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16865315 No.16865315 [Reply] [Original]

Any Eurofags here who literally and unironically buy physical gold?

>> No.16865329

germanfag with 1kg gold reporting in

>> No.16865369

how would you tho?

>> No.16865378

thank you for reporting in, germanfag.
I'm a poortuguesefag, so eurozone as well.
where did you buy your gold?
did you buy it online?

>> No.16865651

i used the goldsilbershop.de for most of it. i always check which online shop is currently best, they test it every year.

delivery is about 20 euros.

>> No.16865722

I am probably an idiot but I honestly cannot conceive why the fuck gold has such a higher value than it should considering industrial uses. Shiny rock... thousands of years the human race has been chasing a shiny rock, i just cant conceive this fact.

>> No.16865760

rare, easy to check, shiny, unique physical properties.

you need anything to measure value, there is just nothing better than gold. dollar only has value because it was once coupled with gold.

>> No.16865810

>i always check which online shop is currently best
it's one of the oldest types of currencies in the world and one of the oldest assets too (as old as real estate, farms, livestock, etc).
it's also a physical asset whose properties can't be replicated in a lab and don't change with time.
it's perfect for capital preservation.

>> No.16865836

proof of work idiot
i do but i live in Switzerland so i am not a Eurofag

>> No.16865839

Porque é que queres comprar ouro? Se depois o quiseres vender vão te dar muito menos do que o que ele vale.

>> No.16865843

we have "testsieger" but also "Focus Money" doing tests.

>> No.16865861

i literally do buy it, but i buy in very ironic fashion

>> No.16865882

> Porque é que queres comprar ouro?
capital preservation and diversification of investments.
> Se depois o quiseres vender vão te dar muito menos do que o que ele vale.
hmm... why so? how's that? explain. I'm a total newfag when it comes to precious metals investing.

>> No.16865893

do you buy it online?
what do you mean by that?
any english websites?

>> No.16865929

I bought a bunch of gold and silver in Feb 19, feels good. Never selling unless I have no other sources to feed muh familia.

>> No.16865942


>> No.16865951

Porque para vender ouro vais ter que recorrer àquelas casas que compram ouro e eles dão-te sempre muito pouco. Só vale a pena comprar ouro se fores estupidamente rico para contrariar a inflação. Se queres investir como deve ser começa por ações e criptomoedas, e quando puderes passa a propriedades. O ouro não é uma maneira de criar riqueza, apenas de a preservar.

>> No.16865953

> familia
are you an euro med too?
where did you buy it?
and why did you buy it? just because you thought it was cool or was there any investing logic behind your decision?

>> No.16865974

no i buy with cash anonymously. Already reached 20k at one store had to change the store to stay anonymous i don't want the government to know that i own gold.Why don't you buy some gold on vacation here? or buy some gold here and keep it in a vault or something like that but yeah you would lose your anonymity.
thanks fren

>> No.16865995

Burger here, is there issues with you owning gold? Like does the government get butthurt ?

>> No.16866006

>Porque para vender ouro vais ter que recorrer àquelas casas que compram ouro e eles dão-te sempre muito pouco.
Pois, isso é cagada. Não gosto dessas casas. Nem para comprar, nem para vender. Não dá para vender pela net pelo spot price a que estiver na altura em quiser vender?
Da mesma forma como há trading de etfs de ouro, em que o que troca de mãos é apenas um 'papel' virtual, não há trading de ouro físico mesmo?
> Só vale a pena comprar ouro se fores estupidamente rico para contrariar a inflação.
Não sou estupidamente rico, mas sim, quero contrariar a inflacção. Não sou milionário para andar a comprar arte, relógios, etc. Jóias não percebo um caralho. Ouro parece-me a opção certa. Entre meter em certificados de aforro ou ouro prefiro ouro.
> Se queres investir como deve ser começa por ações
Já tenho (etfs).
> e quando puderes passa a propriedades
Apartamentos para arrendar já tenho um.
> O ouro não é uma maneira de criar riqueza, apenas de a preservar.
Eu sei. E é precisamente isso que eu quero.

>> No.16866019

>i don't want the government to know that i own gold
sounds based.
how do you manage to buy gold anonymously?
you're a muttmerican and you're asking that?
I bet the reason why he doesn't want his government to know he owns gold is because of what happened in your country during the 30s where they banned owning gold.

>> No.16866038

You will have to forgive my lack of knowledge. I’m only 20 and grew up in a shitty southern education system

>> No.16866055

what >>16866019 said.

you can buy gold in Switzerland with cash without showing your ID up to 15'000 CHF it used to be 20'000 last year. A coin shop told me i am reaching 20k soon i would have to show my ID the next time. So i stopped going there and went to another shop since they don't know that i bought at the other store.

>> No.16866057

You're right, sorry.
Well, during the great recession the US government banned owning gold, so.. yeah, governments can just say it's illegal to own gold.

>> No.16866069

great depression**

>> No.16866080

only 24karat gold jewelry from mene.com

>> No.16866085

Oh shit. That sounds kinda creepy desu
I can’t afford gold yet but I’ve been buying silver one oz coins. I’ve stacked about 1300?usd so far

>> No.16866087

Hmm... interesting.
I don't like those kind of shops here in Portugal, but I'll check them to see if they also have that no-ID rule.

>> No.16866108

just buy chainlink you fucking fag. You don't even need a big stack to make it in portugal.

>> No.16866121

Yes. Governments can do whatever they want if they 'prepare' the masses for it.
Just look at the transgender shit in your country.
Imagine 10 years ago telling people that the government can take your kids away from you to mutilate their genitalia...

>> No.16866138

I already own bitcona, ethereum and litecona.
why chainlink?

>> No.16866251

So I should stack gold and buy super male vitality

>> No.16866842


>> No.16866980

Another kraut here
Have a small reserve of 30kg silver. Bought at degussa

>> No.16866995

Yes, it's completely TAX free in the UK. Even Coinbase fee cuts more in the margins.

>> No.16867046

yes i bought about 2k just because i think the euro is not going to last the next 5 years

>> No.16867106
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>> No.16867166

where did you buy it?

>> No.16867265
