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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 872x598, 1579407650310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16911816 No.16911816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This shit will crash the entire crypto market.

>> No.16911833


mutts women are so attractive

>> No.16911835

whos the old braphog?

>> No.16911838

she jew

>> No.16911841

I hope no way id settle with that before 80 yo

>> No.16911849

Holochain founder

>> No.16911851


>> No.16911867

does she do porn?

>> No.16911887


>> No.16911912

Now meet another holo shill slut. Did they meet on pornhub?

>> No.16911917

imagine the smell

>> No.16911923
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incredibly talented but oblivious boomer gets his shit destroyed by believing in Jews
Seen this before somewhere

>> No.16911930

HOLY KEK. How did you find her?

>> No.16911942
File: 89 KB, 522x585, arinka peeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16911992

i'd let her suck my jimson weed

>> No.16912007

>incredibly talented
The cope never ends

>> No.16912073
File: 20 KB, 445x332, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy.

>> No.16912106

Arina is so classy

>> No.16912113

Umm who is this?

>> No.16912121

A camwhore that posts here and sometimes shills Holo

>> No.16912160

This is nothing compared To Jeff Bezos MILF
leak emails

>> No.16912169

Why would this shit have any effect on the overall market?

>> No.16912171

(where he cheated on his wife & took a pic of his dick and sent it to his mistress MILF's phone)

>> No.16912177



>> No.16912182

No one would question Bezos' competence to run Amazon though.

>cheated on his wife & took a pic of his dick and sent it to his mistress MILF's phone
Totally normal stuff, every successful man does it.

>> No.16912198

You're trying to compare the world's richest man who has a 3-decade record of running the world's most successful company with some shitcoin CEO who was running an Indiegogo campaign to fund her swingers club 2 years ago.

>> No.16912309

thanks for watching my vids and holo will mooning, i love my fans

>> No.16912469

Clearly a jewess..

>> No.16912540

She's also Chloe from the telegram

>> No.16912679


>> No.16912681

i wanna eat that hairy pussy while she drains my bank account

>> No.16912696

not that hairy. can't post pics because blue board, but you can check here: https://fetlife.com/search?q=%40araelle NSFW

>> No.16912741

This is the reason why antibiotics aren't as effective anymore

>> No.16912773

Someone download them before she nukes it too

>> No.16912798

can you just make a mega or post them on imgur? mega preferred for longevity. dont want to register to that degenerate site.

>> No.16912837

maybe if i tie her up like this i can get my money back

>> No.16912838

She’s actually Christian. This is the fourth time in 2 days where a Christian person did something incredibly fucked up or degenerate and there were multiple posts about them being a Jew or why Jewish people are bad.

I can’t tell if this is psyops or just a bunch of poltards who can’t be bothered to spend 2 minutes doing research before they jump to their degenerate conclusions.

Mostly what you’re doing is just bigoted and mean and isn’t going to solve anyone’s problems, especially considering the majority of people you guys like to call “Jews” because they did something you found wrong are in fact not even Jewish. The fact is, bad people come in all shapes and sizes. I have to believe this is just Neo Nazi propaganda trying to target the uneducated and mentally weak. There really is no other good explanation. In any case, this is a business and finance board, please keep your propaganda to /pol/.

>t. Jew who is poor, wagecucks, and plays vidya and shitposts on 4chan all day just like you.

>> No.16912859

its called a "crypto-kike", kike. now kys.

>> No.16912880

> Hand rubbing intensifies

>> No.16912882

Saying “crypto-kike” and “Jew” are two very different things. I can get behind reappropriating words but nobody talks about it like that and if Trey and Matt Parker couldn’t succeed (they tried with “fag”) a bunch of weebs won’t either. And let’s be real, the collective IQ on 4chan is not high, unless you’re explicitly defining yourself even if you don’t mean “Jew” in the literal sense, a lot of people will think you do and some of those people will be crazy and dangerous and do shit like walk into a temple and kill a bunch of people’s grandparents. Why would you want to be a proponent of that?

>> No.16912895


that's a nice cock,why wouldn't he want that pic getting out?

>> No.16912898

>hurr shes actually christian
No she isnt fucktard. Where is she glorifying Jesus? Shes a talmudic jew evidenced by having a public instagram with nudity and engaging in debacherous behavior. Clearly not the leader to represent holo.

>> No.16912914

ethnic jew you verbose Jewish dumbass

>> No.16912927

go away glownigger kike.

>> No.16912937

Camacho is an incredibly Christian name, brought to Portugal by Spanish Christians and now a more popular Portuguese name than Spanish. And Mary? Jewish people name their daughters Miriam, most will specifically avoid “Mary” because of the Christian origins, whereas tens if not hundreds of millions of Christian women are named Mary or their language equivalent (eg Maria). The probability of her being Christian is incredibly high and the lowest probability is that she is Jewish. But sure, base your facts on the fact that she has social media because only Jews post dumb shit to social media. Anecdotally, I don’t have any social media accounts. So does that mean she’s not Jewish anymore based on your rules?

>> No.16912952

It means shes defined by her actions, not the name her parents gave her

>> No.16912956

Every Jew is an ethnic Jew and a religious Jew, there is no such thing as a Christian Jew. For fucks sake. If you don’t consider yourself religious that’s another thing but that doesn’t make you Christian.

>using words is bad
Definitely psyops.

>> No.16912963

go away kike, you are not talking your way out of this. your kind are the source of every degeneracy in the world today, also niggers in europe and the us.

