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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16918582 No.16918582 [Reply] [Original]

You can post in this thread only if you own at least 21 BSV (with proof).

Welcome to the citadel genlemen.

>> No.16918716

Post had first pajeet op

>> No.16918721

Hand* sirs please sirs post ett

>> No.16918802
File: 2.04 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry pajeet, only white people are allowed in the citadel.

>> No.16918818

using bsv to get out of his painting gig

>> No.16918824

I'm posting without BSV and you can't stop me.

>> No.16918837

without invoking satoshi, what makes bsv worth buying?

>> No.16918844

MODS, get this peasant out of the citadel please.

>> No.16918887
File: 15 KB, 259x194, fucknigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would it cost to build a citadel with connecting infrastructure, in let's say a mountainous region of south america?
i don'z know 50 billion?
so how many linkers and satoshi gangers would need to create a fund to make shit happen at that point?
let's say 1-2k people plus their families.
so we got small town numbers plus security personell (flown in from the US, not locals)

>> No.16918895

There are no jannies in the citadel since everyone's "rich". Nice urban planning.

>> No.16918907

>photo instead of screenshot
>wrong orientation

every fucking time

>> No.16918909


>highest transactions per second and lowest transaction fees (less than 1 cent)
>is literally the original bitcoin as per whitepaper
>twetch.app , moneybutton, streamanity.com
>nchain owns hundreds of crypto patents

but the citadel is only for high iq people, I'm sorry

>> No.16918914


I thought it'd look a little nicer.

>> No.16918932

we're gonna build the citadel in india so it will be much cheaper. Plus it's much nicer when your citadel overlooks the slums, there's a certain, je-ne-sais-quoi to it

>> No.16918942

we will renew it once Bitcoin (bsv) gets back to its former price of 20 thousand american dollars

>> No.16918975

india is a target in the upcoming nuclear war on islam and china, maybe after that when they are the world super power with reserve currency status, but not before

>> No.16919008

Hello fellow enlightened bsv friend

>> No.16919037

Jannies can get hired if they stake 0.21 BSV

>> No.16919039
File: 79 KB, 1080x1450, 1579399163439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the citadel, anon. The food is free. Please fill in the questionnaire about sexual preferences for your harem.

>> No.16919066

Is 0.21 BSV = jannies the lowest tier?
What are the rest?

>> No.16919099

Bsv was never 20k, btc was. You can't shit talk btc and also claim its mantl without looking like a retard.

>> No.16919139

oh yes, sorry about that anon, there was a temporary glitch with the tickers, and normies got confused, they bought a crippled soft fork of bitcoin when they intended to buy the real bitcoin. Soon things will get back to normal don't worry

>> No.16919155


.00000002 core tards aka outter City limits
.00000021 sewer people
.0000021 homeless
.000021 government employee
.00021 lower class
.0021 middle class
.021 is upperclass
.21 is janny
2.1 is citizen
21 is fag?
210 is faglord?
2100 is mega faglord?
21000 is ultra Mecha faglord?
210000 is super Sonic hyper inflated metal faglord
2100000 is CWS

>> No.16919181

this anon is correct (i forgot to mention, roasties are not allowed in the citadel, craig said they will only distract us, while we should be productive and compete, so we are gonna be gay instead)

>> No.16919186

So I guess the female harem will be robots?

>> No.16919261

(shh, there will actually be hot females but that is a secret revealed only to holders of at least 210bsv, the gay shit is to keep the normies and non-believers out)

>> No.16919285

I thought it was 2.1 get arranged mates

21 get a few bang maids

210 get trannies?

2100 and up are too high IQ for sex

>> No.16919455

shut the fuck up smelly currynigger

>> No.16919469

spotted the seething shorter.

Sorry, you are not invited to the citadel

>> No.16919533


>> No.16919574

You only need 1 brah. If you haven't already made a Twetch account, you should. You are given a user ID that is strictly digits relevant to the same you signed up. People are going to pay TONS of money for the early-adopters' ID's that are a low digits. Plus, not all people are gong to be able to join Twetch in the future. It's starting to look like their business model will rely and only issuing a certain number of ID's - a 'social media scarcity'. If someone like Taylor Swift went on Twetch - she would get paid for every single person who follows. "celeberties' aren't going to pass shit up like that.