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16873279 No.16873279[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your maximum age for a woman for you to marry and have children with?
Is 30 with established profession better since there will be 2 incomes?

>> No.16873284

Young as possible

>> No.16873286


>> No.16873318

My GF is 28 tho

>> No.16873341

I'm 31 and my fiance is 30 with an established career, would rather have that than deal with a 22 year old shit head who expects me to do everything, all things weighed and considered.

I don't want kids in the first place though.

>> No.16873353

>I don't want kids in the first place though.
being 60+ with all relatives dead and no family of your own must be hell on earth

>> No.16873363

Amounts of dicks taken is more important than age for me. A roastie aged 22 that fucked 10 guys in total is way less worth for me than a 30 year old that fucked only 1 or 2.
But 32/33 would be the total max, since I want to have at least 3 kids

>> No.16873372
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>living past 50

>> No.16873378
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>started dating a 28yo with established career.
>had kids a few years later
Grass is always greener (a model chick hitting on me at work didn't help) but I'm pretty sure I made the right decision.
Even 24 year olds can be too aged though. Find one who doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs or party all the time.

>> No.16873387

I've voluntarily cut out basically my entire family out of my life and I've never felt better. My family are all pieces of shit who have mostly traumatized me when I was young so I've never been a "family guy" in the first place. Hopefully by the time I'm old they'll have robots to change my diaper and wipe my ass etc.

>> No.16873394

She's a whore who has hit the wall then. She's probably taken and still taking upwards of 100 dicks a day.

>> No.16873401

30yr old with only 1 or 2. You are so fucking delusional. They are getting 1 or 2 different dicks every week.

>> No.16873404

P.S. Ideally a career-oriented woman is a bad decision.
However, submissive women don't exist in the modern world.
So if she's gonna take her decisions herself instead of listening to you all the time, you might wanna find one that's capable of getting decisions right most of the time. And this happens to be the career nerd who still dreams about a family.

>> No.16873426

Depends where you are from. You are fucked if you live in a bigger city in UK or US, yeah

>> No.16873508

Nah just go traveling. You will have enough bucks.
If you cant anymore. Just retire on a beach somewhere like golden beach in bulgaria. lots of elderly folks do that

>> No.16873596

sounds lonely no thanks I want a family to carry my name

>> No.16873601

is she submissive? does she still work?

>> No.16873608

25, and even then she's bumping up against the sell by date

>> No.16873612

and how old are you?

>> No.16873623

> is she submissive
Nope, not in the slightest. She even tries to be bossy from time to time.
> does she still work?
On maternity leave for at least 1 year. Probably year and a half.
Child > work, she knows that all too well.

>> No.16873628

>Nope, not in the slightest. She even tries to be bossy from time to time.
My condolences

>> No.16873629


>> No.16873642

>On maternity leave for at least 1 year
oh nonono!!! bitch be cheating

>> No.16873650

i don't want to get married or have children.

>> No.16873659

Her official number is 7. Big east coast city so I did a thorough background check by checking phone and it seems legit

>> No.16873661

15-19. Absolute ceiling of 21 if she's a trad loyal bombshell.
Don't be caught simpin.
Women only have so many years of fertility and beauty. You don't want to pay premium prices for items at or near the expiry date.

>> No.16873676

and how old are you?

>> No.16873688

Met my gf when she was 17, 20 now. She cooks, cleans, and is very submissive. Very pleased

>> No.16873689

Why do you think that matters?

>> No.16873700

because 19 would be pretty extreme if you're 33 or whatever

>> No.16873707

>her official number is 7
lmao dude you gotta multiply that by 3, she's been with at least 20 dudes man

>> No.16873718

pls no :(
I need a method to find the real number or Ill have doubts in my mind forever

>> No.16873742

Why? Nearly all of history men aged 20s-50s married women aged 12-19.
Women become ugly and infertile very quickly. Why should a man settle for a whore who looks like the villains from Dark Crystal when she isn't wearing a kg of makeup?

Mary the most perfect woman to ever live gave birth to God incarnate at 15 years old. By what authority do you claim that it is any way morally wrong for a man to marry a woman who is capable of bearing and raising children because of some arbitrary age difference you don't like?

>> No.16873749


>> No.16873750

Pro-tip you marry a virgin or you marry a whore. There is no middle ground.

