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File: 87 KB, 577x757, Screen Shot 2020-01-17 at 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16893543 No.16893543 [Reply] [Original]

Last time there was one it helped me a bit and I hope it helps others.

Post resume and others rate and give suggestions.

Give some feedback if posting your own.

Pic related is mine and I want literally any tech job that isn't sales/ programming COBOL. Suggestions/Feedback in skills I should develop? My goal is to get a job in the midwest within the next three months.

>> No.16893555

Terribly boring and wordy. Not trying to read a novel

>> No.16893568

are you.... having any luck with that resume?

>> No.16893571

I would toss that one in the bin. Too many words to little substance. How old are you? If older than 12 you failed. Miserably.

>> No.16893575

Try hard faggot/10

Into the trash it goes

>> No.16893633

Let's see yours then.

Nope, one interview and they chose someone else.

>> No.16893638

Wow anon, really selling yourself

>> No.16893651

This is the kind of feedback I like.

>> No.16893654

Uh, okay, well, you're format is scattered everywhere. You should have bullet points for your main positions not in the skills part. Also, your skills part reads more like the profile summary. Try switching those. Add more numbers to your experience duties.
....dummy that's why you're getting tossed. This isn't a Victorian novel or some Zola shit. You just used a thesaurus to impress people. Not gonna work.
For experience put three to four bullet points that summarize your successful accomplishments.
For example: Mentored 12 retards in blah blah that resulted in all 12 retards graduating from college and getting great jobs using non-retarded resumes.
Start with that.

>> No.16893702

Great tips!
Also, I have no successful accomplishments outside of being good at school. The part that's 2018-Present is all failures.

>> No.16893724

You need to reduce the word count by at least 50%. Use short bullet points. Skills section needs to be redone completely. It should be at most a few bullet points with all the languages, systems, interface you've used. "good people skills, friendly" is not something you write on a resume.

>> No.16893748

why didn't you get a job out of college?

the gap looks bad tbqh, does your entrepreneurship have an LLC that you can claim you worked at? what did you do for your entrepreneurship, study philosophy (yikes)?

>> No.16893812

Great tips!

I worked as a manager for another year then got lucky with crypto.

And nope no LLC. I created jewelry designs on CAD and self-produced a music album as far as entrepreneurship. And philosophy strengthens your thinking skills IMO, especially for edge cases with programming.

>> No.16893969
File: 94 KB, 627x780, Screen Shot 2020-01-17 at 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We might be getting somewhere.

>> No.16894363

Education definitely belongs above Experience. Having a 3.91 GPA in Engineering & computer science is way more impressive than working as a manager at some shitty jewelry store. Why did you think studying philosophy and self-producing an album was more important than your education and work experience in the hierarchy?

Also, why isn't your spacing consistent?

Why did you put self-study on a timeline? How about you take PROFILE & EXPERIENCE and make those one simplified section called "SKILLS"? Then put that between EDUCATION at the top and EXPERIENCE at the bottom

>> No.16894548

Because that’s how the template was laid out so I just kept that order but you’re right.
I’ll fix the spacing. Spacing is always fucky with Pages.
And I’ll implement those changes, thanks.

>> No.16894626

no problem faggot

>> No.16894640

Never post this thread again

>> No.16894769

This thread has given me more applicable business advice than 99% of the shit that's posted here.

>> No.16894833

Why not extend the manager role to 2018 and say you had a gap year in an SEA country working for your uncle in 2019. Get a friend to larp as him and say you were doing digital marketing for a motorcycle store or something.

You need to fill that gap because it looks terrible and no recruiter would risk hiring you.

>> No.16894836

Common don't put the fact you make memes in PS ahead of a manager position. Also find a better way to say you worked full-time and part-time depending on workload. If you say intermittently as the first sentence in your best achievement you won't have that point taken seriously. Do a cover letter.

>> No.16894880

Don't use the word plethora lmao. Srsly tho. Also maybe some relevant highlights / favorites studies in your degree?

>> No.16895027

>Why not extend the manager role
We closed the business November 2017
>fill that gap
Why is entrepreneurship considered terrible? I was literally trying to accomplish something on my own.

