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1691944 No.1691944 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be 23
>didn't go to uni
>get on normiebook
>bored looking at classmates from HS
>they all graduated uni's
>thought I missed out on something the past few years
>none of them are doing anything interesting
>most are working mcdonalds tier jobs making less than me
>the people making the most are probably doing trades

can someone explain to me what happened? is this how it is everywhere?

seems like everything is a meme and I'm confused

>> No.1691959

are you a NEET?

>> No.1691966


Same story, except I'm 27 and most of mine are doing shit tier sales jobs so they can pay for shit Contiki holidays. Uni is a meme unless you have the drive to back up why you're going. At 18 years old when everyone makes that decision - they don't. You'll watch them all shift around the same 7 or so jobs or maybe owning a franchise - which is okay I guess if that's what they want to do. Society needs sandwiches

>Not a NEET

>> No.1691968

>>most are working mcdonalds tier jobs making less than me

>> No.1691969

if you come from a working class or lower middle class background short of being a savant you're highly unlikely to land one of those 6 figure programming or finance jobs.

that's my background, and i couldn't find a job with an engineering degree. now i'm in a doctoral program making as much as burger flippers. trades would have been a better choice for me.

>> No.1691981

I don't know, my mum told me all my life "If you ever want to make anything out of your life and get weekends off well you're going to work in a factory!"

well I took her advice and it is what it is I guess.

>> No.1692043

>be me
>be 23
>didn't graduate
>classmate from HS working for Hawkings
>Developer friends making 100k

I think you just went to a nigger school

>> No.1692050

lol im still going to uni and make 50-100€ an hour just by teaching basic programming skills. the people just dont know where they have to look for the money

>> No.1692075

>be you
>be a NEET
>talking down to others as if your friends accomplishments are your own

>> No.1692598

>short of being a savant
nah you just have to be jewish

>> No.1692632

I feel like my experience is different. Perhaps it's just the company you keep, or the people you knew in HS specifically.

>me, 27, finishing college this year finally (took 2 years off, etc)
>Majority of people around me already have their Masters, already have 7-10 years working experience in their field
>Most people married/kids/home owners/etc
>I have a girlfriend and cats

I have a good job that pays well. I do better than some of my friends, and MUCH worse than others. I'm closer to 40k~ a year while I have friends making anywhere from $0 (not working NEETS) to 150k a year.

tl;dr everyones life situation is different. If you want more, strive for more.

There's also no shame in having comfy job and comfy life but lower pay. I make less than some of my friends, but I have ZERO debt, ZERO student loans, etc - I save about 1500+ a month where some of my buddies earn 60k+ and don't even have 1k in the bank savings.

>> No.1692663

I worked in a factory and hardly ever got weekends off but once or twice a month.

>> No.1692981


I'm around your age OP.

Half the people on my FB who graduated college are living in international cities making close to 6 figure starting salaries (a few are making north of 100k)

The other half are similar to what you described.

I grew up in an area with very good public schools though.

>> No.1692992

>be me
>be 21
>finished high school top of my class
>finishing up engineering degree
>hate it
>no drive, don't want to do this shit every day

the fuck am i supposed to do now. i want to start my own business or go into real estate

yes this is how it is everywhere, 90% of people are unhappy and not where they want to be. the one's that are happy are usually doing trades, the ones that are where they want to be hate their jobs now

>> No.1693007

What type of engineering?

>> No.1693018


>> No.1693021

what aspect do you hate so much?

>> No.1693024


Wagecuck in engineering for 5-10 years, learn the industry, start your own business by early 30's.

>> No.1693028

i just don't enjoy it at all
I'd rather be out there running a company than slaving away and doing math all day toward a pointless project. And no, I don't want to run an engineering company either

>> No.1693031

have you worked at an engineering company yet?

>> No.1693032

what's the best way to maximize my earnings over the next 5-10 years? live like i'm poor and invest all my money in exxon?

>> No.1693034

Only as an intern, but I'm very aware of what my job will entail, I know many engineers. I just don't want to work in STEM at all

>> No.1693038

save over 50% of your after-tax income

>> No.1693040

I'm doing engineering and it's much more hands on, I don't know if that would be more your cup of tea bub

>> No.1693264
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>check up on old class mates
>every single girl is now a single mother
>every guy is in a relationship with a single mother from another county

Pretty sure im the lucky one with no baggage and a construction job

>> No.1693290

you can find plenty of interesting hands on work if you look for it as an engineer, just not in Energy

>> No.1693303

the only part i liked about my classes was theory

>> No.1693316

Don't believe you, unless you just went to a shitty school with shitty people.

