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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16873619 No.16873619 [Reply] [Original]

I am an actual cutthroat capitalist. I don't care if others get burned by what I do because they're NPCs easily replaceable by anyone. It truly is a doggy dog world and the unwashed masses are a diamond dozen. People don't have inherent value. You gotta make something out of yourself and earn value.
Any questions?

>> No.16873630

Have you ever experienced physical pain?

>> No.16873632

You will love BSV then, It's all about pure capitalism and profit seeking

>> No.16873638

>Doggy dog world

>> No.16873643

for me its that until im in a position where i can create value

>> No.16873644
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>doggy dog world

>> No.16873654


Really..? Dumb fucks like you guys are a diamond dozen.

>> No.16873663

Leave your room.

>> No.16873664

Look out guys we have a high IQ badass over here

>> No.16873667

thats all bye the bye but whenever i sea people talking like this its usually quote on quote "entepreneurs" that arent rich yet

>> No.16873677

I bet op appreciated your two sense

>> No.16873686

have sex

>> No.16873706
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all poor redpilled people are like that. it's okay fren even if it is very sad.

>> No.16873724

Why aren't you a cutthroat communist instead? Way higher lifetime earnings if you do it right.

>> No.16873734 [DELETED] 

just be careful op, there are plenty of people who will kill you if you fuck them over. where you are a little jew nigger faggot thinking its ok to rob people, I think its ok to kill people who steal. So same thing except you die in pain instead of getting money

>> No.16873743
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>not an anarchist illegalist crypto-anarchist romanticist panentheist deep accelerationist neo-medievalist libtertine taliban-esque eco-fascist convert

>> No.16873779

doggy dog? lmao

>> No.16873822

Why do we care about your faggot blogpost faggot?

>> No.16873841

Yes you are big man, very strong cut throat woah....sociopath killer
You are patrick bateman you dont care wow man.... You are wolf....

>> No.16873853

You dont care about the plebs dude.... Animal does not fear death ... pure capitalism Darwin eugenics.... Let them starve!.... Strong biceps shorting my poor country Serbia.... Big man not care ”Let them die lmao” he says....
I submit to you

>> No.16873858
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I fukin lost

>> No.16873864

you realise hes baiting right
>doggy dog world
>diamond dozen

>> No.16873887
File: 127 KB, 1178x1769, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16873893

Just watched that movie yesterday. Faggot got real lucky at the end. He flipped out on slight differences between business cards and no last second reservations like some autist.

>> No.16873900

Doggy dog?
Diamond dozen?

Fucking retards like you shit this board up.


Christ I don’t know why I ever left Reddit

>> No.16873915

Yeah I don't know either. You should go back.

>> No.16874049


>> No.16874056

based sociopath

>> No.16874076

>Implying they’ll ever be rich

>> No.16874080

You have to be assertive if you want to climb out from shit

>> No.16874084

What movie?

>> No.16874086

Gtfo bitch and kys

>> No.16874394


>> No.16874790

>just when i though OP was the most retarted person in the room

>> No.16874845

id love to crack ur ribs with my fist infront of ur paid for gf and shove my penis in ur shithole andmake u lick the pooh off might cut ya cock off to idk yet lol its a dog EAT dog world cunt :]

>> No.16874852

Op baited a lot of newfags, but lets not forget he's still a faggot

>> No.16874887
File: 1.10 MB, 1242x2007, C646FED1-D824-4403-99E0-8727704C30AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave your room you fucking loser. Life’s about being nice & sweet u get awarded well for it as well. Larp tard

>> No.16874908


>> No.16874913

For all intensive purposes your proving op's point

>> No.16874994

Wrong. The most successful people in the world are ruthless, evil, psychos, pedos, murderers etc. The worse of a person you are, the more you'll be rewarded

>> No.16875009

made for bbc

>> No.16875035

You don’t live in the real world. You let maggots into ur brain buddy. Being a shitty person gives u a shitty life. Being nice doesn’t mean bending ur knees to every person but it does mean maintaining some level of altruism and having empathy. Larping as patrick Bateman won’t get u anywhere

>> No.16875068

dont be nice, be kind

>> No.16875080

The best part about this post is the absolute lack of awareness that you are just as easily replaceable and exactly as unique as any other NPC.

