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16883628 No.16883628 [Reply] [Original]

Can you smoke weed after you make it?

>> No.16883631

you have to

>> No.16883640

If you want to, I would.

>> No.16883644

no, it’s the beginning on the road to depression and dependency, stay away

>> No.16883659

Its actually mandatory

>> No.16883662

Checked and true pilled

Stay away from the weed jew. Just look at YouTube videos of people quitting and sad ass stories on this Norwegian basket farming forum

>> No.16883667

I'm getting 2,400 cripple bucks right (in powerchair) and am allowed to work part time up to 1200 a month. Live at home with mom so only pay 400 bucks in expenses. I used to work and make 55k a year. Saved up 30k before "retiring". Been smoking tons of weeddddd man. Life is good. Trying to learn music now. Ive been mostly playing bass.

>> No.16883673

Suits a degenerate cripple like you

>> No.16883683

Weed is fine, don’t abuse it.

>> No.16883697

Each to their own.
There’s a lot of weak minded plebs on these forums and YouTube channels.
Weed is the superior vice over alcohol IMO

>> No.16883698

Hey man plan is to learn keyboard and guitar too. I'm also gonna get into music production once I get gud. Taking classes and trying to be social so I don't become a burn out loser. I don't drive high either. I got a cripple van with a ramp.

>> No.16883708

I smoke weed now, nigga

>> No.16883710

How about you contribute to society you absolute sponge

>> No.16883712

don't smoke during the day if you don't want to be retarded and lazy, and don't hang out with people who make weed their identity
a few tokes after dinner with a book or movie is fine

>> No.16883714

>contributing members of society

>> No.16883715

wagies benefit more desu. can you imagine working a dead end job and not getting stoned to the bone following the conclusion of your shift? that shit should be a human right

>> No.16883729

yeh like posting on 4chan

>> No.16883732

Trying to get a part time teller job because it looks easy as fuck. Used to be a project manager. Shit sucked. Don't you worry though, once gene editing gets better in 10 years, uncle Sammy is gonna throw me off the gravy train. I was gonna go for a masters degree in social work so I could get on another government gravy train.

>> No.16883733

Cool man, keep on keeping on. Also bass is awesome if you learn to get funky don't listen to the faggots

>> No.16883745

You sound triggered mate

>> No.16883760

>How about you contribute to society you absolute sponge

>> No.16883775

Yep if your existence is simply suckling the teat of everyone else’s hard work you need to KYS ASAP

>> No.16883790
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>> No.16883819

Piano and bass are two of the greatest instruments. Having a solid backbone in both of those is great for any musician.

>> No.16883954
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Back to work wagie!

>> No.16883958

All these people freaking out about the “weed Jew”, as if the Jews invented a plant thats older than their culture, have obviously never smoked. I used to be a pretty big druggie fresh out of high school. I smoked weed, did oxys, drank booze, etc. I have been addicted to quite a few things in my life, but weed is by far the easiest drug I have ever quit. The crazy part is, the drug that i had the hardest time quitting... was caffeine. I would smoke a joint before i ever start drinking coffee again.