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16893955 No.16893955 [Reply] [Original]

gf uses my car to work. today it smelled like condom in there. wtf man am I hallucinating?

>> No.16893976

>Business and finance

>> No.16893984

she's cheating bro

>> No.16894028
File: 7 KB, 275x183, 03247852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes pretty sure I can trust my nose. gonna install a recorder in there. not sure If I can handle it I spent 30% of my life with her (28). at least I'm about to make it

>> No.16894029

What’s the problem If she’s making good money turning tricks? Put it into link and dump her when it moons. Until then let her use ur car for her ‘work’

>> No.16894042

I already mooned. gonna take everything from her and enjoy my gains. what country is cool to flee and forget? thailand?

>> No.16894051

Smelled like a condom. How do you know the specific smell of a condom vs. a wet balloon or rubber anything? Faggot

>> No.16894063

all women are whores, never forget that

>> No.16894066

I'm not a virgin kek. what's more likely that a condom/balloon/rubber was used in my care? fucking whores

>> No.16894080
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I always knew this moment would come

>> No.16894091
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Can you describe what does condom smell like anon?
>t. never used one

>> No.16894104

Have you ever even opened a condom wrapper before?

>> No.16894121
File: 117 KB, 400x400, sketch-1579303922046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over OP. Time to get you a nice Asian gf.
>Pic related my qt jap wife on our wedding night

>> No.16894122

Sir I think it's time you go dive into her social media, and see what's what.

>> No.16894142

No that shit is for cuck white boys

>> No.16894160

Depends on the condom. If OP is true, his GF obviously used one of his condoms (smell is familiar and he recognizes it as a condom) to fuck a bull in his own car. You hate to see it.

>> No.16894190

we both don't use social media. the only thing I can do is record my car and check her whatsapp. not sure If I should do it or just leave her because I'm generally unhappy with her

>> No.16894200

>friday night on /BIZ/

>> No.16894204
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if someone fucks in a car with condoms, can you actually smell it after 1-2 hours? I bet you can, I just did it. pretty stressed out man

>> No.16894209

install secret dashcam bro

>> No.16894217

Smells like Latex am i missing something

>> No.16894218

you have your relationship backwards, you should be using her car

>> No.16894221

at least I have my gains. literally the only thing I have. any advice how I get over this shit?

>> No.16894226

just dump her man, she's just a hoe

>> No.16894239

You need to prepare yourself, gather your shit, don't leave anything that can be used against you as a hostage or a reason to visit her. Surprise is 90% of success. Do not let her know what's what. If she knows about your btc wallets you need to protect that shit.

>> No.16894250

Just go to her and say 'I know what you did, but what hurts me the most is that you didnt tell me' etc. Until she admits. Than leave her. No drama. No scene.

>> No.16894259

pretty sure girls like her will LIE till the end bro...

>> No.16894261

This, the Tyron way

>> No.16894270

you need actual proof. an ordinary hidden sound recorder would do the job but she might not do the same thing in the car again

>> No.16894282

Smells like condom, but not mans sweat or sperm or any other obvious smells?

>> No.16894302

didn't check she was in the car. will do tomorrow. smell was a mix of condom and pussy scent I guess

>> No.16894307
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OP using UV light on the back seat

>> No.16894318

It's unironically a gift

>> No.16894322

>fucking in a car

Nice larp. Fucking in a car sucks and usually winds up with oral. For someone 28, a hotel is infinitely better and worth the 80 bux or whatever. Unless she’s white. Then she’s just spreading her legs while niggers do a drive thru for roast beef.

>> No.16894326

bitches use moisturiser and hand cream and a multitude of other crap constantly. maybe the products smell like the condom. Dunno. If it didn't smell like fucking then prob aint fucking.

>> No.16894330

Pair bonding is a joke.

