced that they came from another universe, and death was the only way home. Finally, when I woke up, I someday felt it was wrong. Don't touch this nonsense, I have an uncle with schizophrenia.

>> No.16922556

But you can anon. You can nebulize colloidal silver and therefore smoke the silver. Silver is also the true Chad stack

>> No.16922567

Nothing wrong with puffin' up once a night and twice on weekends

T. Weed pro for over 20 years

>> No.16922581

The only downside is the weight gain that comes from the munchies

>> No.16922618
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I studied comp sci and the gobberment paid it in the beginning but then my dad died horribly 4 weeks before the exams and I couldn't learn because I was crying all the time. Then the gobberment said I should go fuck myself and they won't pay for anything anymore. I wrote them a letter and they just said they don't care about my dad being dead. Then my 5yr+ gf left me.

So I told myself it's suicide time but I could try going full Heisenberg before killing myself.

So I made a weed plantation out of my apartment and started selling it to the student fags.

9yrs in. Made about 30k / year with it and finished studing comp sci + got a new gf. I got no job because I sold a lot for btc and you know what happend then :)

>> No.16922635

I once woke up inside a dream and I felt weird and trapped because I couldn't wake myself up from inside the dream.

>> No.16922638

Hot take: double down with some 5htp.

>> No.16922658

>I was convinced that I was from another universe and the only way to get back was to die.

The one time I smoked I had the same thing happen. I don't have close family with anything worrying like schizo though and I'm completely normal now but fuck it was scary.

>> No.16922727

Yes this has happened quite a few times to me too. Sometimes it’s like inception effect where the new dream is moving very slowly or taking longer than a usual dream and you can even wake up back into original dream. Sometimes it’s more of a sleep paralysis like effect where you feel stuck in the new dream or frozen with your eyes physically open but muscles not responding.

I learned to overcome many negative or evil or creepy feeling dreams by fighting my way out or getting mad enough to literally obliterate the dream if it gets that bad. You gotta apply maximum force, willpower, effort, and most importantly anger to brute strength your way awake. If that doesn’t work then you gotta get calm and go inward almost letting it be but never accepting things you don’t like. You can get super defensive and erase, turn back, pretend it didn’t happen in a nothing is real sorta way and that will usually trigger a wake up or dream change into something more pleasant. Spirit energy is real and very effective in the dream realm.

>> No.16922750

Why not smoke?
I smoke just a few times. Weekly bot daily whats will fo wrong ( ° _ ° )

>> No.16922869

I'm 28, have been smoking since about 25 but mostly THC cartridges. I used to drink a few beers most nights a week but traded off the majority of drinking for smoking. Now, I fear I'm smoking too much as I'm always lethargic, not motivated, and riddled with existential anxiety. Am I mentally fucked because I smoke, or do I smoke because I'm mentally fucked?

I just feel so far behind in life and have no idea what to do moving forward, get paralyzed by indecision, and just calm myself down after working a job I hate by getting high and playing some video games to escape for a few hours.

I need help, /biz/. I can't keep waking up with this feeling anymore.

>> No.16922893


>> No.16922896

You’re mentally fucked because you smoke. Literally throw your weed away and sober up. In a week you’ll have a whole new life.

>> No.16922903


>> No.16922931

I felt like this mentally for a long time though, before I started smoking. I started using the vape because it gave me temporary relief. Is the smoking what's making me feel no motivation and endless existential anxiety?

>> No.16922947

no, it happens to everyone, you just need a purpose to keep you going. Quitting helps but its not the end of your troubles as that dude says, far from it

>> No.16922963

Quit OP.

I quit a week ago after 15yr of non stop smoking (only few weeks break in between)

First days suck. But the dreams man. They make up for it. And your life will just improve in general.

>> No.16923031

Lemme give a QRD on my life

>28 y/o burger, live at home
>worked for same company for last 9 years. Job has pros and cons like any, making ~40-45k USD/yr. pre-tax. Started job to pay for community college. Got associates and took time off to try to figure out what to do for school
>date roastie for 2 years, get BTFO. 24 now, spend 24-26 being a degenerate and meme traveler and spending all of my money
>meet current gf by accident, best thing to ever happen to me. Makes me want to be a better person. We got lucky and her gmom left her 240k USD so we can purchase a small property and she wants to start a small family
>I am back in college to finish my bachelors in business administration at 28. I'll have about 35k of debt when I finish provided I don't make any payments as I go through. Doing program where 1 class every 7 weeks until I finish my degree, still have 2+ years to go
>absolutely zero idea what I want to do in life
>33k 401k, 2.5k Robinhood, 75 ounces silver, few thousand USD in funs + equipment, 7k USD in savings and checking, 0.8 BTC 1100 LINK 8 ETH 12 LTC

