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16900028 No.16900028 [Reply] [Original]

So just got word that the founder of Quant is no longer with them

>> No.16900297

so word got out i just had sex with your mother

see? we both have nothing to back our claims

>> No.16900331

Kek just ask at next AMA

>> No.16900338

SIA are not happy with the tech. Looking at other options

>> No.16900342
File: 59 KB, 758x686, qnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just had a really important meeting with a Fortune 500 company. He'll be back on YouTube with Blockchain Brad

>> No.16900362

They ran out of money so they're selling all their tokens.

>> No.16900367

Sorry i have to go. Big banks are phoning me. Meanwhile take my 10k tokens on idex kek

>> No.16900409

Gilbert never actually existed, he was CGI in the meme photos

>> No.16900421


when will he stop dumping lads?

>> No.16900450

>when will he stop dumping lads?

163 days ago, by the looks of it.

When will you stop sucking ladyboipucci?

>> No.16900465




>> No.16900478



>> No.16900492



>> No.16900532


>> No.16900565

Oh no the coin team cashes out part of their holdings WHAT A SCAM.

>> No.16900602

All in the whitepaper

>> No.16900622

Whitepaper is scampaper

>> No.16900628

Ocean Protocol team control between 43-75% of the coin supply depending on how you calculate it. If calculating using Total supply, the team control 43%. If calculated using Max supply, the team control 75%. Either way, it’s a large percentage. What will the team do with the tokens? Sell them.


Whoops, wrong thead. Or is it?

>> No.16900669

Sir, we need to pay all our teammembers, all close relatives of eachother. No worry we have more as 1000 partners signed in, all under NDA.

You can check our company pages on the internet.

No worries at all. I will do an interview with Brad soon, pay the marketmakers and work on some other hype talks.

Stay tuned

>> No.16900673

Its time to sell all my Quant i think

>> No.16900717
File: 22 KB, 621x435, Tutorial.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Quant version of "Hello World", excellent first impression SIA made:

>> No.16900982

Or do i wait and see if we hit 10 dollars one day ?

>> No.16901020

Team will keep selling, they need to hit their $10 million revenue target they shilled in the Forbes paid for, non fact checked, opinion piece.

>> No.16902350

All the people dreaming of lambo’s. Gilbert will make it happen. Gilbert is the best connected man in the space. Gilbert is the man everyone knows.

Central Banks, the big four.

He makes everyone a client after only one call.

Everything told about this man is FUD.

He will make you rich! Buy quant retards

>> No.16903285

Gilbert fucked my wife cunts

>> No.16903316
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>> No.16903326

t. satsgang

>> No.16903337

Satsgang doing damage control again lmao

they way you defend your every project is so easily recognizable

>> No.16903458

They copy paste everything from a spreadsheet. It was posted the other day, same shitcoins DAG, OCEAN, QNT, FRM, BOLT and the exact same pajeets in telegram in each project. All screaming to Hodl the line and market buy more because 1000X imminent. Meanwhile they were dumping on all incoming buy orders.
Proven, with names, etherscans, and the amount of evidence is beyond coincidence.
Unironically every single one was a DAG administrator in telegram. DAG is the enemy, they perpetuate the scam pump and dump.
Also unironically DAG and QNT became partners. Two scams, one Satsgang scam group from the Philipines, and a bunch of rekt bagholders. Gilbert and Ben (CEOs) made it all possible when they brought Satsgang in to help them bleed their own communities.
Now you know the truth

>> No.16903971

don't forget RSR.

>> No.16904227

It's all a satsgang pump and dump. Satsgang scumbags are doxxing people that investigate them and especially if the person doing the based research is from a sexual and ethnic minority. Fucking racists. Always talking about showing hands etc.

>> No.16904270

Congratulations Markeesh youve hit #20 in Satsgang Damage Control Bingo. Trying to dox people exposing the scam.

>> No.16904300

Are you fucking insane? I am the based satsgang investigator and you try to make people believe you are me with these fucked up and insane comments:
>DAG is the enemy
You make me sound like a bitter and gay pedo-paki that only are here to seek revenge for my own panic selling of DAGs. You are fucking ruining my reputation and make me sound like a psycho YOU CUNT'!!