>> No.16873764

kek roastie

>> No.16873771

19 isn't a absurd sadly, in a world where you need to go below 20 to have any chance of finding a girl with a body count below 10

>> No.16873780


>marrying non virgin female

>> No.16873870

I only date 14yo chicks
its legal in my country and I am 33yo

>> No.16873872

>My condolences
Thanks. She's toned it down quite a bit now, but gotta admit her faults, lol.
>oh nonono!!! bitch be cheating
She doesn't even exit the house (and I work from home from time to time).

>> No.16873873

Only beta pussies like their girls submissive LOL

>> No.16873924

I met my wife when she just turned 18 and I was 24. Got married when she was 19. Now I’m 36 and she’s 30. Just had our first baby last October. He’s sleeping right next to me. I’m on paid family leave the next 10 weeks and wife is about to go to work where she makes 130k. We both max out 401k and on track to be millionaires. When we met I was sleeping in my car. Would still probably be if not for her

>> No.16873925

Whatever woman doesn't laugh when I show her my FRM balance.

>> No.16873932

She won't need to work because I provide everything. She needs to start giving birth at 25, latest.

>> No.16873939

>only betas like not being betas
Son dont do drugs

>> No.16873948

I'm 26 and my gf is 36.

>> No.16873982

>having children in a world that is increasingly nonwhite
>indoctrination in schools to be a progressive, cosmopolitan liberal
>rabid, anti-white hysteria seemingly everywhere
>not to mention the court system is (((designed))) to favor women and will rip your child from you because staceys vagina doesn’t get the tinglys anymore

Ya, all set. I know it’s a black pill but it’s how I view it. I’m content with it.

>> No.16873994

Im 32 and I do not search above 25 years of age.

>> No.16874011

>>having children in a world that is increasingly nonwhite
why not counter this by reproducing faster?

>> No.16874019

What do anons think? Im a hohol who went through k-12 and have a career in the US. American women are absolute garbage though. I'm 28, trying to get financially stable and then spend like 6 months to a year in kiev, chilling with my 80+ yp grandparents who only ever got to see me 2 months at a time when i was a kid and who i talk to every weekend on the phone with, and a bunch of other extended, but close, family. During this time, I want to date/wife hunt that Ukrainian pussy that I was cheated out of. I speak Russian fluently and not Ukrainian unfortunately but from my experience you can get by just fine with that in major cities and even opens up the possibility of Russia being a destination for a waifu but that'd be closer to the stereotypical mail order wife route since I'd actually be going to a foreign country with no relatives. Well, close ones anyway . I wanna spend a while there to get a feel for the type of women there(all women are whores i know but cultures vary)compared to what ive gone through stateside. Hopefully can snag a college age gal with good family relationship. I'm decent looking and /fit/ so I have that going for me

>> No.16874053

Mega cuck identified.

>> No.16874066

sounds like a plan
Dont date in the US?

>> No.16874111

That's your existing family members, which doesn't mean that having a family is bad...

>> No.16874126

>100 per day

>> No.16874137

>falling for the traveling wine aunt roastie meme

>> No.16874149
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>don't have kids just go traveling
>Just retire on a beach somewhere
>just consoom stuff with the money you save

>> No.16874157

30's fine if you want your kids to have autism

if you don't want kids then you don't have real feelings for your "partner"

you're not going to find a 30 year old with only 1 or 2(she will lie.)

you've been sold garbage by people who want to destroy you. Stop watching television

of course it's going to be nonwhite if white people stop fucking having children, retard

you're also a retard, stone age nonwhites breed to exceed the resources of their system like rats to counter the high mortality of pre-industrial life. Killing even 1 stone-ager would multiply out to a much larger impact than having 1 white child, because breeding at that rate is unnatural for whites.

>> No.16874176

>30's fine if you want your kids to have autism
this, I had a kid she was 36 and now we have a little autist

>> No.16874198

I mean it's your son what did you expect

>> No.16874207

based legal pedo

>> No.16874213
File: 143 KB, 1136x852, leo gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, I repeat, NEVER, N.E.V.E.R sleep with a girl over 25.

>> No.16874217

You will get divorced and rent anyways
Your kids wont visit you

Will rather chill on the beach, eating out every day and relax, browsing some 4chan

>> No.16874218

Sounds ideal to me.
My parents have a 10+ year difference too. Females need experienced, males need fertile/young.