But more han likely you're just roleplaying to hide the fact that you're a sad faggot

>> No.1693343

It's a meme if your a male. If your a female it's supposed to be where you go to find a rich chad to marry.

>> No.1693353

Not really, a lot of them went to Ohio State,sure it
isn't an ivy, but I expected some of them to do something.

damn maybe you should just an hero or something

>> No.1693357

what are you doing in engineering without a degree anyway

>> No.1693387
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>be 20
>denied from every arts program
>just give up and accept that higher education isn't for me
>bust my ass everyday working odd jobs and persuing my goals
>only need to sleep 6.5 hours a day cause job forms habits
>hipster friend is two years into his design program
>his house burns down
>he drops the course and is now in a worse position than i am
>everyone from i know that went to a 2 year program college is working retail or mcdonalds to pay off their 15-50k debt
>bunch of people realize their meme degree is useless
>laugh myself to sleep with $2000 savings
Don't give up guys.

>> No.1693396

working on a degree/promotion

>> No.1693408

How do you get a gig in trades?
I'm about to finish my business degree but I have no interest in corporate

>> No.1693418

cc, unions, local paper

what kind of trade are you interested in

>> No.1693450

Making things?
I'm not picky

>> No.1693461

I graduated when I was 23, went on to waste the next 5 years of my life. Currently a successful business owner, the only thing of worth I learned in college was that homogenous societies work better after spending a year in japan. I use that to inform my real-estate investing strategy.

As others have said, college is a worthless meme unless you want to be a doctor/lawyer/engineer.

>> No.1693480

you can do industrial maintenance which is a combination of electrician/mechanic

that's what I'm doing

>> No.1693487

>25 (26 in June)
>working as lpn in a nursing home
>still not finished with school because I fucked around in my classes (showing up drunk, skipping classes to get high in my car, not studying)
>have to work full time and go to school part time
>the girls I went to school with moved out of state and have kids
>most of the guys I know have joined the military, are in prison or have careers
>still have like 5 years at best until I can get my bachelor's
just end me already

>> No.1693493

>As others have said, college is a worthless meme unless you want to be a doctor/lawyer/engineer.

this is so fucking true it's unbelievable.

>> No.1693518

The saddest part of all this is that there are jobs which require college but pay minimum wage anyway.

>> No.1693544

Bite the bullet and work for a couple of years on minimal costs eating ramen and shit. Once you have a pretty penny saved up start a business or company up in an industry you have drive for.

>> No.1693558

Would you consider programming/developing engineering?

>> No.1693569

how does the fact that Japan is a homogeneous society affect your real estate strategy?
and what we're you doing in Japan?

>> No.1693661


Academic Bubble.

It will get worse.

>> No.1693690

It's "software engineering". So yeah

>> No.1694742

>the people making the most are probably doing trades

no, they're most certainly not

>> No.1694757


Where do you live that you can save that much off $40k?

>> No.1694761
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>making $90k a year
>want to kill myself everyday
>get a job making $65k
>comf out after getting home at 5:30

>> No.1695202
File: 546 KB, 590x397, blue-tents-japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I walked through a small wooded area near an industrial zone in Chiba where homeless people had set up a small community (Tarp huts and whatnot). It blew my mind. Here were the bottom of Japans society, and it was cleaner, safer and more organized than your average black or latino neighborhood in america. I felt 20x more safe than I ever have in any american city. It made me realize that the poverty level of where you are investing doesn't matter, only culture does. A poor east asian will be more easier to deal with and kinder to your property, period.

Now, I legally cant discriminate against potential renters, but I sure as shit can pick where I buy my properties based on average demographics.

>sushi captcha

>> No.1695213

>be me
>first year medical student
Come at me assholes

>> No.1695242


What were their degrees? University is essentially worthless except for a handful of degrees. Honestly, if they didn't get an accounting/Finance or Engineering/CS degree then the chances of them getting a real job is really low. Math and Science degrees are worthless unless it was a Master's degree.

>> No.1695245

This is why I hate 4chan, I'm so sick of you retards who think you're so intelligent. If you had any reading comprehension you would understand that I'm referring to the people around me

>I'm going to try being smug and correcting someone when I myself am the dumbass

Besides you aren't even contributing to the thread

>> No.1695259

His house burning down is an unfortunately that has stopped him out earning you. 2k savings with a job is not impressive at all, I saved 20k Sterling by 22 before going to uni.You really shouldn't be laughing yourself to sleep

>> No.1695281

then academia is right up your alley
and it can be VERY lucrative