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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 640x640, photo_2016-10-31_16-47-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1687705 No.1687705 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/,

a few months ago I wrote a program, just for the giggles. Turned out it sells. So I rewrote it, added a server application for authentication and released it. Signed up for some related affiliate programs, etc. Later on, after realizing how stupid normalfags are, I rewrote dat shit again to add a GUI. Sales exploded.

Now that I'm old and grey, I don't have the time anymore to keep developing it. So if some anon wants to pimp his github, earn some money and gain some hands-on-experience, I'm looking for you.

> At least 18yo
> Experience with C++
> Experience with Databases, Networking, Qt, TLS and all the other shit

>> No.1687707

As a matter of fact, a webdev would probably be quite useful as well. Still a paid position but the c++ position is still a lot more profitable.

> Wordpress
> Php
> Databases

>> No.1687715

Hello. Give me your money

>> No.1687739

webdev here, I'm not looking for a position as I run my own company, but we could make some sites for you if that's what you need. PHP and Databases are basically all we do.

Send me an email to startale.bomber@gmail.com and I'll send you a portfolio/our site/etc if you're interested.

>> No.1687742

Grats on your own company. Got one as well. Mail is out

>> No.1687749

not sure if the mail had an error sending. want to give me yours? if not, try emblemstudio@gmail.com

>> No.1687754

Second mail is out. Worst case, drop a mail to this address -> maxim3@x0w1v74.com

>> No.1687758
File: 222 KB, 1352x756, ss+(2016-04-09+at+03.01.52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do. taking off to a christmas party for now but i'll respond a bit later today

happy holidays and best of luck my dude

>> No.1688646

Fulltime web dev Interested in hearing more but I'm not working with a php/wordpress stack (literally vomit-tier).

>> No.1688774

U work with what i put on the table

>> No.1688783

This is what people mean by the entitled millenial attitude

>> No.1688793

I hear you. Like I would even consider employing that wannabe dev after making such an appearance

>> No.1688826

Why would I act like I'm here to suck his dick? I'm already a succesful web dev, I don't need him if he doesn't want my skills.

Ironically you are so much more likely to run into a wannabe dev with such a poor stack - GL friendo, you likely just lost your best bet and will have to find a """""web dev""""" who actually wants to work with such a shitty stack.

>> No.1688838

>Why would I act like I'm here to suck his dick? I'm already a succesful web dev, I don't need him if he doesn't want my skills.
You literally said you were interested in hearing more about the position you dumb fuck.

>> No.1688855

Whatever floats your boat anon

>> No.1688857

Yep, I 'literally' said that. How does that contradict what you just quoted? Ironic that you should call me a dumb fuck when you can't even follow a logical thought through one sentence, you dumb fuck.

>> No.1688868

Likewise. You'll probably be fine if your idea only requires blog-tier complexity.

>> No.1688884

Yeah probably. This specific task doesn't require a complex infrastructure. Designed the website myself, wrote my own php plugins, etc.

Hell it's only a 4 digit profit project, 5 best case. The only one worth paying at all would be the lead dev.

How long have you been in the biz? How's it going for you?

>> No.1688902

It's not the millenial attitude.
That shit is truly vomit inducing tier shit

C guy reporting in , frankly you wont get any serious offers apart from shit tier """programmers""" if you don't reveal any more details about the project, like the scope , time frame, portability requirements, what is the goal of the project etc.
Then again it does not seem that quality is what are you looking for anyway.

Just saying.

>> No.1688903

Started studying (and programming) roughly 3 years ago and am done with my degree in a month; found the studies too easy so I found a fulltime web dev job to do in parallel. Already prodding around a bit for higher paying jobs, but would rather work on something new that I can shape myself (was interested to see if your idea was relevant to this goal).

In short: If the profit/potential isn't higher than 4-5 digits I'm not overly interested, but GL.

>> No.1688910

If I learned one thing during my time of self employment then it's this; nobody cares about the quality of your product/service. It's about how you sell it. Also my customers are literally kids who steal dads credit card to buy my software. U'd enjoy reading some of the shit customer support receives.