Win / win, no?

>> No.16874234

You will regret have lived for nothing. People above 50 who didn't have children always regret it, just like you will.

>> No.16874260

She won't if we show her your comment, coward.

>> No.16874263

You'll kys sooner or later. I've lived in plenty of countries and done plenty of travel. It's fun but it isn't a substitute for a family.

>> No.16874340

Nice sour grapes you got there.

>> No.16874577

Similar situation for me, only that I'm 22 and in Germany. Have a grandma in Ukraine and I speak russian fluently. Gonna get a russian virgin bride as soon as im financialy stable

>> No.16874635

This, but never marry a girl that isnt a virgin, unless she only had sex with you

>> No.16874712

My wife and I are both 29 with good careers. Planning to have kids in the next few years. Her having a career is great. She has her own interests and ambitions which is sexy, the extra income really helps us save for a house and kids. Anyone who wants some 21 year old is mentally stunted themselves

>> No.16874728

You guys are retarded. I love in San Francisco and know plenty of beautiful women who haven't been laid in 6 months+. Stop making up scenarios in your head to make you feel better about your shitty life

>> No.16874756

Hey hohol-anons
Is it realistic for a white person to do this or will I end up with a retarded gold-digger?

>> No.16874772

lmao giga cuck, enjoying the used goods?

>> No.16874773

I was hoping for more replies like this. Im trying to cope over here
I want a family and my GF is qt and wants it too but Im scared she is just putting on the wife-material act because her time is running out.

And if I impregnate her 3 times back to back we are in deep autism territory by the 4th.

Why does it have to be this way? why are they doing this to us?

>> No.16874807

You'll be fine. I would recommend living together before deciding to have kids as that's when you'll really get to know her. If you love her and trust her then go for it. Don't let 4chan poison your mind with this retarded submissive 18 year old wife bullshit

>> No.16874829

Maybe the roastie memes are part of the birth-rate psyop.

>> No.16874842

How to into sex when in your late 20s with zero (0) romantic experience and a 8 years dry spell? asking for a friend haha

>> No.16874855

believing a girls a virgin
bringing kids into this clownworld

>> No.16874871

This. 25 is the absolute max any older and it’s time to do a trade in

>> No.16874885

Damn what a virgin loser. Literally no girls have a body count that low and checking her phone will not show you anything. You can either accept reality and stop being a beta cuck or install spyware on her phone if you insist on knowing the truth

>> No.16874895
File: 230 KB, 1125x1125, leonardo dicaprio girlfriends' ages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the full picture, you ghoul

>> No.16874898

0. Buy boner pills because you will fail and ruin your confidence even more if you dont
1. fuck hookers every week until you afeel confident fucking them
2. get decent haircut and clothes
3. install tinder and fuck fatties and uggos (you need tinder gold and boosts)
4. work your way up to average girls

>> No.16874902

That number increases the older you get. It used to be 23 for me then 25 then 30 and now 35. I'm pretty sure this is the absolute peak though.

>> No.16874911

>Literally no girls have a body count
Why do you think this? some have long term relationships for years. That still means they got railed a ton by the way

Im guessing you are 40+?

>> No.16874917

Find a hobby that you can do with or at the very least around other people. The internet is great for finding groups of like-minded people. Improve yourself and your self esteem. The bitches will come.
If you just want to get laid go to a bar

>> No.16874936

I plan to have between 6 and 10 WHITE babies to spite the Jews. I was going to have 3 until I realized the jews are trying to eliminate my race. If it gets too hard, I will bail like a NIGGER and the US government will pay for my WHITE children

>> No.16874947

Look at this future divorce victim trying to pump his bags. Your wife is an old whore stop trying to trick OP into making your same mistakes

>> No.16874961

I can't really have a max age considering no one my age wants to fuck me since I look almost 10 years younger than I actually am. I do have a maximum weight though, which sucks for me because most women in America are over said weight.

>> No.16874974

No way I go as low as this. I'm going to Thailand in July and I'm doing No fap till then, I'll see how it goes with underage transsexuals first boyo although boner pills are not a bad idea anon, I already have mild ED.