>> No.16912968

Oh, where is she praying to the Torah and spreading virtues like honoring your mother and father, not adultering, etc etc? What a crock of shit, but I shouldn’t be surprised racists can’t come up with a legitimate argument. Gonna leave this thread to you guys to circle jerk now. Just remember you and me are doing the exact same things today, and I am a Jew. Guess you are one too.

>> No.16912971

go away kike

>> No.16912973

cope and dilate goy

>> No.16912980

I give her props, every other make crypto ceo is either a pedophile or asexual.

>> No.16912983

you know its true, christkiller. you are literally the synagogue of satan.

>> No.16912990
File: 229 KB, 599x289, 1577495994164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know its true, christkiller. you are literally the synagogue of satan.

>> No.16912991

here's an archive of some of her fetlife
ibb [dot] co [slash] album [slash] mLpuWF

do share if you have more juicy pics of her, I heard some of you found her pics of her fucking or something, I can't find 'em

>> No.16912992

it also says that all non jews are cattle and they all will be slaves. and other fun things about the goyim.

>> No.16913009

Holochain isn't that relevant, sorry.

>> No.16913011

90% of people are dumb cattle

>> No.16913017

I'm betting you'll see sirgay in some pics with her

>> No.16913018

Not even Jesus gives a FUCK if you say you are a christian or have a christian name or familial ties to the belief. Being a christian is defined 100% by action alone as show in matthew ch.7:

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

>> No.16913020

Based anon

>> No.16913025

its specifically about the goyim. jews not included. you are not even trying to answer the argument truthfully, just babble and dilute the conversation. just like i expected from a kike.

>> No.16913036

>its specifically about the goyim
90% of people are goyim

>> No.16913039

She’s wearing a ring with a pedophile symbol on it. Being a Jew and running a scam crypto you know this ugly jokes is running an Epstein gig here.

>> No.16913054
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>> No.16913057

So you basically just admitted multi-millenia plan, with the goal of enslaving the goyim, by providing no clear counter argument.

>> No.16913061

>im in real life very shy girl
All women are whores.

>> No.16913071
File: 55 KB, 1200x625, cb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16913101
File: 121 KB, 600x750, hollyjew2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16913114
File: 184 KB, 1600x1201, 5645679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artistic photos

>> No.16913151

For once id like to thank the based jannies who decided to archive rather than delete the original exposure thread

>> No.16913172

>> >>16913018
Here’s my last comments: if you believe this, then you also believe you need to be born Jewish to be a Jew. She was not born Jewish, therefore by your own logic, she is not a Jew. Being a Jew is not defined by your actions (according to Jews), the same as according to Christians being Christian is not defined according to the religion you were born into. If you want to make your argument she is a Jew because of her actions, then my argument she is a Christian because she was born into it is equally as valid. Unless you are a religious fanatic and believe “muh Christianity, everyone else is WRONG”... In which case there is no debating you because you are actually nuts and think there’s a man in the sky judging everything you do.

Let’s just say that guy is actually a Jew. Him and I are clearly very different people. The chances of me actually liking or getting along with him irl are probably next to zero. Yet if I was forced to kill you or him it would absolutely without a doubt be you. Why? Because you force my hand. You’ve identified yourself as my enemy even though I’ve done nothing wrong to you, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you won’t stick up for Jews, then I have to. Anti-semitism is on the rise, and that sucks for me because I am actually a good person but I would get judged a Jew all the same. I don’t expect or want your sympathy, but I won’t sit silently while people like you bully others. I actually identify highly with Christian values. I believe in loving people regardless of their background. Unlike anon above who is a fake Christian who Jesus would shun.

Anyway, carry on.

>> No.16913206

>collectively infiltrates nations that welcome them with open arms and treat them like brothers and providing preferential treatment to eachother
>uses newfound powers to cast said nation into being an economic and moral and ethnic cesspool
>literally calls the people who helped them in every situation by risking their lives "evil" and "nazis"
>Oh goyem, why you persecute me so?

Literally the only group on earth that needs laws to keep people from hating them.

>> No.16913213

Ok let me clarify something you dont understand. I said talmudic jew, meaning fake jew who is of the synagog of satan as prophesized in the new testament. Real jews do not follow the talmud teachings. Shes a satanist and its pretty clear based on her inverted pentagram rope symbilism and exercising the do what thou wilt mindset.

>> No.16913245

Her only dev qualification and training is 2016 codecraft school of technology in Col. Full stack Developer. The place looks like a degree kill and the web site domain is for sale.

>> No.16913248

>I can get behind reappropriating words
I don't doubt that

>> No.16913306

Seems very plain-jane

Basically what you’d expect from a woman who didn’t get positive romantic attention and resorted to computers and her studies. Getting into kink as she ages.

And yet as a straight white male in America, things are still pretty damn good. Ima enjoy my coffee and my day off tomorrow.

I’m not a NEET incel and I hold stocks.

>> No.16913350

Luke-Jr is among us
Posting in His bread

>> No.16913400

>what you’d expect from a woman who didn’t get positive romantic attention and resorted to computers and her studies

she has a husband tho https://twitter.com/mnicholsdevguy

>> No.16913420

now i want to see her fetish list

Into: milking paypigs of all their BTC (everything to do with it)

>> No.16913426

Nah, you are just a cuck. have fun with your wifes son at tranny story hour.

>> No.16913457

That's not her husband, it's her "partner."