> How do I pay with paypal?
> I am a trans with dyslexia. I don't understand your installation instructions. Call me on skype

I mean no offense anon but 3 years of programming isn't really worth anything. Yeah you might be able to make some money with webdev but I highly doubt this would ever challenge you.
Now that you mentioned a more challenging project with a higher profit margin, well I can provide you with exactly that. How's your math?

>> No.1688915

Please don't tell me you are selling bots on hackforums

>> No.1688918

Even if I would, $ is $
But no, I don't

>> No.1688925

Right , well in that case you can go in to managed languages like C# and java for cheaper """programmers"""

>> No.1688926

You are so right. If I chose C# instead of C++ i could easily have implemented integrated ads and offer a free version of my software. Would have made through ads than through sales.
> Feelsbadman.jpeg

>> No.1688931

i assume its not a 3d game or anything , if so its not that difficult to redo it in C# unless you have absolutely no programming skills at all.
hell C# does not even need Qt it has a part of the .net framework that handles GUI shit.
If you tell me more about the project and how much resources does it need exactly i can give pointers on if you should even hire a programmer.

>> No.1688935

Hey, mind sharing a link to your repository.
Just want to take a look at your C++ code.

>> No.1688946

Hey thanks a bunch, anon! Really appreciate it but I'm pretty confident that I know my way around programming.

To be honest, I never touched C# but I could most likely rewrite the software within 1 or 2 days. It's just not worth my time.

It's a stupid program, filling a certain niche for our brothers from /v/. After the release I was surpised how many fags attempted to pay with steam ingame items. So I found myself a partner who accepts such items (+commission aka twice the actual price) and then converts the items into real money.

Long story short, there is still a lot of potential to squeeze out. But not enough for me to bother.

Do you know why Winrar didn't sell?

>> No.1688952

Because they didn't make their code open source?

>> No.1688957

Listen anon, my main machines are all running BSD. I celebrate the opensource movement but I also celebrate the size of my wallet

>> No.1688963

IF you're worrying about copying your SRC, I could sign a NDA.
You can trust me Anon, I just want to take a look at your C++ code, so I can judge you :3

>> No.1688973

thanks I'm good mate

>> No.1689011

alrighty then

>> No.1689099
File: 39 KB, 528x492, pepe (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I asked this guy how the job is "paid" he told me its paid through a percentage of the company, I then ask if this company has any sales. His response, "sure". Classic /biz/

>> No.1689105

Commission based payment terms apparently don't suit you

>> No.1689121
File: 607 KB, 800x792, 1456052944245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure they do, but when your answer to "Any sales?" is "Sure, but not anymore" that's a huge red flag. Why would I work for commission when there is no sales? You're fucked

>> No.1689123

> But sales kinda halted when I stopped actively developing and marketing it.
That's why I intend to hire a dev. Suit yourself though

>> No.1689129
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And this dev is suppose to market your software? Also when I said any sales, I wanted a rough #. Not "sure". Anyways good luck to you.

>> No.1689131
File: 57 KB, 944x587, sales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na only if he intends on increasing his commission

Guess when I stopped working on it

>> No.1689149
File: 39 KB, 800x778, 1436379753070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us some numbers or fuck off. That chart could be going from 2 sales up to 10 a month. Whats the reason to hide it? Get out of here with your scheme to get cheap devs. Go hire a panjeet for $3/hour.

>> No.1689157

I don't intend to publish the numbers. Posted the pic to demonstrate why sales halted.
Besides, I made very clear that it's a 4-5 digit project. An easy way for a young dev to earn some money and gain some experience. Never said it's your dream 1 million dollar job, u salty frog poster

>> No.1689163
File: 148 KB, 500x656, pepe (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4-5 Digits even seems high for your product honestly. Just seems like a scheme to get cheap dev work. To each his own. Also, good luck getting anyone to work for you on a commission based contract that hasn't seen sales total.

>> No.1689168

> 4-5 Digits even seems high for your product honestly
I'm as surprised as you are

> Also, good luck getting anyone to work for you on a commission based contract that hasn't seen sales total.
You weren't the first nor the last one. Thanks though

>> No.1689176
File: 277 KB, 1106x1080, 1456055569008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go hire a panjeet that is willing to work for $4/hour like I said.

Or is that out of your 4-5 digit budget? hahaha

>> No.1689224

Can pajeets code in C++ ?

>> No.1689371

sometimes yeah