I honestly do not understand the hate that a gap gets, you're expected to be a wageslave in this country til retirement?
Where is the risk? They can prove through a simple check I wasn't in jail.

>Also find a better way to say you worked full-time and part-time depending on workload
Removed from resume.

>Do a cover letter.
What can I put on there that isn't just a rehash of my resume? I don't see a point to it.

Wasn't trying to sound smart, just was a jack-of-all-trades type role.
I might emphasize my degree a little more.

>> No.16895199
File: 97 KB, 617x762, Screen Shot 2020-01-17 at 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks a little better now. Thank you /biz/. Hope this thread helps others, too.

>> No.16895377

Things like entrepreneurship and Uber/Lyft driver on a resume are translated by the hiring manager as "I can't hold down a real job".

>you're expected to be a wageslave in this country til retirement?

Pretty much.

t. hiring manager

>> No.16895437

what happened to the bullet points? good lord man

>> No.16895451

what about having written a novel? Something I should brag about?

>> No.16895496

>"I can't hold down a real job"
In my case it's I am now finally looking for a real job.

I might bring them back just under experience tho.

I'm writing a book about shifting mindset from individualism to socialism and no way I'll mention that in the US at a job interview.

>> No.16895556

Would it help the gap if I went back to school and got a Masters in CS?

>> No.16895589

Nobody gives a shit about your Twilight fanfiction, especially if it doesn't have any relevance to the job you are applying for. At best a waste of precious resume space, at worst intothetrashitgoes.jpg

I'm the manager for that shitty dead-end job you're applying for, not a mind reader. If I see a long gap in your work experience, usually that means someone else fired you for being a useless retard and you couldn't find another job. I've taken a chance on a few applicants with garbage work histories and very quickly it becomes clear why they can't keep a job. Try to fill it with some bullshit like >>16894833 suggested. Nobody verifies work history.

>> No.16895602
File: 59 KB, 1700x2200, Please Gib Feedback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't hold back on how to improve, I'm an IT fag and am recently unemployed.

>> No.16895646

If I find my honesty doesn't work in the next month, I'll add that I organized two overseas startups in that time in the country my parents are from. (Becoming a popular thing there)

>> No.16895671

I like it. You can tell your skills improved as you gained more experience. Or at least your responsibilities.

>> No.16895707

Absolutely not.

What you need to do is put your nose to the grindstone and really work on getting your first decent job. With your Bio degree, look at quality control in food manufacturing setting. Get some experience, be dependable and capable, and try to work your way up. It won't be hard to outshine the competition. A lot of boomers in upper management are going to be retiring soon so there's going to be a lot of upward mobility for us few millennials that didn't fuck around.

Relevant work experience and especially any supervisory experience is worth 3x more than any bullshit master's degree.

tl;dr just get a fucking job

>> No.16895786

>Absolutely not.
Thanks for saving me $30k and 2 years. I'll see if my networked connections can help me find a decent entry level job.

>> No.16895828

I agree, this type of thread should be a regular one

>> No.16895847

Remove the dollar amount, try and broadly specify you were involved with vendors in contract negotiations.

I hate to say it but the only hope about Logic Pro X helping you is if someone wants to talk about music as a hobby. Same as philosophy.

At 4 years ago, you GPA might not really matter anymore and why is your BS in Engineering Bio and you list Engineering and Comp Sci GPA? Was it a minor or just coursework?

Expand on the desktop CCTV (and hope it is a good system).

Safer method of resurfacing touchstones via knowledge of chemistry just sounds like you used industry standard chemicals and techniques.

Try and expand upon troubleshooting Windows, do you have server experience? Networking, enterprise?

I hate to say but I would only look at this as a break / fix or desperate to get someone and properly train them coming just from my own work in IT with some minor programming.

Not going to lie it is very tough to get in. Your real hope is that somehow HR is impressed and wants to pull you in for an interview and your personality lands it, not necessarily the skills.

>> No.16895954

>Remove the dollar amount,

>music as a hobby. Same as philosophy.
Need to justify my time away from working.