>> No.16894333

they used a condom. but fuck it I will do it, it's a brandnew car and I had never sex in it
probably true fren

>> No.16894350

she uses that car for 1.5 years I never smelled this. it smelled like fucking it was the 1st thing that came to my mind

>> No.16894351

SHE A HOE. they all are

>> No.16894354

this, they won't even feel guilty until you have left. God I hate women

>> No.16894361

> Anonymous (ID: HRQ8HcZe) 01/18/20(Sat)00:28:51 No.16894028▶>>16894063
>File: 03247852.jpg (7 KB, 275x183)
>yes pretty sure I can trust my nose. gonna install a recorder in there. not sure If I can handle it I spent 30% of my life with her (28). at least I'm about to make it

record it get your stuff together and play it loud for hear looking at her reaction. than u leave this hoe. I guess its your first gf its always the hardest time bro.

>> No.16894371

How many dicks she had before you btw

>> No.16894403

2 I know of, probably 2-6 I don't know of

>> No.16894424

that's not the point there are hoes that went normal after they found the right one

>> No.16894425
File: 212 KB, 425x321, Screen Shot 2020-01-17 at 6.59.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op did you see any footprints on ceiling?

>> No.16894428

It doesn't smell like a latex glove or a balloon, it has lubricant on it too that also smells distinctly

>> No.16894440

This, unironically sit her down like you have a surprise, hint about going on a spontaneous trip (this will explain either your bags packed, or her bags that you prepared). Tell her to close her eyes, and play the recording. Unironically I would advise you to record every second of it, preferably with footage, god only knows what she might try to do after that.

>> No.16894445

It doesn't matter if it happened or not. You obviously don't trust her OP. One of two things will happen now. She will sense your paranoia and it will push her away from you or you will always wonder if she's cheating which will inevitably pull you away from her. Pack your shit, it's over.

>> No.16894449

I will check tomorrow, thanks fren. if I find something like this or sperm in UV, the recording becomes redundant

>> No.16894459


looser beta male / used up roastie

c o p e

>> No.16894479

not sure fren, that's pretty barbaric
thanks for the wise words bro

>> No.16894493

>It doesn't matter if it happened or not. You obviously don't trust her OP. One of two things will happen now. She will sense your paranoia and it will push her away from you or you will always wonder if she's cheating which will inevitably pull you away from her. Pack your shit, it's over.

>> No.16894503

Try to find out if she really is cheating. Don't be a victim of paranoia. That said if you are generally unhappy maybe it doesn't matter. If she is cheating be grateful you found out who she really is before you got married/had kids. Shit sucks man.

>> No.16894514

Of all places to cheat on you, why the car? Car sex sucks I'm sure the dude has an apartment or something.

>> No.16894517

There are footprints on my ceiling I can't help this fucked up feeling. somethings wrong, you ain't coming around here no more. god tier social d song that also fits the thread. nice post guy

>> No.16894527

And you smelled condom and pussy scent, wouldn't you have smelled some musty man ass odor too. Godspeed based sniff bro.

>> No.16894543

I think you would smell the smell of sex more than the condom. Like sweat/ vagina odor. if OP can't smell his GF's vagina odor on his car seat then she's probably not cheating

>> No.16894549

I WILL find out. no rest until I know
the truth will set us free.

>> No.16894552

>There are footprints on my ceiling
There is only one answer then anon...

>> No.16894559

Did she give you any other warning signs btw? Could just be your paranoia. But since you're paranoid enough to post here, there had to be other warning signs.

>> No.16894574

thats not the OP retard.

>> No.16894575
File: 160 KB, 848x466, uv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I have the warning signs.

will buy this monday, THE BITCH WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT

>> No.16894581

lol wut
that is a cope

>> No.16894595

send the memo to her parents afterwards.

>> No.16894596

You need to either record her in the act or catch her in the act, if you leave her based on uv light, you might feel bad about it for the rest of your life.

>> No.16894611


>> No.16894644
File: 13 KB, 657x527, 93742344561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for being here frens, kind of calmed me down a bit. we're all gonna make it. golden bullrun is here, barry and roger are pumping.

>> No.16894658
File: 73 KB, 873x700, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sunk cost fallacy. don't let a woman do this to you. You have become weak and lazy from suckling on her teat and now the barbarians are at the gates. Will you lay down and let them in?

