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16877170 No.16877170 [Reply] [Original]

Ohh Link...

"Undoubtedly DeFi is becoming one of the fastest-growing and most in-demand fields for smart contracts. While progress should be celebrated, the reality is that most of the world has no exposure to DeFi..."

You thought you were getting legacy finance/derivatives... All you got was a couple dozen nodes serving the price of $eth. Congrats, really.

>> No.16877177


I'm so very sorry for you all

>> No.16877191
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>> No.16877231

>fudders - this is bearish

Go build something kid

>> No.16877239
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these poor linkies thought the 700k dumps at the top were bad.

>> No.16877291

All in on chainlink but yeah kinda dissapointed by this all, 100’s of Companys who want to work with Chainlink but no one is really using it!

>> No.16877333

Linkies thought they were getting all the data in the world collateralized in link. Instead they're getting free open source software essentially, where the use of the token is optional.

Not to mention, the only "decentralized trustless data" is the price of btc and eth. kek

>> No.16877392


Nobody cares

>> No.16877594

Is this your first time fudding?

>> No.16877792

is this is your first time being emotionally attached to a token investment?

>> No.16877912
File: 92 KB, 1331x671, 450356FF-DF49-4F7D-8016-8068356110AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this defensive over a question
You have a long to go, kid

>> No.16877915

awhh the liddle linky peepeeppoepo

>> No.16877970

>companies who want to work with chainlink
no and they never did. I’m sure they’re interested in the tech and automation side of things but as soon as you wave a shitcoin at them they’re out. companies don’t have an annual budget for shitcoin expenses. Link only works if corporations buy the coin from the exchange and they won’t because the volatility is too high. stay poor niggers.

>> No.16877985
File: 72 KB, 750x661, E03516AA-722B-438E-BC48-D1B91EAD6CE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread guys.
No really

>> No.16877988

All binance has to do is long or short 75x in swap and then margin 5x long or short in spot exchange and just move the market.

Link is about to get matic'd by CZ

>> No.16877990

That's not how chainlink works at all you fucking pajeet

>> No.16878013

just sage these gay linkfud threads and call OP a nigger virgin

OP is a nigger virgin

>> No.16878027

Just looked at matic’s chart - not the worst thing tee bee h

>> No.16878039

It is already known that link shills literally give pause to some investors about collaboration. You retards should have shut up and built something when you had the chance, now others are coming to eat your lunch and CZ will cannibalize and rape the corpse. Businesses can in fact use the network tech without using link tokens as collateral.

>> No.16878076

OP is a nigger virgin

>> No.16878129

its a scam retard

>> No.16878213

Kek’d and check’d

>> No.16878433


>> No.16878441

are you a nolinker or just bored waiting for the singularity for 3 years

>> No.16878642

> the defi is currently growing
> Now there are three people involved locking up an estimated three week's pocket money
> We now have access to Jack's garage three days a week
> Jack's second cousin knows someone who owns a business so a meeting has been scheduled
> The business is second hand furniture

>> No.16878712

>700k sergey dump
>CZ 75x bots
>short link to $1.80 resistance

hardly even the price of a cup of coffee! have fun getting the top sold by link itself in 700k portions while cz bots short you

>> No.16878799

aaaaaah help me nulinker-pennylinker discord tranny helppp meeeeeeeee!

>> No.16878809
File: 1.56 MB, 480x270, sergey fight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you really think?
so much as to

>> No.16878858

Sergey moved those 700k to use for the feeds you pleb.
Do you have any idea how many tokens it's taken to run those feeds for 8 months?

>> No.16878877

Reading this is like listening to the acne scarred IT guy in the office tell me why I cannot do something while stumbling over his words.

I hope nobody actually believes what this guy is saying.

>> No.16878904

lmao selling tokens at the top to fund the project BULLISH

>> No.16878979

Not selling you turd, moving them to be used in the feeds that have been consuming tokens non-stop for 8 months.

>> No.16879003

>fastest-growing and most in-demand fields
>most of the world has no exposure to DeFi
How can I hold all this upside?

>> No.16879008
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I mean seriously even if you put like 200 Bucks into this Token, worst thing that could happen: it goes to 0

Best thing that could happen: like 10$ EOY so yeah if you aren't a basement dweller with 0 income there is near 0 risk of going broke.

>> No.16879067

Do you actually believe that? Jesus Christ

>> No.16879116

>Best thing that could happen: like 10$ EOY
lol the goal posts are moving linkies

>> No.16879138

Those tokens have to come from somewhere, and those 700k batches were the only dev wallet movements.

>> No.16879185

Nah not really, but im just a somewhat sane linkie with a grasp of reality. I mean come on....
saying LINK 1000$EOY is like saying BSV10k$EOY

>> No.16879236

Op has a little peepee

>> No.16879315

I got 15k in link right now. I won't be too upset if after three years I have half a million usd. That's like a 30x. I used to be happy with just 30% in that time frame when I played with boomer stocks. If your best fud is 'chainlink will make you shitloads of money' then you should probably find a different line of work.

>> No.16879340

Yep, ChainLink is completed. No further development will be made and no more clients or APIs will ever be added. The coffee standard has been achieved.

>> No.16879411

Stop posting about this worthless fucking shitcoin holy fuck
>Another shitty blogpost no one asked for that gives no new information and covers a topic they've already covered
Yikes, as usual, S*rgey being the dumb faggot he is by further fudding his own project. Nice, can't wait to wait another 15 months for v1 to finally release which should have been released at mainnet launch.

>> No.16879442
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>> No.16879530
File: 78 KB, 935x708, bogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wutever you say fag

>> No.16879658

>posts pic and link with no relation to each other
classic delusion

>> No.16879970

Curious, was your initial investment 15k or did it grow to 15k

I have 25k usd in chainlink right now from a 5k initial investment

>> No.16879990
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>> No.16880127
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when will FUDers LEARN

>> No.16880200
File: 300 KB, 750x1192, EBF5D857-6381-47FE-A396-FE7F7733047E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, defi is going parabolic. How will we ever recover?

>> No.16880244
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>> No.16880414

looks like one of those scam diagrams

>> No.16880443

>hates link
>keeps up with link news faster then link holders
thank you for caring for the financial well being anon. just sold 1 million links.

>> No.16880446
File: 29 KB, 452x678, 87DD5177-AA6B-4C08-8E67-133559BF4C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decentralised oracles
How much of a soiman toddler retard do you have to be to fall for technobabble buzzwords?

>> No.16880454

that volume isn't getting collateralized in link tokens

>> No.16880502


>> No.16880548


No, better, everything enabling this to exist is collateralized in LINK tokens. :^)

>> No.16880759

you should at least learn how it works linky, this is embarassing

>> No.16880857


thank you for your opinion Ripple-holder. I wish you luck in your investment.

>> No.16880873


>> No.16881057

No we didn't, they were good you retard

>> No.16881209

based diamond jim