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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16866735 No.16866735 [Reply] [Original]

How much money in USD can I expect to have EOY?

>> No.16866753


>> No.16866757
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Kek you are so mad right now

>> No.16866766

eoy 2020? 25 - 250 mil usd
eoy 2030? 100-1000x that

>> No.16866768

I think you'll have over a million, it unironically looks like it.

>> No.16866772

But only if you cash out, otherwise it's unrealized profit only

>> No.16866773

cash out now and be a happy pajeet

>> No.16866784


>> No.16866789

$120,000 EOY so w/e that is.

>> No.16866796
File: 280 KB, 2309x1731, 948EFFB7-B5A2-4E00-A988-432CD053D944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could live with that I’m just autistic enough to hold til 2030 too
I’m white faggot and most importantly my dick is not circumcised

>> No.16866798

>only cash counts as profits, bezos is literally poor as fuck because he hasn't realized profits by selling all his AMZN
>there are actually no billionaires on teh planet!!

>> No.16866803


>> No.16866806

honestly bro the way things are like 2.56 mil before the court date

>> No.16866824

How does eleventy billion sound

>> No.16866868

>and most importantly my dick is not circumcised
based and circumcisedpilled, I hope you the best of luck and may the spirit of satoshi be with us

>> No.16866983
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>> No.16867007

At least $2.5m.
But why sell early, when you could potentially see 10x that in 2 more years?

>> No.16867023

how does 257$ sound?

>> No.16867151


>> No.16867196
File: 27 KB, 456x810, 3211F4ED-5065-47CC-BF7E-ECC5CAD8413E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you don't nigger. you're an aids riddled faggot who gets paid to make high effort memes tro try and fit in here and it isn't working
another creg shill army meme. nobody is mad bro, this scam is pure kino

>> No.16867283
File: 105 KB, 464x258, 27455513-F7AF-4F1B-8E11-C284AB85017A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hur durrrr I’m poor so everyone else must be too, the rest is on my kucoin.

>> No.16867310

holy crap how many buzz words does your boss demand you include in every post?