>you list Engineering and Comp Sci GPA
It was in my transcript, I thought it might be helpful for tech jobs since I excelled in those classes but I'll remove it. It's basically a shitty planned pre-med program with half engineering classes and half bio.

>Expand on the desktop CCTV
Literally configuring 3 small CCTV systems and opening some ports on the firewall

>sounds like you used industry standard chemicals and techniques.
We used to grind them and it was nasty and probably against OSHA but I realized that Fluoride was higher on the reduction table than Gold in my chem class so we started washing them with toothpaste instead.

>do you have server experience? Networking, enterprise?
0. Just general shit with Windows Home mostly. I can pass the A+ exam, I might take it just to have a cert.

> your personality lands it
My only interview the chemistry was great and they still hired someone else.

What would you recommend I add to my skillset?
Should I study for Net+ and Security+? Or is it futile without work experience?

>> No.16896162

I wish I had more input but your resume looks good to me.

>> No.16896191

IT manager here.
you're guy's resume sucks. you need to list more bullet points get straight to the point. lookup IT / CS resumes>>16895602
online and copy the format. holy shit so wordy i'd throw it in the trash.

>> No.16896209

>Not typesetting your resume in LaTeX

>> No.16896213

there's way too much risk of doxxing with this kind of thread

>> No.16896297

Just cover up revealing information, man. Are you afraid someone is gonna prank call a place you worked at like 5 years ago?

>> No.16896345
File: 523 KB, 768x1087, 5A206A46-E5F5-456D-99F4-FC514E41A243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a cool format.
But literally just start to read resumes, stop being lazy you’re possibly rejecting some good candidates over something trivial.

>> No.16896355

What are they gonna do if they doxx? I don’t even have a job to get fired from.

>> No.16896557

What kind of job are you looking for? I’m guessing programming? You hint at it, but this is not a good resume for a programmer. First, get rid of the bit about the software you learned on. That’s basic and something you just do, no need to hype adobe skills. Second, get rid of the entrepreneur bit. It’s okay if you don’t have relevant work experience in the field that you’re targeting. It’s not okay to fill it up with with unrelated experience though. Talk about specific projects you worked on that exposed you to the skills you’re marketing. What did you do in C or python or matlab for example? Hello world tutorials don’t count. Brief bullet points that are clear and descriptive.
“Build an application to monitor live trading on crypto currency exchanges for data analysis by connecting to socket streams.”
What you did, why you did it, how you did it. Brief and to the point. Come up with 5 or 6 bullet points and scrap the rest of your unrelated work history imo.

>> No.16896567


>> No.16896593

Was responding to your first resume, your most recent one is better and more clear. Now I know you aren’t looking for programming work specifically at least.

>> No.16896809

Thanks for the input. I guess I'm not too specific about it since I've been applying to different jobs.
Help Desk, PC Technician, Associate Engineer, Data Analyst, Programmer. I started my search in December, I'm hoping at least someone takes me in. In the meantime I'm teaching myself as much as I can.

>> No.16897082

CPA here. I went to a college with top-tier career services. I will give you the best resume critique in this whole thread.

>Get rid of "Profile" section for sure. It's not necessary
>Get rid of the double spacing. It should be single spaced.
>Right align all dates. Anyone in recruiting/HR wants to look at dates and they don't look at resumes for very long
>Break out all of your experience/skills into bullet points. Nothing should be in prose.
>Give real, practical examples of your skills

>> No.16897100

Also, have your name, address, phone number, and email address as a header. It should be centered and divided by a diamond or some other MS Word special character. Don't have awkwardly have it at the right of the page (I'm assuming that's what the red blocked-out text is).

>> No.16897258

Thanks, great advice. I stopped putting my street address and just put my city and state info. They don't need that info off the bat.

>> No.16897306

You have pretty much no focus at all in your resume. 2018- present of learning various unrelated software is bad, especially when you already have a skills section. If youre applying for a programming job, they dont give a shit about the 2 weeks you spent learning photoshop. Also I'd avoid sayinf that you are self taught. You need to cut a lot of stuff.

