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16864090 No.16864090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to get rid of the homeless in California? It's honestly getting a little out of hand.

>> No.16864094

send them to mexico

>> No.16864101

we need a huge economy downturn to fix this.

>> No.16864109

Bring back the workhouses.

>> No.16864136

Hi OP.
I have some ideas. Please drop me a line....

Dr Josef Mengele

>> No.16864219

Looks like the mission around division

>> No.16864257

Hans here, just use a flamethrower retard.

>> No.16864260

they need rifles ammo and training and they can begin making strong war on beverly hills, malibu, all gov buildings. The jews robbed america and created a massive homeless problem while they got disgustingly rich. If the homeless are heavily armed in the major cities the jews and nigger problem can be solved along with the homeless problem. Send them out to kill rich jews and rich niggers and let them keep whatever houses of jews and niggers they kill. Easy peazy a three for 1. reduce homeless, jews and niggers all in one war

>> No.16864270
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they have as much right to the streets as you do, goy. why do you think owning a house or renting an apartment grants you some kind of higher status? I think you need to check your privilege.

>> No.16864284

It's hellish here as a business owner. Really really bad. Taxes, homeless and crooked cops. It really is starting to feel and look dystopic. The money is still here though so everyone puts up with it.

>> No.16864289

It's amazing how indistinguishable naziposting and commieposting really is.

>> No.16864294

Stop giving them money and food.

>> No.16864297

good point....there is that empty field next to the synagogue, maybe we can use that?

>> No.16864308

Back to*

>> No.16864325

lo Im neither nazi or commie. i would like to see the vicitms of the jewish coup in 2008 die squirm and be shot in the chest head face and legs. The military should be rounding up jews right now, but the homeless would make a good enough fighting force to burn down jewish cities and slaughter the banking jews who destroyed their lives. if jews think they will just live lives of luxury and crime, they need to taste death bleeding out of their faces

>> No.16864340

Build a giant disc and block out the sun, eventually it will get too cold and the homless will have to go to another warm area.

>> No.16864354

meant the jews who did the ecomonic coup not the victims. The victims (homeless) should be gunning down jews all day everyday and going to all out war with goveernment who is either jews themselves or paid patsies. The military fuicked up hard not killing off the jews in 2008, the hatred is bubbling over, the pain is bubbling over, the suffering is bubbling over. Its time for war on the fucking jews who robbed America

>> No.16864366

send em all to hawaii. the big island.

>> No.16864376

give them heavy weapons war trucks and maps of all the jewish communities with lists of jews exact adresses

>> No.16864382

I’m actually curious.

What if there was some kind of uprising to completely eradicate all homeless people in California? Like, a group of thousands of gun toting people running through LA committing mass murder.

I asked my wife this and she got mad but she didn’t understand what I meant. I mean just picture 1000 people, completely out of control and eluding law enforcement, killing every homeless person they see. Would it drive homeless out? Would the homeless fight back?

>> No.16864424

you have it backwards. Homelessness skyrocketed after 2008 when the economy was drained by jews and obama nigger became president. The good and right and just thing is for the jews to be eradicated and the niggers to be eradicated

>> No.16864427

The vast majority of homeless in America are either hopelessly addicted to hard drugs, or severely mentally ill... They would mostly die and some would leave.

>> No.16864468

this just isnt true. The vast majority of homeless had their homes taken. usually by sherriffs. The government themselves as a result of faulty laws and jewish economic crime created the homelessness epidemic. There is hell to pay and the devil isnt collecting, The humans are. Give them guns let them slaughter jews and the government retards who failed our country so many times in so many ways. All out global nuclear war and all out civil war. Eradicating the jewish menace is humanities only way forward

>> No.16864498

Lmao no point to ramble about some fantasy. People were dumb enough to take loans they couldn't afford. Who cares about low iq people like that. No one is going to just suddenly give guns and ammo to homeless people. Might as well talk about how the nazi aliens will eradicate all jews.