>> No.16875129

I have maggots in my brain because I acknowledge that most very successful people are evil and depraved? Go ahead and be as altruistic as you want, but it won't help you succeed

>> No.16875157
File: 40 KB, 320x320, backtoreddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.16875160
File: 24 KB, 400x244, Soy boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't be nice, be kind

>> No.16875179

Every successful person I know is nice. I also bet 100% that I’m more successful than you

>> No.16875189

I don't think anyone here knows that movie

>> No.16875326

Anyone can pretend to be nice in order to get ahead, I do it all the time. Stop lecturing me on morals you faggot. I don't care about anyone except myself, the same could be said for most people, they just wont admit it

>> No.16875366

It’s not pretending u gotta be geniune. People notice. It’s not even morals being nice is just cool. Only poor people care about themselves

>> No.16875389

I'm taking a shit right now. I'm not gay.

No. They're pussies. That's why it works. Chads don't make bad deals.

You're not wrong. I went through hell though to go from making 4 to 5 figures.

I'm not in my room I'm pooping.

Not really.

>> No.16875449

yeah, to you because you've never formed meaningful relationships in your life. Try going outside once your twice you NPC

>> No.16875455
File: 198 KB, 775x652, global jewish elite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only poor people care about themselves
Wow okay so you're an actual brainlet. Bye

>> No.16875500

>not getting a decades old joke
>from rebbit

Back to r/LINKtrader you go.

>> No.16876264

Huch, go easy on us please!

>> No.16876295

>inherent value
it's inherited value dumbass

>> No.16876403
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is a fukken mess. take a look in the mirror, nu-/biz/.

>> No.16876431

Let it go. It's all water under the fridge anon

>> No.16876464


You remind me of those cringey instagram entrepreneur motivation pages.

>> No.16876475

>>>/r/crypto Is that way

>> No.16877140

I agree, OP. All for all and one for one

>> No.16877216

this post makes op look super baste

>> No.16877269

It’s dog eat dog.

>> No.16877890
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>> No.16878173
File: 29 KB, 828x835, 82605336_2758369440891535_7527941397635137536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are also a pure retard, one these dozens for a dime (not diamond dozen) and I'm sure you get eaten frequently in the dog EAT dog world we inhabit. Good day to you and may God have mercy upon your soul.

>> No.16879150
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, doggy-dog-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure which is worse, OP or the idiots taking the bait. It truly is a doggy dog world.

>> No.16879202

Anon you've been baited, its time to come to turns with it

>> No.16879246

Not really. He was baiting too. Op was baiting, now he was baiting. Guess what? I'm not baiting

>> No.16879296

nah, hes living in the delusion just wait till he got some serious phisical problem, he'll be prayin for god.

>> No.16879400


woah man

you sound like moron reddit fuckers

Nature wants your blood, its why you have trouble with the modern reCAPTCHA

>> No.16879416

unironically this

>> No.16879426

its not hard to be rich

just degrading, and kills your family relations.

unless you are a sociopath, then its just a game and you won

>> No.16879473

yeah go out and kill people for their money.
Do this to any of my family member and I'll kill you, and all your family member include your dog, fucking retarded poster.
Look at ISIS right now
Look at Hitler right now
Look at Mostly of drug dealers right now
Look at.
Just look at..
Universe is a karma, soon or later it hits. Based on my own..

>> No.16879546


don’t be surprised when banks start refusing your social security number,

I got mugged as a kid,

Now i wrote a virus that searches for my killers/muggers/ect...

and deletes anything related to them on every half assed database it can crawl into.

have fun getting a new drivers license when you get out of jail.
if your jail even remembers to release you.
if your court even can try you.
If the police even know to look for you,
If you don’t immediately get evicted.

if you kill me you are less than human, you are an animal with language.

I wanna see the look on your face, when you realize that you will be unable to buy anything, to have a name, to associate with anything related to a computer.

That or I just wear a bomb vest so that anybody who attacks me dies with me.

its the least I can ask for,

your blood for my own.

doggie dog world,

blood is just a measure, suffering, an illusion.

>> No.16879581

im not talking about literally killing people

I’m saying that being rich comes with sacrifices most people don’t want to make.

moderately wealthy “having made it” everyone wants and respects that,

but actually being rich,

is a sociopathic numbers game.

>> No.16879615
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>> No.16879780

But then they'll be unhappy I guess?
Every rich bastrd I've ever seen are very unlucky and you can feel that "sadness" aura on them
But I get your point, in nature mostly of tribes kill each other, but believe there's good out there it's like a balance.
Btw I don't believe in good or bad but in balance.

>> No.16879804

why can't u spell?

>> No.16880487
File: 44 KB, 320x320, 1541428666119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most obvious bait thread ive ever seen on this board wow what has the board iq been lowered to. good one OP

>> No.16880768

It's actually "for all in tents and porpoises"
Fucking dumb ass cunts

>> No.16880789
File: 223 KB, 700x695, funny-baby-boomers-meme-11-5b683b6c82050__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
