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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1689111 No.1689111 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, someone just sent me a message on Instagram asking "how much for a promo on your page"

I have only 40k followers, how much for that?

>> No.1689118

I'm not quite sure with 40k followers, so while this is a good place to ask, you should ask around for other people who have pages like yours.

I'd introduce a scale, if I were you. A base price for mentioning/shout out to someone, but a higher price to say something good about them.

>> No.1689124

If it's a good page with actual real 40,000 people who actually like your photos, that's a high quality following, so you can charge maybe $10 for a shoutout

If it's a shitty page with fake followers, $2

It can be even more than $10 if your followers are active and the shoutout page is similar to your page, let's say cars and cars, then maybe $15.

Also depends on the other guys page, is it small or big, small should be cheaper for him, and big should be more expensive

>> No.1689134

5 bucks or 10. It's a common way of promotion.

>> No.1689140

It's a makeup page, I repost videos. My followers are real and active. The people that messaged is very small. They sell hair extensions which is very similar to my followers like

>> No.1689142

Op again, I'm not in need of money right now and I have no bank account currently should I just ignore these messages till I get 200k followers?

>> No.1689177

No, you should accept it and accept him as a regular customer. Other marketers will see that you accept promotions and will approach you, too.

Build a client base and within few weeks you easily be banking 100$/week side income with just 50k followers. By the time you hit 100k followers you can make a side 300$/week additional income.

Good luck.

>> No.1689217

Hey OP, how did you get started with a reposting blog?

>> No.1689235

I repost makeup videos that I easily find on Instagram (a lot of pages do this), and I'm very consistent and repost a lot everyday and I use a lot of hashtags that attract a lot of people.

>> No.1689237

Okay, I see. Do you know if makeup reviewing brings in some of the same crowd? I was considering recently starting a blog where I review certain cosmetic products (without, well, using the cosmetic products myself) so I can attract the same kind of crowd.

Other than using lots of hashtags and having good aesthetics, what would you say are important gimmicks?

>> No.1689243


>> No.1689252

I know that actual makeup artists take way longer to get followers. I don't think makeup reviews are popular on Instagram, people go to YouTube for that.

That's it, be active and responsive with people. Leave comments on other popular pages so more people would see you.

are you male or female? If you're attractive you could start an Instagram with whatever you genuinely enjoy. Fitness? Cooking? Makeup? If you're attractive enough people will follow and companies will write you. Make sure to use the right hashtags and a lot of them. (Pages like mine would repost you and mention your name because thats how we get our likes and followers)

>> No.1689266

Male, fairly attractive.

I feel like getting into the fitness scene would probably get me memed to death, simply because it's sort of saturated, and I'd have to be much more original and credible than with makeup, where I can explain it from a pop-sci perspective as well as an aesthetic perspective (putting my biochemistry major to use).

My strengths are writing and being able to explain things from a scientific basis, which is something I've noticed some people really love. But I'm not quite sure how to capitalize on it, because a lot of blogs and other kinds of follower-based media essentially rely on the short attention span of the readership, and require lots of visually stimulating media to work alongside it.

I'm not hurting for money by any means, but having a passive income source would be really nice. An online presence would be great, as well, due to being able to branch off of that.

>> No.1689347

Instagrammers still love most fitness pages, even if they're not fit themselves. If you can explain complicated things in short simple fun ways then it could turn into something successful but it has to be simple.

I'm writing her back right now, should I say 10$ or 5$ I feel like 10$ is too much for 40k followers

>> No.1689356


dude its a difference of $5, they will not give a fuck

>> No.1689376

dude even $10 seems low to me. i see these promo posts all the time and think to myself "they must have paid at least 300 for that" but then again i can buy 5,000,000 impressions for $500 so idk.

>> No.1689436

I posted a selfie on insta a few days ago with my makeup poppin and a makeup repost page commented and I checked them out and their bio said 'message for a shoutout'
So I did and they auto replied with
'Hi love! Your work is amazing! We would love to have you on our page. We charge a fee of $19USD only for a permanent post. We're followed by so many big makeup accounts! Great exposure for your work! x'

They have 406k followers and looks like shit (@instabeeyou)

They also keep their followers active bc their bio says
'1st follow us, like 10 pics, comment on 5, DM for a chance to be featured'

>> No.1690092

I got one of those too, wanted to bully them

>> No.1690103

a female on /biz/? post the pic you posted

>> No.1690150

post pic plz

>> No.1690159
File: 26 KB, 360x640, 15730785_1851061058504238_1792257369_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean it's not the best but ehh

>> No.1690164

wow you are way too cute to be on this degenerate website

at what point do people pay you to wear stuff in your posts? like how many followers do you need before the santa hat making company says "dear femanon, can you post a pic with our hat and we will pay you $300"

>> No.1690167

Thanks, I want to start a shopify dropshipping store and /biz/ has great info. I also was a community dweeb like the infamous Ericka Camacho a few years back

I feel like you need over 5k for that to start to happen but if the company is new they take anyone. I'm friends with a 11th grader who has like 500 followers and is a promoter for a shitty kawaii stationary company that just started.

>> No.1690169

i have a really cute cat i am thinking of pimping on instagram

>> No.1690170

No offence anon but pet accounts are cringe unless they're really popular like Kylie Jenners dogs or they have a lot of personality and look like you could show them.

Good luck in that scene.

>> No.1690171

im going to try to take artsy photos and cute poses and see if i can pimp him out for followers, dont know if theres much money to be made but maybe he can get some free catfood out of it

>> No.1690172


Never knew there were some makeup anons on here. I've actually almost published a makeup themed website that I initially began with my ex-gf lol.

>> No.1690173

i just looked that up, kylie jenners dogs are ugly as hell, my parents dog is a million times cuter

>> No.1690174

ill send u a follow request when i get it going, probably wont be for weeks because im lazy and have real work and other hobbies

>> No.1690178

@frenchiebutt is cuter than Kylies but it was the first to come to mind.

@khaleesikittybuns is super fucking cute and quality of pics are okay. They only have 164 followers though.