>> No.16904316

You fucking even copied the use of vpn supporting your own comments! I AM RAPHAEL, NOT U!!

>> No.16904376

Congratulations Ranjeet. You just hit 2 numbers on Satsgang Damage Control Bingo. Youve hit #6 and and 20. Post your card if youve won so we can restart the game.

1. He bought the top, hes just jealous
2. This is all made up Satsgang isnt real (even though tons of evidence posted)
3. Satsgang is a small group of friendly pajeets trying to help anons get rich, they only have a couple BTC they are harmless
4. Imagine missing out on (insert Satsgang scamcoin DAG, RSR, COTI, FRM, QNT, OCEAN, BOLT, MATIC, etc)
5. I was a member of Satsgang we made huge money always buy their pumps
6. Some faggot paki Raphael is responsible for everything. (the Denny Dagins special post usually followed by 85 autistic nonsense copypasta pro DAG posts)
7. How much (insert Satsgang shitoin) to make it
8. We invented Satsgang to FUD so we can get (insert Satsgang shitcoin) cheaper
9. Fuck you, You’re a retard piece of shit sirs
10. The Satsgang fudders are so annoying im buying 100k today
11. This much FUD it must be bullish
12. They said the same thing about ETH, dont miss out
13. im going to buy now and get in on the pump (even though they get dumped on)
14. I doubt Satsgang can really manipulate a coin
15. Hes seething at our gains
16. Satsgang is a forced meme to scare bizlets from huge gains
17. Fuck off in the next golden bull run this will easily be top 20
18. DAG is a solid project (LOL)
19. You are pajeet fudders trying to stop to stop people from finding gems 1000X
20. Reverse Psychology posts claiming to be exposing the scam but mocking themselves in the process

>> No.16904416


>> No.16904436

So you are stealing my comments Denny Dagins! And try to make me sound psychotic saying DAG is the enemy and that satsgang are controlling nearly all crypto. You try to make me sound insane, scumbag.

>> No.16904451

So lets get this straight. You posted

You forgot to switch your VPN troll LOL what a fucking idiot. Pajeets are losing their minds right now. The scam is exposed why dont you take your rupees and just leave

>> No.16904518

No, CUNT! I am not saying I am not biracial Pakistani/Arab but that YOU is a PAJEET form INDIA and Philippines and a SATSGANG MEMBER!! SHOW HAND RAJESH!! PAKISTAN IS BETTER!!

>> No.16904544
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Im a faggot

>> No.16904587

Satsgang is here with their damage control trying to make me sound insane. They want to me show my hand, but these scumbags can't force me to do anything and so I ask THEM to show their Indian and Philippians hands! Muahahah!!!

>> No.16904788

I smell curry and Indian nigger. So you want to be white and beautiful, pretending to be one of them? They will never accept you Rajesh! No matter how white you try to be!! No stop trying to impersonate me and fake copy my comments!!

>> No.16904809

You plan on responding to the anon who posted all those recent dumps? Didn't think so scamming faggot.

>> No.16904852

>DAG is the enemy
Nice try satsgang, trying to make me sound completely psychotic and unhinged. When I am taking my medicines, I am just as normal as you, perhaps even MORE!

>> No.16904883

You are the satsgang scumbag that tried to force me to show my hand here, right?

>> No.16905122

Why are all this projects dumping?

>> No.16905237

Satsgang Pajeets working double overtime to cover up the scam getting exposed. Do you think people are buying this larp Denny Dagins? Go back to the DAG telegram and post some rockets you scamming faggot.

>> No.16905341

Stupid assholes using 4chain to FUD here to possible get lower prices. If anyone read this don’t believe it

>> No.16905417

Sure Denny Dagins, you exposed yourself when you posted this insane statement on this quant thread;
>DAG is the enemy

You want me to sound completely insane, a psychotic nuts that should be locked up and the key thrown away. You are always pushing this thing that I am insane and posting whole day on 4chan biz and gif, only because I am insane, but I fucking told you, when I take my medicines I am MORE normal than you satsgang Denny Dagins*!!

>> No.16905773

>Congratulations Ranjeet. You just hit 2 numbers on Satsgang Damage Control Bingo. Youve hit #16. Post your card if youve won so we can restart the game

>> No.16906368

you're clearly a pajeet using google translate.