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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1688520 No.1688520 [Reply] [Original]

1. You own, have owned, or plan to own any form of crypto currency

2. You have an employer that matches 401k contributions and you do not take advantage of it

3. You unironically think you can beat the market by actively trading in your moms basement

4. You have yet to read a single book on building wealth but spend your time on this board

5. You save anything less than 45 percent of your income

Just a PSA for about the 99 percent of this board that meets one or more item on this list, and will forever stay poor and retarded

>> No.1688523

What about if I've done all of these except #3 and #5?

>> No.1688525

What if I'm actually a Bitcoin core developer?

>> No.1688544

Then you are one of the many shills doing pump and dump into a shitty ass ""investment""

>> No.1688546

>he thinks reading self-help books actually helps anyone
>he thinks most rich people understand finance
>he thinks saving half of nothing will get you something
those are a trio of pretty retarded misconceptions there, buddy.

>> No.1688549

>self help book
Are you fucking stupid? There are many book that have zero sentences that in any way could be seen as self help. They are just straight up facts.

>most rich people understand finance
The fact you think finance books are self help tells me you do not know any rich people

>half of nothing..
So you make nothing? Thats cute, I have been making six figures from age 22, I literally have more money in my portfolio then your parents combined

>> No.1688551

>please argue with me
if you're so rich, then why are you wasting your time on this website when you could be living it up, it makes me think you are just lying and live with your parents

>> No.1688552

1) self help books DO help, yes it's cliche bullshit but sometimes the simpmest advice is most valuable.

Books can really help hammer that in, so a person can truly realize the benefit of "bullshit" like "Spend less. Save more".

2) hard to be rich without understanding it...

3) If you live somehow off your income, it's not nothing. It's enough to sustain you.

So therefore saving half your income for two months gives you 1 month of not having to work(not counting your compound growth on investments).

>> No.1688554

Sorry, I didn't recognize your trolling right off the bat. My bad. Carry on.

>> No.1688556

>2) hard to be rich without understanding it...
if that were true the timeshare market would dry up immediately.

Most rich people are financial idiots, as lots of salesmen can attest.

>> No.1688557

Then how are they rich.

That makes no sense.

>> No.1688558

I work a lot of hours, my job also has a lot of down time. I browse 4chan boards for laughs when things are slow, I cringe hard AF when I see this board though. So fucking helpless

>> No.1688560

Hurr durr I know right.. rich people are so stupid the dont buy bitcoin like me durrrr

Fuck off you fucking stupid ass autist neet


>> No.1688561

>So fucking helpless
if you are so smart, why does your advice sound like something from a 50 cent self help book?

give us something substantial.

>> No.1688562

they are rich because they have multiplied their earnings streams.

you're not going to get rich saving money from one job. You probably won't get rich working two jobs.

you have to find ways to make more than one person can make alone. Whether that's selling something or renting something or employing people.

>> No.1688565

calm down, Matthew.
I don't buy cryptos and I think most of the advice here is completely retarded too.

your last 2 just made me laugh because an idiot reading a book isn't going to become less of an idiot, and even if a person could live their entire life in their parent's basement and save half of their McDonalds shift manager salary they'd barely retire at 67, let alone ever get rich.

>> No.1688567

Work one job

Buy assets that generate income, stocks, bonds, real estate, businesses etc.

Wow look at that I built up another income!

How is this hard?

>> No.1688568

Depends what you consider Rich.

Millionaire - no.

But comfortable life and steady path to retirement? Absolutely.

Not him obviously but the point is THERE'S NO SECRETCODE there's no fucking cheat to getting rich.

The truth is that E V E R Y O N E knows how to be financially comfortable, few do what they need to.

It's literally simple.

Same with working out. Everyone knows how to be fit and healthy, but few are.

>> No.1688569

Bruh, fundamental investing isn't complex rocket science. All those things listed aside from the crypto currency (still to soon to know if it's here too stay) are tried and true fundamentals.

>> No.1688571

If books do not help people then how Doctors and Lawyers magically become capable of doing their jobs??

Also a McDonalds shift manager can make 50k no problem, if they lived in their moms basement their expenses would be so low that they could easily reach financial independence far sooner than 67.

Sounds to me like you do not even understand the simple concept of compounding interest.. maybe those "self help" books can help you autist

>> No.1688573

>few do what they need to

>tried and true fundamentals
this is why i question the motive of OP in making this thread.
there's no perfect way to >get rich quick

>> No.1688576

OP here

Can you please help me find where I said anything about getting rich quick?

I just can't seem to find where I wrote or implicated that in any way.

>> No.1688580

>But comfortable life and steady path to retirement? Absolutely
sure, but you don't need books or savings to do that.

In the US at least about 1/3 of your taxes goes to a mandatory retirement and medical program that most people live off of at some point.

including the financially illiterate. There's also an extremely high rate of home ownership among the elderly, which tends to help.

>> No.1688581

your OP seems to imply that you are trying to sell people on the idea that if they did certain things your way they could fast track to the path of being wealthy.

also, in >>1688520
>will forever stay poor
>implying following your "advice" people can achieve their financial goals anytime soon.

stop being generic, 99% of the "gurus" are generic.

it would have been much better if you were here to shill for a product or a crypto.

>> No.1688582

I think the point is "Slow and Steady" over buying pennycoins or expecting to be le wolf of wallstreet daytrader.

People in /robinhoodgeneral/ are wasting their time.

If they spent their time working a real job or learning programming or whatever fuckinh else they'd make much more for example.

>> No.1688583


4/5 of those are b8

>> No.1688584

>I think the point is "Slow and Steady"
which is ironic since if we take OP at his word he didn't get rich doing anything he suggests, and it certainly wasn't slow or steady.

He's handing out advice backed by his own success, and it's not even advice he followed to get there.

>> No.1688587

and to be honest, the only thing that even remotely seems like a good choice of passive income is dividend stocks, mutual funds, agricultural land, or rental income.
everything else requires too much hassle to be considered passive income.

no one will complain if OP were just sharing his life experiences.
if anything i would welcome it, even if it was too specific to his own cause to be useful to me personally.

>> No.1688589

>no one will complain if OP were just sharing his life experiences.
from what I've gathered over a number of threads his experience is unique and fairly extraordinary.

he doesn't give out much information though.

>> No.1688622

>How is this hard?
sorry, missed this one.

good advice.

but it's hard irl because people tend to get married, move out, and spend 150% of their income on basic necessities+keeping up with the joneses.

the ~10% of people that can follow your advice have a much higher success rate than their peers, but even then they need to be smart, not just frugal. About a third of them will have fabulous success.

>> No.1688975

>tfw nonretarded

>> No.1689033

>pleb thinks he is a smart little sheep

>> No.1689082

well im not retarded

>> No.1689128

>People in /robinhoodgeneral/ are wasting their time.

I thought that was the point. I was under the conception that it was a place to have fun and keep up with market trends, not as a necessary cash cow, but for the fun and thrill of low-risk, low-reward flipping.

Like a recreational activity sort of thing.