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16919316 No.16919316 [Reply] [Original]

If hes Satoshi, I'm out of crypto for good. Simple as that.

>> No.16919377

That's it -- adding Satoshi to my filter list as well.

Kill yourself, Pajeet

>> No.16920051



Go fuck yourself.

>> No.16920060

My plan is to lurk 24/7 next few weeks so in case he signs some shit I can immediately go all in BSV

>> No.16920091

his layer just stated he could not provide the private keys. so basically he is a scam nigger. what a shocker

>> No.16920112

You won't be missed.

>> No.16920153
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>> No.16920161

Oh no i will immediately market sell my 1000 bsv and disavow satoshi , we cant lose u

>> No.16920391

Fuck you. I know your mind games

>> No.16920617
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>I shall provide evidence

>> No.16921000


Nobody owns BSV lol

>> No.16921109

I do

>> No.16921121


Ok pajeet


Everything about CSW screams cringe.. literally the opposite of what crypto should be and why I got into this space

>> No.16921156
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>Ok pajeet
Why do shitholers always project?

>> No.16921164
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>> No.16921225

Kek.. How much hatred do you carry? Nobody will miss you "in crypto" so yeah bye

>> No.16921477

no worries he is fucking not

>> No.16921480

he had 5 years why now?