>> No.16897319

Np, best of luck. I recently had to update my resume from scratch and revisited everything they had told me in school. Make sure you write a cover letter too. They don't really matter, but they don't hurt.

>> No.16897347

ITT: Wagecucks

>> No.16897361

t. Lad who gets insecure when he realizes he has no skills or accomplishments

>> No.16897394

And you're a no-skills NEET who thinks he'll achieve financial independence from crypto. Protip: you won't.

>> No.16897396

I have both. Keep coping, wagie!

>> No.16897398

Protip: I work for myself and I make money. Keep coping, wagie!

>> No.16897411

Keep LARPing, NEET!

>> No.16897483
File: 164 KB, 582x755, Screen Shot 2020-01-18 at 12.39.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering using this template. Looks much better than my plain ass resume. Plus most are just uploads today so I won't have to waste money printing them.

What do you put in a cover letter that isn't just a rehash of your resume?

>> No.16897498

I would just look at templates of cover letters. You're really just putting your education/experience/skills into prose. Try to incorporate examples too.

>> No.16897510

I will dump professional templates in HTML format.
Reply with industry and job.

>> No.16897527

Got it, thanks!

Which one do you mean? The plain text one or the one in blue I just posted?

>> No.16897529

This nigga asked for advice and gets mad when people give him suggestions. Sorry we don’t want to suck ur faggot ass off!

>> No.16897551

I'm glad to see that these resume threads I've been hearing about for the past two years are back, /biz/ is starting to not be shit again

>> No.16897558

It would be nice if crypto retards just got their own board.

>> No.16897582
File: 78 KB, 1920x978, Screenshot_2020-01-17 Banking Professional.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone. i've got one for about every industry and job. fake aliases obviously.

>> No.16897590

Agreed. Bumping this as well

>> No.16897678

Oh haha I thought you meant you throw away resumes if they look too web-page looking.

But a mid/entry-level IT resume will help as me and another anon in that field were asking for advice.

>> No.16897679
File: 71 KB, 1920x978, Screenshot_2020-01-17 General Laborer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares?
Can help some neets out...

>> No.16897736
File: 320 KB, 1080x2034, Capture+_2020-01-17-22-12-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank goodness. Found this job on linkedin last week. Its for a temp position at insurance/accounting company .. they need someone in the office for data entry and I believe this is a good opportunity for me. Here is a pic of some bullet pointed ideas based on the job description. Can post my full resume if needed but this is my particular goal for today. Next pic is job description.

>> No.16897819
File: 20 KB, 595x403, 1579321493325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everyone is saying it looks like shit and it hasn't gotten you a job, it probably sucks.
Resumemaker.online is a good free place to make a decent resume.

>> No.16897830

Missed your post. You can get above at

Anyone else feel free to (you) me an industry+job

>> No.16897855
File: 175 KB, 1014x800, Capture+_2020-01-17-22-13-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16897861
File: 526 KB, 756x720, 02Juul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entrepreneurship and self-study
lmaoing, I'm just lmaoing.

>> No.16897907

Got anything for business esl teaching?

>> No.16897911
File: 124 KB, 612x792, information-technology-page1-016f4898a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this except you don't have paragraph in the beginning of your expertise or job. just put "looking for a challenging position with opportunity to learn and grow". put bullets of exactly what you achieved or did. list all languages and tools used for the field your applying for.

>> No.16897923
File: 212 KB, 750x743, 1565488922024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys seriously want to do programming or data entry or Information Systems for a living?
I did it at a defense contractor for an internship and I do it now as a work-study job and both jobs make/made me want to kill myself after a month.
I would rather do carpentry or something instead of sit at a computer for a fucking living.

>> No.16897931

If i see familiar tools, the interviewer will ask more specific questions testing your knowledge. if you just put vague descriptions of your jobs is a brainfuck for the interviewer to see if those skills can carry over and decipher whether the skill levels can carry over. best if you already did what your applying for. No more than 2 pages. Put your education last if you have more than 5 yrs experience.

>> No.16898009
File: 99 KB, 1904x978, Screenshot_2020-01-17 Teacher (Best).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16898665

Arigato anonsama