>> No.16874979

>the US government will pay for my WHITE children
the only one paying for them will be Epstein's successor as he buys them for his private island

>> No.16874989

>Why do you think this? some have long term relationships for years. That still means they got railed a ton by the way

I grew up in a female household so I know the truth about women. Women have secret conversations amongst each other and have no issue with lying. Being truthful is related to honor and honor is a male value. Feminism has told women they are justified to bang as many guys as they can during their sexual prime and they are all taking advantage of it. Any girl claiming to have a body count below 10 is straight up lying you should assume an infinite body count or at least 3x whatever they tell you, although I recommend not even asking bc you will get a lie answer. The only workaround is to get a young girl and lock it up

>> No.16874992

My gf is 41 and im late 20s
I really dont know what to make of it. I didnt intend on it but she grew on me. Dont plan to ever have kids or marry tho so from that side it doesnt matter.
Shes asian so looks good still and is educated well. Turns me on and generally is a great gf. Can have a conversation, cooks, not a braindead roastie And is still quite hot. Willing to do shit too so pretty exciting and active.

Idk wtf to do long term and the longer we are together the worse it will probably end

>> No.16875004

We've been together 10 years and grown so much together. There's no one in the world I trust more. Keep projecting though

>> No.16875016

kys subhuman

>> No.16875018

My best bet is bouldering which I've been doing for a while now. Had a disappointment with a roastie climber who was into "open relationships". There are some qts who are at the right age but you gotta have the balls to make a move after starting a convo.

>> No.16875025

Nah the govt will pay for welfare and housing if I bail. Stop being dramatic >>16874992
Imagine have a 41 year old girlfriend. You must be toxic or easily tricked
Congrats bro

>> No.16875034

Sounds like you need to have an uncomfortable conversation. Don't put it off. Be an adult and learn to communicate. Have a conversation about what you're both expecting. If you want a family in the future tell her that. Ask her what she sees as your future together. Work it out.
Also cougars are top tier, good shit my boy

>> No.16875043

bro you suggest to go for hookers but blame me when I'm going to do just this but in Thailand with actual pretty asian chicks. The part about transsexuals was banter btw

>> No.16875055

>I grew up in a female household so I know the truth about women. Women have secret conversations amongst each other and have no issue with lying.

Can you greentext some stories sounds like you have a few

>> No.16875057

Cougars are for balding/manlet/poor guys. No respectable men date cougars

>> No.16875079

Aye ok mate but going to thailand is at least as low as my suggestion. you can replace #1 with it but its substantially more degenerate. You do you

>> No.16875084

Yes you so, but everything gets easier with practice. Start small if you have to. Make random convo with anyone (guy and girl) at the gym. Complement someone on their form, ask them they completed a certain line. Just tell them you like their shirt. Whatever until you feel better about talking to random people.
When you ask a girl out you're still going to have to grab your nuts and do it through. It'll always be nerve-wracking.

>> No.16875096


I dont want kids. Certainly never want to get married. She knows my stance on both pretty matter of fact.
I think she wanted kids but she knows shes past the age where its safe to have any now. Shes still with me so shes accepted that.

But maybe its best to be more clear again. My issue is much more shallow than that. Its if her looks completely fail her rapidly while im more or less in my prime. Yes sounds bad but im being honest. Shes great in every other way and i consider this one of the most fufiling relationships i’ve had but that does linger in my mind about the future. Tough thing to think about let alone say outright. She obviously has that in back of her mind too

>> No.16875109

Cougars can be a lot of fun and teach you a great deal as well. It can be refreshing to be with someone who is more mature. Don't be so quick to try and put everything in a box

>> No.16875111


Finding a good chick bouldering these days(ifs a fad now) is not easy friend. Maybe 1 in 10 or fewer are not gonna be open relationship types or some other variation of a whore.

I’d try something different unless you are good at sorting through and quickly determining if they are a latent whore or willing to spend a lot of wasted time.

>> No.16875112

She’s going to look like shit within 9 years maximum. Get a grip. Enjoy changing your GF’s diapers

>> No.16875127

Attractiveness is basically a measure of perceived youthfulness. Women are able to trick male brains through the use of makeup but other than that there’s no excuse for dating older than 30. Girls over 35 should be old maids or have children.

>> No.16875139

Max age to start dating her: 19
Mac age to start making babies: 26

t. 32 y/o with 19 y/o gf

>> No.16875150

Yeah that's tough. But very understandable. Also like you said a lot harder to say outright. I guess part of it is deciding how happy you are with her and if you think you can get someone better. Gonna be tough no matter what I imagine. Good luck. Just remember good love is hard to find, grass is always greener that kinda shit.