>> No.16894665

Fucking based play right here

>> No.16894706

OP met her when she was 19 and se already had 2-6 dicks (reality:10+). They were together for nine years. She probably is at 30+ dicks now.
I am sorry dude
Good news: your value will only increase if you make the right choices. Hers is declining since you met her. Get out. Its a win.congrats

>> No.16894724

This desu my car smelled like pussy for a day or two the first and last time I fucked in my car. Never doing that shit again.

>> No.16894733

If you're already generally unhappy they GTFO dummy

>> No.16894734

based blackpill poster. 30 is too much, she might be a whore, but not a monster. I spent 95% of days and nights together with her

>> No.16894749

without the knowledge that she cheated on me? I don't know bro.. I want to know

>> No.16894773

all she needed was like 20 mins away from anon. You went to the bathroom? She fucked 3 niggers. You went to get a corndog? 3 niggers Night out with the girls? 100 niggers. etc. etc.

>> No.16894786

Like the other Anon said you already don't trust her. Time to to git. Just assume she did and move on

>> No.16894797

maybe ask her how she gets to work usually (don't make it seem like an interrogation) then drive the path she takes to work, taking note of any possible places she can fuck someone in the car without anyone seeing, places where she could have picked up a stranger. what time of day was it?

i'm not knowledgeable on cars but is there any way you can take note of how much gas it takes to go from your house to her work? if it seems fishy and maybe she used too much gas or too little, maybe call her work and interrogate the boss to see if she came late or early or on time? what time did she leave, if she was seen with anyone. can you in any way look at her bank account and see her transactions for that day? was it the usual starbucks coffee she always picks up?

>> No.16894805

Lets see. 9 years is > 3000 days.
5% without you is 150 days

30 cocks is conservative estimation

>> No.16894812

> He doesn't use wet balloon in his car

>> No.16894846
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>> No.16894854

kek you guys will never be able to love a women aren't you?

>> No.16894867

I love.
But im not blind. Nor naive.

>> No.16894892

If I had a quarter for everytime I've thought "$Roasties['name'] would never do this to me..." I would have about $8 but the point still stands.

>> No.16894900

This is one big LARP. No man this gay would ever have a girlfriend.

>> No.16894902
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> There are footprints on my ceiling I can't help this fucked up feeling

>> No.16894906


>> No.16894927
File: 144 KB, 218x815, 241F5404-0D13-4D6D-8891-83FE6C9760DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found your guy, OP

>> No.16895068

this is hilarious

>> No.16895545
File: 55 KB, 330x1648, 1578705226244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed. weekend /biz/ is best /biz/

>> No.16895563

speaking from experience, if you suspect you are getting cucked, you are getting cucked

it's your fault for not cheating first

>> No.16895771


>> No.16896166
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>> No.16896193

this it sucks but if u don't do it first it hurts more if they do

>> No.16896269

Pretend like it didn't affect you at all if she cheated, don't get angry, don't give her any emotions. She probably did it to get a reaction out of you. Amicably split up, and move on. You've probably dodged a bullet.

>> No.16896287

she's cheating 100%. do what I do and just cheat on her back and subtly hint that you know she cheated and she will stop all her thot activies. thing is, don't stop and keep fucking hoes in retaliation for her fucking up.

>> No.16896295

mutually assured fornication, god help us all

>> No.16896328

Then confront her dude. You are just going to drive yourself crazy. Fucking bring it up and ask. If you hear what you suspect then get the fuck out of that relationship. Shit isn't complicated, just dont be a puss

>> No.16896330

>once she knows that you know shes cheating, and you dont leave her, she'll stop
Whatever you gotta tell yourself

>> No.16896333

Kek. Letting your gf drive or have a license.

>> No.16896369

dont tell her about you making it or having a lot of money. drop her and move on.

>> No.16896424

>you need actual proof
For what? Either way he doesn't like her, you fucking moron.

OP for your sake please just exit the relationship. If you're about to make it, that's how you get over this.

>> No.16896437

>bitches use moisturiser and hand cream and a multitude of other crap constantly. maybe the products smell like the condom. Dunno
Yeah dude.

