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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16870666 No.16870666 [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends, I only sort of got into crypto very recently, in the past I mostly only used btc to buy a 4chan pass but other than that I have no idea what makes a currency valuable. Any advice on investing would be appreciated

>> No.16870692

Nothing makes it valuable, it's speculative and people will lie to and pretend like Chinese companies don't run all major cryptos security or that there aren't small teams running development.

You are speculating that this is going to be game changing technology. I would research Ethereum uses and projects to start as it has the most development by far and you could get an idea of what people think this tech could be used for.

>> No.16870716

well I sort of assume it'll be valuable because we're moving away from paper money and mostly handling things digitally these days so I have confidence in crypto as a whole
I will look into ethereum but I don't have a large amount of money to invest every month which is why I've focused on smaller and cheaper coins.
I will try and do some research though

>> No.16870726

Id diversify a bit more..... Maybe some ADA, XLM or ALGOs 16% staking return.

>> No.16870754

Diversify 350 bucks lol?

>> No.16870765

Do your research on ethereum and chainlink
And don't listen to this paid shill, he's in every thread with his bullshit

>> No.16870770

oh how cute 144 link and 128 xrp

>> No.16870821

it seemed safest because it's very cheap so I figure like, even if things go horribly wrong they'll both eventually go up and I'll make something back
at least that's my thinking, I'll try and research trends more and maybe I'll be able to do this better but it's very confusing for me

>> No.16870842

Buy CENNZ if you want to make it....thats the only thing you should know

>> No.16870984

It says it's not available on coinbase, what app do you use?

>> No.16870990


>> No.16871115
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I'm just trying to learn

>> No.16871199
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>nice trips
but you are doing it completely wrong

>> No.16871235

you've been using coinbase to buy this whole time? having fun getting raped by those fees? LOL

>> No.16871261
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First of all you're doing it wrong by not using Coinbase Pro if you're going to use that shit exchange. Please switch now to save on fees.

Second you should be buying ETH and not shitcoins.

>> No.16871295

Why don’t more people use Coinbase pro? There’s not even a fee for buying stuff on there?

>> No.16871312

Checked hail newfag satan. Alright it's good you recognize you have a lot to learn. I would recommend Binance Academy app or youtube channel for short (less than 5 mins) digestible lessons. A few thoughts... dont assume that digitization means crypto is inevitable. There are all sorts of centralized digital services that work fine for normies. Most of China's economy runs on WeChat and AliPay. So when speculating/investing in crypto you need to actually do research and identify specific projects that are delivering world-changing value, and not just assume that all crypto will go up. Otherwise you will lose your ass trying to chase scams in this market. Unironically nice job grabbing some link. If you decide to be lazy and not actually learn about this stuff, you can honestly still get rich just buying link and selling when you hear black people talking about it in public. Next thing, you're retarded if you think the per-unit price of a coin matters beyond a surface level effect on consumer psychology. You need to consider the total quantity of coins in existence (e.g. 21 million bitcoin or 100 BILLION ripple) in addition to the per-unit price to actually know what is "cheap". You need to watch out for pajeets shilling their scam of the month, everywhere, but especially here. That CENNZ faggot is a perfect example. If you search a coin in the warosu archive and cant see any history of legitimate discussion, stay the fuck away no matter how much you think buying it will make you rich overnight. Lastly as another anon pointed out, diversifying an ant-sized portfolio is cute, but will never let you actually make it. At this point you need to pick 1 or maybe 2 projects max and go literally all in on them. And if you're not currently sucking cock for money while reading this, you're not trying hard enough to make it.

>> No.16871313

start by getting a job at McDonald's you disgusting neet, working minimum wage for a month would make you more money than you will ever make off crypto

>> No.16871479

A currency is valuable because of scarcity and because people want it and believe in its value, that's literally it.

Currencies like USD are fiat, infinitely printed, centrally controlled garbage that serve globalists.

Currencies like BTC, ETH, and LINK have a hard set max supply and aren't controlled by a central authority.

>> No.16871503

Enjoy being tracked by ZOG.

>> No.16871552

Hate cynical faggots like you.

Don’t try to time the market OP. Just work and dump a reasonable amount into bitcoin and chainlink. Try to save up enough to accumulate 1 bitcoin at least and maybe a couple thousand Link. Don’t try to swing trade until you’ve got more experience just keep stacking at the moment and forget

>> No.16871556

I have some Bitcoin SV in my Circle account and I’m trying to send it to my Coinbase account, but Coinbase does not receive Bitcoin SV - what do I do?

>> No.16871557

Look here Op LOOK LISTEN

>> No.16871559

>buys LINK

Kek. You're doing it right. Just watch the price and buy when it's cheap. LINK is one of the only worthwhile crypto projects. Good luck fren.

>> No.16871630

Get off nickel and dime base and get yourself some ARPA on Binance

>> No.16871825

Also like others have said get off coinbase either move that money to coinbase pro or binance preferably.

Coinbas fees are legitimately highway robbery tier

>> No.16872103

Algo maybe, the other two run away.

So? Same rules apply even if it was 350k.

This fantastic behavior will surely pump your bags. Keep it up.

>> No.16872130

Get it exchanged for btc then send to CB

>> No.16872133

heres some advice
1.Dont buy the top
2.Dont buy a coin thats below the top 200 marketcap
3.Buy the coin when its dumping
4.Dont buy chainlink