>> No.16875162

This anon will cause you to ruin your life with a costly divorce to an ugly old woman. Do not fall for it

>> No.16875163


Yeah if u are settling for one general they are balding manlets or just low smv. But there is a difference between picking and settling. Im reminded daily i can find a much hotter and younger woman and have had but something is keeping me here and i really dont know what sometimes.
As he said, its very refreshing. I didnt intend for it to happen but she grew on me. I know younger girls are fun in different ways but you also get a lot of bullshit too. But they are easier to control, due to their lack of experience. They tend to be very boring too young women have no self development as they get attention for existing so its very boring being in relationships with them especially if they still wanna party etc.
Then the slightly older ones near 30s have babie rabies and are in hardcore competition with their peers to have social status etc which makes them boring and you will feeling like a means to an end if u slip there.

This chick is passed all that and im aure she has pressure but i guess shes developed herself, so not boring, accepted reality and is just fun and interesting and kind and up for plenty of sex. Still get bs as with all women tho but it just has a different air to it. I will say i learned a lot from it for sure so far and as said, most fulfilling relationship yet.

>> No.16875170

That's creepy my dude
Different strokes buddy, just like I'm sure you find 11 year olds attractive when most others don't.

>> No.16875181

biz roastie threads all read the same. >incel imagines what life would be like if he had sex.
>mistakes his imagination as experience and tries to 'redpill' the rest of us.
kek. don't never change biz

>> No.16875187

Cope! It’s your fault you tied yourself to an expired pussy NGMI

>> No.16875205

Not even. If I was him I'd probably leave her too. But love it weird and looks really aren't that important when it comes down to it. As long as she gets your dick hard that's all that matters.

>> No.16875230

Marrying my wife was the best thing I ever did. And when I have a happy bustling family in a few years you'll still be angry and looking for muh 18 y/o submissive trad wife with your old ugly ass

>> No.16875334

Kek stfu roastie

>> No.16875385

Biologically and legally speaking the best time for a female to have a child is 18. Every year after that egg quality decreases and the chances of birth defects steadily increase.
After 35 the chances of birth defects start to go parabolic.

>> No.16875387


Nigga what?

>> No.16875390

Are you literally an old woman? I’ve never heard a man be so defensive about female aging

>> No.16875404

cuckest of the cucks

>> No.16875407

kek, true

>> No.16875421

Just make more before autism probability goes to 100%

>> No.16875447

You're the one that seems so defensive. I'm just explaining that their are people in the world that like things outside your autistic worldview

>> No.16875454

Being born with lots of family that make you want to kill yourself is kinda hell tho. Especially around Thanksgiving and Xmas

>> No.16875469

Being alone and sick is worse. Guaranteed
Also, family functions being annoying is a psyop pushed by MSM. They pushed it so hard it became reality.

>> No.16875513

More proof that you are a woman. If you were a man you would know that is not true at all. Very funny

>> No.16875522

37 max, preferably less then 5 partners and a good career. Thats fine by me but thats the age limit. And an exception really for someone that totally stands out in character and behavior/personality
Im 32

>> No.16875569
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Everyone knows girls peak at about 16-18. I wouldn't really be interested in anyone older than that

>> No.16875583

I think you have a solid understanding of the key facts and a good framework. Although I disagree with your conclusion I respect it because it does not appear to be age-cope. I still suggest going younger bc you will regret it in the future but if you are capable of cutting ties when the cost/benefit flips then you are in good shape

>> No.16875600

I love old whores with skanky make up. I personally like to fuck old skinny hookers (between 35-50) whenever visiting Belgium, Holland or Germany. Living that MILF fantasy.

>> No.16875646


>> No.16875772

This is now an economic discussion about the implications of artificial wombs.

What percentage of men do you think would recoil from women and relationships as a whole? Would it cause divorce rates to skyrocket?

I personally beleive that when artificial wombs/their use costs around $100k we are going to see the end of feminine sexual dominance, and then the fall of feminine power in general. Without the use of sex most women will never gain an economic advantage. How will this effect the markets?

>> No.16875793

Im down if I also get a hot wife-bot that takes care of it according to the parameters I configure it with.