I just feel fucking stuck. The thought of waging forever makes me want to kill myself. I hate college, it is a scam and costing me time and money but I don't know an alternative and I'll need a bachelors degree to get into any okay jobs that open up at companies friends work at because HR requires BS for any job

I just need some sense of direction or what to do. If life is just eternal wage slaving I'd rather just get taken out now because that just sounds awful. How do I escape this future? Booze and weed helps make me numb

>> No.16923061

dude you're in a waaay better position than 90% of humans and even 80% of muricans, stop complaining and man up you got this shit.
You dont need any degree, you dont need to wage, you need to use your brain and figure out your own way, My advice: stay away from markets and try to start a business with your gf money. Tell her its for the best and that you wanna make children. Stay away from substances they just make things worse, its cope and you dont wanna cope you wanna move forward

>> No.16923113

>Has all of it and still fucking complains

You burgers don't even know how good you have it

>> No.16923136

My sister introduced me to pot at 14 and fed it to me until I was about 17, at which point I was more than mentally dependent. Im now 25 and if I stop smoking I lose my mind. She never had to work for anything because she's a woman but weed essentially destroyed my life slowly over time without me realizing it.

>> No.16923137

You also smoked cock for he past 8 years... fagit.

>> No.16923141

Do you think part of my issue is that I've not really been forced to experience growth since I've just spent most of my life living at home and working an okay job so I've had the time and money to just be a hedonic consoomer? For some reason I place a lot of emphasis on how others view me and have low self image. I should also note that I have my real estate license but haven't done anything with it because I don't know where to begin and usually think "why would somebody want to use me as their agent?"

FWIW, I can blend in easily with normies and they think I am funny and charismatic. I just live in my own mind in eternal struggles against myself.

I need to stop using substances to treat boredom. The problem is I get home from work and intend to read a book or learn about things but instead just think "well, work did suck today, you deserve a small reward..." and then when I smoke at 4 or 5PM the rest of my evening is shot by playing video games or browsing 4chan.

>> No.16923154

Elaborate plz fren

>> No.16923157

You fucked your mind up so much. It's not recoverable.

>> No.16923166

Just quit ya faggot

>> No.16923170

you're completely normal mate, in fact your issues sound like typical shit every guy in his 20s has, you will figure it out in your 30s. Focus on money rest will work out, just lay off the drugs and try learning useful things

>> No.16923174

My face breaks out in herpes and I lose my mind. I can't go about a normal day without it.

>> No.16923180

I always see on /biz/ how college is a scam, especially for non STEM. I am not smart enough for STEM and I agree college is financially fucked but I got half of my degree in cash and won't owe more than 1 year worth of my current income unless something fucks up. I just don't know what I'll do with the degree, kind of just getting it to be able to mark that required checkbox. I would want to get a degree related to data but I am a math brainlet and haven't had formal schooling since 2013.

>> No.16923190

Suggestions for what I can learn? Crypto, Robinhood, and PMs have all been since I stumbled into /biz/ around May 2019. I have been on 4chan for years and years, just never /biz/. Suggestions for skills I can pick up while going to school and working to make me more marketable? I feel like I'm spinning wheels in the mud

>> No.16923197

what he said, you burgers have it real good compared to the rest of the world and you dont realize it. What seem like problems to you are laughable for people going through real rough shit. You live in USA, your gf inherited 200k usd, you'll be fucking fine. You'd have to be a completely wreck of a person to fail in the US

>> No.16923209

well you're already studying biz admin, might as well start your own business. Its either that or the office, you choose.
Skills? your brain, money and some social skills is all you need for business. Then its a matter of finding your niche

>> No.16923214

Similar boat here

I smoked crack everyday for the last 10 years and quit about a month ago.
It's not supposed to be addictive but it sure feels that way when it's a part of your lifestyle.
I still have about $60 worth of it in my garage but I've managed to stay away from it.
I just told myself I'd smoke less of it, and I did until I stopped altogether.
All of my friends still smoke regularly and ask me all the time if I want a hit but I just pass on it.
I would tell myself that it's making me slower and I don't have an income that can support the habit. Now I spend my crack money on stonks and scamcoins.

>> No.16923215
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I guess it really is all relative.... Your life seems to be on a very good trajectory: believe in yourself and never underestimate what an outstanding woman can do for a man.

>> No.16923224

You won't even feel different if you quit.
t. ex 10 year half ounce/week smoker

>> No.16923227

Thank you for your kind words, fren. Where do you live? If you lived in burgerland what would you do?