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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16876566 No.16876566 [Reply] [Original]

Well biz, it's been a hell of a run. Donald did everything he could to save the economy. Its over now though. Bernie is a lock 2020. No one can beat a candidate offering free shit. Just embrace it and leach like everyone else at this point. Shitcoins and the economy is finished. Great run you guys

>> No.16876589

Yang said that 1,000 per month is impossible on Colbert last night. Yang is a faggot

>> No.16877130

It won't be Yang itll be Bernie

>> No.16877676

I'm a white male in the US and thus not eligible for any government aid, nor protection from the police under any circumstances involving anyone other than fellow white males.

>> No.16877727

I thought that boi was out the race.

Anyways, I'll just move to whatever system accepts me that happens to be better than the US. Based poland probably.

>> No.16878276

>Donald did everything he could to save the economy.

You mean scam the economy. Just like his businesses.

>> No.16878445

We fucking lost

>> No.16878476

>bernie is a lock for 2020
Bernie isnt even in 1st for the dems the fuck you mean

>> No.16878516

I hate bernie so fucking much. He's such an annoying faggot. Yang would actually give me $1000 a month, Bernie is all talk.

>> No.16878534

Welcome to political theatrics. Bernie was their pick from the beginning.

>> No.16878549
File: 287 KB, 553x584, gommunism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16878595

lol says who? fox news? lmao.

>> No.16878646

Economy was finished the moment they started qe, whoever wins this will just be the fall guy for the previous years of negligence

>> No.16878665
File: 97 KB, 500x536, yang_man2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only politician offering money is YANG.

Do any of the others? NO.


Get your $1k a month !!

>> No.16878672

Virtually every poll has Bernie behind Biden, in some cases he's even behind Warren
He's not going to be president

>> No.16878734

Oh look a JIDF psyop thread. Must mean BSV is about to moon. Gas the kikes

>> No.16878820

And tell us zoomer faggot, how exactly did trump scam your unemployed ass? Shouldn’t you be bitching on reddit about someone misgendering you?

>> No.16878838

This post makes me wonder what post >>16877777 was about

>> No.16878854

Good. Fuck capitalism it's gay

>> No.16878859
File: 221 KB, 590x660, F96BA89D-AECC-4357-BEBA-E19D171F2A30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol fuck off MIGAtard. Bernie would be the best president for crypto holders and would kick off the generational wealth transfer from boomers to millennials by tanking the market

>> No.16879016

Not being able to own things is the defining characteristic of every serf class in history. Not your land, not your crops, not your money.