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16889017 No.16889017 [Reply] [Original]

Now that there is no more doubt that this man is Satoshi, let's have a comfy thread about price predictions, laughing at linkies and their last pump, laughing at core-cucks - about being stiff and smug and just waiting for this board to be completely ours.

What are you guys eating for breakfast? For me, it's expensive cheese and bacon with croissant.

>> No.16889062

it will hover around bch price for a while (bch'wes will bleed out money trying to keep bsv price down), then the next pump(kin) will arrive and bring it in the 4 digit realm.

It will be more than 1k this summer as the normies dtart coming on board

>> No.16889171

yea 1k+ by summer sounds natural. I wonder about how the money will flow. (From other crypto to BSV, especially bitcoincore and bch).

Personally I have a fat long on BSVBTC. Sounds like a true flippening is inevitable at this point. How much money can one make from longing bsv and shorting btc ???

>> No.16889275

im more conservative with just a long bsv, consider that all crypto assets are highly correlated, even if that doesnt make logical sense, anyway more or less the two strategies should have similar returns. Yours would definitely fare better if an extreme event happens like satoshi coins getting sold on btc chain

>> No.16889323

BSV is going to make me very wealthy.

But, unironically learning about bitcoin is making me want to be a better person. Craig is very impressive and he's made me realize how much you can accomplish. I've always used excuses like "I'm 34 now it's too late for me to do anything remarkable with my life" but he's really shown me how much a person can accomplish in little time when determined.

>> No.16889589
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You don't know what's about to happen do you? You will be positively surprised.

>> No.16889710

what do you mean?

>> No.16890287
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Yea, he had the same effect on me.

All of this crypto thing isn't just quick money anymore, it's a field of study, it's a possible career, it's anti-kikery.

I like how the whole space turned against him. It's the story of jesus repeating itself. The guy creates a solution to capitalism and enables global honest trade, creating economics opportunities for the whole planet, but fucking kikes try to bury him and turn his creation into a devilish machine. It's time to fight back. Good is stronger than evil.

But the way he does it.

Those who oppose him all possesses the same malady that has infiltrated the modern mind and academia : the lack of belief - belief in one's self and belief in the good.
It is like there is no more morality, no more reasons to live, only nihilism and crippling depression. That's why it seems like everyone is just in fullblown coping mode nowadays.
-Just make the wheel turn, there is nothing you can do about it anyways, eventually the AI overlord will dictate our lives and feed us with eternal pleasure... don't fight!

Well, fucking Satoshi himself motherfuckers. It was time for a guy like this to show up in this crooked fucking world - showing us the true power creativity, freedom, hardwork, knowledge, practicality and morality.

Welcome to real life faggots. All of those kikes that emerged from this crypto thing who thought they were above the law are about to get STIFFED. Enjoy the ride motherfuckers and buidl.

>> No.16890330

everyone pay attention. this is what a cult looks like.

>> No.16890452

Kek wills it.
Cult SV is fate.

>> No.16890470

holy kek

>> No.16890478

I was in that blessed thread. I'm proud to say I was one of the YOU posters

>> No.16890555

Looks at all the BSV telegram posting here. Nobody believes craig is Satoshi. It pump because of that shorty court document that proves nothing. And people once again fell for crags lies.

>> No.16890919

has anyone read about bitcoin belle?

apparently craig pump and dumped her credibility and now shes kind of ruined. not very satoshi like.