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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16889802 No.16889802 [Reply] [Original]

Share your ideas, I am sure that 99% of you wont even try to pursue them for real.

>> No.16890677


>> No.16890686

Truck nuts, but instead of just off the shelf truck nuts we send you a plaster mold kit and you make a mold of your own balls, send that back, and then we send you your own customized truck nuts.

>> No.16890710

1) open nightclub called Prison Time, where the bartenders all dress as sexy prison guards

2) open a restaurant. on the menu have an appetizer called "The Best Dill in Town," and its a pickle

>> No.16890752

1. I start an llc with my bitcoin profits and start buying flipped houses that have been remodeled in the seedier areas of Orlando and I rent them out.

2. My wife starts a gourmet oyster pop up bar and caters weddings and parties. People pay fuck tons of money to have you shuck fresh oysters

>> No.16890834

Barebones RV's. Other than basic kitchen and plumbing you put your own furniture in them.

>> No.16890861

A glue stick that doesn't get your hand sticky.

>> No.16890876

sucking dick for money