Hey when you get a girlfriend, the three of us should hang out.

>> No.16896479

Can't sleep its already 5 a.m will probably confront her tomorrow and make an end. Proof chasing is too much

>> No.16896530

My car smelled like condoms femanon wtf? Hahaha whew. If it was me fucking her you'd be able to smell the pungent stench of my splooge atleast a week after I destroyed her anon.

>> No.16896532

Then you will never catch her and you will look and feel like the bad guy, dummy. Be patient.

>> No.16896536

Sorry but isn't this normal promiscuous behavior in europe fren?

>> No.16896542
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Scent is the strongest sense tied to memory. If that's what your nose detected,.tryst it. You're not going crazy. Either quietly pack up your shit and fuck off one day while she's at work, or hide a recorder under the seat one day when she borrows the car.

If you catch her, dont immediately confront her. Wait until she's most vulnerable, like she's left for a few days or something then clean the house out and disappear from her life entirely.

>> No.16896545

You've been with her so you should see the tells of when she's lying. Most females will NOT tell you the truth though, they'll say it's to save you from the ache.

Alternatively, you can check her phone. WhatsApp could have recent contacts or if she uses Google, check her Maps history or Photos in the Cloud.

>> No.16896551

no it's not

>> No.16896562

Fight me you lil bitch

>> No.16896576
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>he actually speak to women

>> No.16896607

bro, you're watching too much porn.

>> No.16896609

>will probably confront her tomorrow
>Hey femanon, I noticed this weird and strong smell in the car
>Oh OP?
>Yeah, smelled like hot latex...
>Weird, maybe the car needs repairs.
>Hmm, maybe
You're still tired of being with her. Just dump her.

>Then you will never catch
>Be patient
WHAT a tool

>> No.16896610
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> t.

>> No.16896613


>> No.16896620

But this eurofag really does have a promiscuous gf. I'm correct

>> No.16896623

Have weak, feminine, scitzo sons that are completely incapable of giving you grandkids absolutely based.

>> No.16896628
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>If it was me fucking her you'd be able to smell the pungent stench of my splooge atleast a week after I destroyed her anon.

>> No.16896636

If you upload a pic of your femanon I could with 99.5% accuracy tell you whether she's a sausage monster.

>> No.16896642
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don't rly know what to do. probably grabbing an old smartphone and hide it in the car. wait 1-3 weeks and then leave anyway. life has more to offer than what I did the last years here

>> No.16896646

I'm literally drinking the blood of faggots there. You wanna fight me bro?

>> No.16896651

She will make up some shit on the spot. Yeah my friend had sex with her boy and was sitting in a dress on the backseat, or some shit like that.

>> No.16896659

Do you know how to get someone into an arm bar anon? If you hold her in one for long enough she will tell you eventually.

>> No.16896670

Marriage counselor here. Most of my clients start having affairs after about 5 years of marriage. Seen this time and time again. It is very common. Humans are not monogamous.

>> No.16896699
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> t.

>> No.16896701

Buy a cheap Olympus digotal recorder, like the WS-852. It can record for up to 30h only on 2 AAA batteries. Install the recorder under the seat.
Use Audacity to edit/listen to the audio file.
Use rechargeable batteries.

>> No.16896727

>marriage counselor
>most of my clients had affairs

whew lad, i thought people in happy marriages are the ones primarily attending counselors

>> No.16896744

Lmfao just break it off. Why even bother?

>> No.16896763
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>> No.16896921

that lube and latex smell definitely lingers. especially in enclosed spaces. do yourself a favor and make the decision to walk now. no discussion. no excuses. no second chances. no regrets.

>> No.16896958
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>I'm literally drinking the blood of faggots there

>> No.16897000

I have a better idea, undress completely, paint yourself in the color of the backseat close your eyes and sit there awaiting to reveal yourself when she begins to cheat on you. Fart loudly to establish dominance, and begin to yell you're toastie roastie.

>> No.16897871

This dude is based

I used to listen to that song when I was depressed