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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16888754 No.16888754 [Reply] [Original]

What are you looking for in a perfect bizraeli?

>> No.16888996

A brain, sorry

>> No.16889770

not a psycho but know that this isn't realistic

>> No.16889850

this is meant for roasties not mentally ill trannies

>> No.16889872
File: 163 KB, 1080x1972, 82784545_604179860416834_2465921461152382976_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of money and being a naive retard

>> No.16889904

nice, you really got them right there, pal

>> No.16889923

She is worse than a whore.

>> No.16889937

Shit like this should be punishable with prison like any other type of fraud.

>> No.16889943

i can't have kids anymore :(

>> No.16889951

a gaping wound in your groin does not a woman make

>> No.16890138

Why not what happened?

>> No.16890406

A Chad to my Stacey. Someone who makes /biz/ OC but knows how to act normal and socialize irl. Preference for a fellow Slav. We seem to be able to have 4chan-esque humor yet be able to function in the real world.

>> No.16890449

Good luck trying to find such a man. Btw how would anyone know you're not actually a tranny larper.

>> No.16890476

you wouldn’t

On that topic: I thought the tranny thing was ironic until recently. I’m trying my best to filter it. Is this /b/ bleeding into /biz/ or is there another explanation?

>> No.16890497

Why are you asking me? You are the tranny larper. How the fuck should I know?

>> No.16890830

its his fault for being duped. this reeks of entitlement

>> No.16890840

a black guy with a huge dick destroyed my inner vagina parts

>> No.16890954

Thank God.

>> No.16890976

Yeah i will make a dna test after i have a child

>> No.16890997

Hope he signed a prenup. But the kids arent his so he wont have to pay child support so its not such a big deal

>> No.16891040

Still might be forced to pay his wife though. Which is kind of retarded? Would be fucking funny if men could sue for damages if your wife cheats and tricks you into raising someone elses kids.

>> No.16891050

obvious bait

>> No.16891059

Death to Bizrael

>> No.16891117
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>> No.16891188

If the mom has no idea who the real father is a judge might make the guy continue to pay because it's "the best for them"

>> No.16891466

Nothing makes me wet for a man faster than BTC
Nothing dries me up faster than if he holds BSV

sorry not sorry

>> No.16891742

there is one east-euro, def. biologically fem - she's madder than a bagful of badgers tho. her aside, /biz/ maybe isn't pussy central, some reason, nope

>> No.16891796

>there is one east-euro
how do you know?

>> No.16891823

i kno.
post some roastie-pic discussion threads, she'll pop up to shred them all. don't say you weren't warned

>> No.16891843

Shekels and a willingness to part with them

>> No.16892278
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>> No.16892333
File: 89 KB, 750x770, 0256E032-CE65-416B-B7CA-D14997ECE3B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’ll definitely have to pay child support. Signed the birth certificate and they were married, bio-dad doesn’t even matter. Don’t get married boys, it’s a trap and live is the bait.

>> No.16892346
File: 69 KB, 1024x1023, 0F321DE1-7847-4C4C-B92A-9A621A9A735B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*love is the bait

>> No.16892415

excellent buy signal for bsv
you know when women finally start showing up the music is about to stop

>> No.16892419
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>> No.16892571
File: 6 KB, 250x247, sadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here we are, incels, trannies, not a single woman. I guess I was naive, thinking that e-thots frequent this board looking for strategies on how to thot themselves better online.

>> No.16892624


>> No.16892654

reddit and discord servers raiding 4chan, also bots and shills but those are more focused on /pol/

>> No.16892666

I'm no woman, but I'm thinking not calling them roasties would probably be a good start

>> No.16892684

have sex

>> No.16892723

yes. so he can divorce, sue you, take the kids and hopefully have you ((dissappear))

>> No.16892751

Point taken satan. Gonna try the supreme gentelman approach next time. How to lure women into a thread? What do they like? I guess money, but it's biz and most of anons lost their profits from the last pamp betting on NY Nigs.

>> No.16892828

kys :)

>> No.16892877

/biz/ is better without roasties. Now we can all be frens

>> No.16892937
File: 10 KB, 250x221, miserywojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
