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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16879449 No.16879449 [Reply] [Original]

Dag, fast, scalable, with Byzantium security, dapps can be built upon it. The holy grail of Platforms. Andre Cronje the most sincere coder in crypto is central to its development. He is the main reiewer on Cryptobriefing. Its a Korea project that will get Korean exchanges. Thats just for starters.

also will have 70% supply staked. Perfect model for moon you can have. Currently barely in the top 200 CMC. It doesn't come easier than this.

>> No.16879481

Fuck your chink scam. Noone is buying your bags.

>> No.16879558

I always listen to code reviewers that have zero respect in the dev community and called a scammer, when I invest my money. Or the money I kind if HAD, I mean.

>> No.16879610

this thing is dead in the water. tried to warn you. the absolute state of afghan healthcare

>> No.16879629

remember when we broke top 100? I remember

>> No.16879638

Not dead, GitHub is still very active. There are more things to look at than just the price.

>> No.16879651


>> No.16879694

This was fun until satsgang ruined it, now the coin will never recover

>> No.16879727


>> No.16879737

Muh satsgang

>> No.16879842

Fantom is future crypto 3.0 selling for less than 1 penny.

-Will be able to scale with most realistic high scaling mechanism (Pro tip: not sharding), expect high TPS, low fees, instant confirmation
-Speed beats EOS.
-Security aBFT: platinum standard of security, few coins can achieve this.
-Smart contracts: import all of eth's work and host on fantom easy.
-POS- when people realize chinese miners have ruined POW, POS is the only logical answer.

>> No.16879917

Yeah, people seem to be forgetting that Fantom is still in its infancy. It launched its Mainnet less than a month ago. People need to give it time to grow. But most people here don't give a shit about the tech, and don't even do actual research. They just see the price go down and assume it's a scam. Crypto is a weird space

>> No.16880033

I think a lot of people's hands were weakened by the relentless fud

>> No.16880056

All /biz/ is these days are fud, every single coin is called a pajeet scam now

>> No.16880119


>> No.16880250

>Muh arab money

The same arguments were brought up to shill Jibrel back in the days, which is Rank 436 now.
Fantom will soon follow into the abyss of forgotten shittokens.

>> No.16880318

They launched their consensus on 2 mainnets within a month, with different forms of staking, pod on EVM currently with a 90%+ optimisation coming, run personal nodes on the bank one and have 2 clients working with central banks


>> No.16880375

You mean supply was divided by 4 (erc,bep,xar,opera) and furthermore staking introduced a 6 month lockup period and token burn if exited early. Not seeing how this devalues the price? Perhaps people are selling off main net news but supply will be shrinking soon.

>> No.16880386

supply has already shrunk by about 720Million

>> No.16880549

So should I buy?

>> No.16880602

80k here

sold 20k because i was scared of the fud. will hold the rest of the stack tightly to 1$ atleast.

>> No.16880604

no, it's a scam

>> No.16880610

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.16880629

you sold 20% because of fud, yet kept 80% despite it? what kind of retard move is that?

>> No.16880651
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i had to buy link at 2,30$ because it was moonin'

>> No.16880652

the retarded kind of retard move

>> No.16880659

it will def moon if we have any type of GBR

>> No.16880675

What is GBR?

>> No.16880677

what happened to your head

>> No.16880721


>> No.16880728


>> No.16880733

Great Britain dumbass

>> No.16880743

when you DYOR and realise what's coming up plus the likeliness of a bullrun... This coin feels like a golden ticket.

>> No.16880776

Fantom is a scam as much as Dash is a scam. Once adoption comes reward rate will drop to normal levels. It literally just released, that's like complaining about ethereum classic.

>> No.16880828
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it got peepeepoopoo'd

>> No.16880901

That's a massive leap, don't down in your own drool you fucking retard

>> No.16881091

>Muh Github

STFU imagine any company with one monkey writing code to be considered still doing well. What? How the fuck is that a metric of wellbeing? Ive got a coin for you anon, its called SCAM. I will stick some brainless indian on a laptop contributing to Github. You keep giving me money and I will keep the monkey churning. Deal? Dont worry your money is safe, because Github

>> No.16881139

Every coin is only a satsgang aka biz boogman pnd
I hope no one takes this board seriously these days, not that they did years ago but still

>> No.16881154

Just get back that comfy 100k, that's where I'm at.

>> No.16881172

Oh my, you really sound stupid af lol
Not Chan bs you just sound dumb man

>> No.16881345

fantom is a code stealing chink scam. now russian scam. going to 7 figure cap and below. literally worthless and pointless with amazing competitors. kys bagholders

>> No.16881363

All truth
Plz everyone sell this scam

>> No.16881469

>code stealing

Fantom Opera is EVM running on Lachesis consensus. Lachesis is ground up built, only the EVM core is used. EVM is not Ethereum

Show me where fantom stole code for its consensus?

>> No.16881484

>Byzantium security

I haven't seen this pasta in over a year, feels good

>> No.16881557
File: 346 KB, 640x964, 33C2B67E-FA8D-49BE-8A09-7A046D36CC6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn’t know

>> No.16881673

>Fantom is *buzzword, buzzword, buzzword*
The top 3 validators have over 50% of all staked coins under their delegation.
FTM is basically just another dpos chain, but even more centralized than EOS. Lachesis is just a fancy name for delegated proof of stake.

>> No.16881750

It went live less then a month ago. Half the delegators just clicked on the first validator, and the other half went on a validator which gives out a 150 FtM lottery. I think the other one is a staking service. It’s a permissionless network, community needs work currently

>> No.16881814

In DPoS protocols such as EOS, users can vote to select witnesses, who have the right to create blocks, validate transactions, and earn rewards".

In Fantom there are no delegates that users can vote for, Fantom uses leaderless PoS consensus. In Fantom both user nodes (low stake) and validators (high stake) can create and validate event blocks. So, no centralized witness node in Fantom.

>> No.16882279

People can choose whichever validator they want and eventually it won't matter. Just a rush to delegate.

>> No.16882352


>> No.16882365

My god you are retarded

>> No.16882712

Another bitconnect with fake african bank lmao

>> No.16882754

Thanks for bump

>> No.16882849
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>nigger banks

>> No.16882881
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Hurry up and buy. This is your last call

>> No.16883216

Lmao. The early use cases have been revealed like Afghanistan and Africa. Major countries like Dubai and others will announce soon and you'll regret this.

>> No.16883869

Everything else is moving except this

>> No.16883879
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Thought about this today. Good times.

>> No.16883897

Hurry we need buyers. I gotta sell my bags. Wut do ppl like? Ah synthwave. Ok make the fantom shitcoin logo all synthwavey

>> No.16883906

외국인아! 돈을 주세요!

>> No.16883998

Aww you didn't like my photoshop quickie?