>> No.16875841

Would a sex-bot at your brothel be sufficient? Or do you still need to simulate having a partner?

>> No.16875865

nah, live-in sex bot and occasional a tinder roastbeef

>> No.16875910

How much would it have to cost for you to consider it worthwhile? Would it also have to do chores? Speak?

>> No.16875917

Must suck goin thru life like this

>> No.16875932

the thotbot and womb singularity will only happen when they are indistinguishable from a real wahmen

>> No.16875933

based leo

>> No.16875945

>my wife and I are 29
oh nonononono!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA nonononono!!!!!!!

>> No.16875957

Children of highly possible single mothers (eventually) roasties may turn fucked up in some way in a another. But what about non adjusted, occasional suicidal, dysfunctional, unkept virgin men using anonymous image boards for the only form of communication, “raising” a child? No child deserves to go through that.

>> No.16875967

Fucking BASED, how did you meet her fren?

>> No.16875981

>Meet by age
>Marry by age

And those are the absolute upper limits. Always date down boys

>> No.16876017

You mad bitch boi?

>> No.16876027

I'm not mad brother because I ain't got used up goods!!! hahaha

>> No.16876035

18-21 only

>> No.16876088

My wife was a virgin when I met her at 19. You mad?

>> No.16876161

>bringing kids into this clownworld
Having a family is the single biggest hedge against clownworld. I am 29 and my biggest regret is that I don't already have kids. At this rate I will be forty years old by the time a potential offspring would be ready to do fun shit with me like hiking. Want to die in a nursing home surrounded by niggers and latino's who hate you or be at home with your family? Faggots like you are so short-sighted you hardly consider the future beyond the nut you bust in mediocre whores.

If you don't plan to move near the country side and have kids, you are part of the clown-world braindrain genocide. It is that simple.

>> No.16876170

Having kids helps you grow the fuck up. Not having them is usually on the basis that you want to keep being a whore/video gamer/worthless clown.

>> No.16876173

>We both max out 401k and on track to be millionaires


>> No.16876177

>was a virgin
anon, I...

>> No.16876187

if you think it's cruel to bring a child into a "world like this" you should follow that argument to its logical conclusion and kill yourself

>> No.16876194

im gonna marry a 28 year old and I can't get her to drink a sip of alcohol. She just doesn't drink or smoke. She gets mistaken for a 22 year old all the time.

>> No.16876203
File: 53 KB, 564x428, 1553848072103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off nonces

>> No.16876238

Even homemakers are gonna make her decisions herself instead of just listening to you. Perfectly submissive women are a meme cuz it means you never get to take a break from herding cats.

>> No.16876359

submissive doesn't mean you make every single one of her decisions.

>> No.16876404

does she fuck you with a strap-on every night?

>> No.16876429

Cool wine aunt cat lady dog mom traveller detected. Off me board now!

>> No.16876533

7 since she had that phone, you mean.

>> No.16876540

some of my biggest high school crushes turned out to be dog mom / wine aunts, unironically, before their 30th birthday.

A woman without a family is like a man without a purpose.

>> No.16876550

Wagekeks so deluded lmao

>> No.16876559

Unless she's your boss and you moved in with her and she pays for everything, your ducked bro.

>> No.16876585

This is literally impossible. Look at africa. Look at mexico. Look at india. You would need to have 20 kids and then you cant handle them it's just as bad. Your only hope is that the illuminati send most of the populace to war or kill them off with a disease or something

>> No.16876605

Those people don't have enough money generally to pay for a child or the artificial womb. Many people on this board seriously hate women but are extremely intelligent, I've found that the two are directly correlated. The intelligent men who are attractive I know hate their wives but acknowledge they get treated better because they also have looks. Intelligent people who work hard who are treated like shit by women should have a viable way to reproduce, just like intelligent women who hate men do. This is true equality. This is true fairness.

When women choose who gets to reproduce the world immediately falls to shit. Artificial wombs will stop them from destroying all of humanity with bullshit and sympathy.

>> No.16876607

>Times 5
Look anon, 35 dicks isn't THAT bad! It's actually a great thing

>> No.16876620

lmao at this literal cuck. don't bother telling him.

it doesn't matter how hard you work or how many kids you have, the federal government is going to steal your wealth and give it to them and call it "taxes". You will always be given less for being white. This is what happens when women gain power.