>> No.16864511
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I guarantee you if a ton of homeless just started showing up executed on the street you would see less vagrant activity right away. It’s the same with the border honestly. People come in droves because they KNOW that CA politicians care more about illegals than actual citizens. If they were getting executed at the crossing you would see immigration take a nosedive immediately. It also puts everyone in a weird position because deep down most working class probably don’t actually give a shit about the well being of homeless when shit is already so expensive in CA. Money aside CA gets away with being so corrupt and inefficient because they hold a monopoly on some of the best land and weather in the US. Although it seems we finally hit a tipping point where people are leaving in droves.

>> No.16864519

>It's honestly getting a little out of hand.
its way over hand by now buddy, literal retard

>> No.16864523

Cheaper housing.

>> No.16864529

>Although it seems we finally hit a tipping point where people are leaving in droves.
sadly they are and moving to neighboring states. importing their failed concepts with them.

>> No.16864537

Did they do any damage to your business?

>> No.16864546

no appraisers were sent out to reduce home values every week. There was an organized crime spree by jews. You know nothing. It was mass crime by jews, actual jews. Ben bernanke, lloyd blankfein, hank paulson, and many many many more jews. They Did it. They are guilty, They must be slaughtered for the benefit of all living things. Its not a conspiracy its recorded fact. They call themselves chosen and rob everyone. Well they are not chosen and they must be eradicated

>> No.16864550

more deregulated free market, with bankers who are above law, and corporations who will fuck over millions to make a quarterly profit

>> No.16864552

End the Fed

Build pyramids and Obelisks for power

>> No.16864556

Idaho, Martin vs. Boise

Established the legality of camping on public property. Upheld by Supreme Court.

Enjoy Freedom lads.

>> No.16864578

>people took put multiple loans they could not afford
>automatically blames the jews
if its one thing i learned in life its that race or religion has nothing to do with you progressing in life. blaming a race or a religion is an extremely weak excuse for being unmotivated and low IQ. wish you luck, youre going to need lots of it with that attitude.

>> No.16864581

I figured it out. We need to create more homeless, so that the current homeless can become more attractive candidates for potential employers.

>> No.16864584

Stone cold idiot right here. What has occurred under Trump is a looting of the public treasury and vast expansions of corporate welfare. Sorry snoflake.

>> No.16864599

no you stupid fucking nigger, it was an engineered collapse led by ben bernanke. What did old bernanke specialize in his university studies? THE GREAT DEPRESSION. They robbed america, this is recorded fact, Obama helped them rob america george bush did nothing while they robbed america, the military failed to stop the jews from destrroying america. Its time for the jews to pay

>> No.16864617

not op...but my buddy ran a pizza shop in sf from 2005 until 2016.....
he eventually had a sort of mini mental breakdown because of the homeless...they (often the same group) would shit literally in his front door way...so each morning his job was to clean the shit, needles and condoms off the front door so customers could enter without gagging.
he tried asking the cops for help but they ignored him...he went to city council meetings and they ignore him...it kept getting worse and worse.
one day he finally had this realization that he had literally become sentenced to clean up homeless shit for the rest of eternity and he didn't open up that day....soon after he sold his shop to the paki down the block and went back to midwest.
the shame is, he loved pizza...went to all sorts of trips to explore new pizza, etc...pretty much killed something he spent 10 years working for.

>> No.16864620

ok dude keep thinking the jews are after you. just shows how lazy and unmotivated you are, the definition of a true nigger.

>> No.16864621

where do they shit?

>> No.16864629

you got that backwards again you stupid fucking monkey. I said arm the homeless to slaughter the jews which is right good and just.

>> No.16864630

buckets, sidewalks, sewers, etc..

>> No.16864632

oh the diverse city is too diverse for you know?


>> No.16864647

as a fellow mexico no, please, we hate them idiots too, lazy ass traitors.
PLUS, most of them are black.

Just distribute them; California is a really expensive city, they don't have the money to live there, but they just refuse to move idk why.

>> No.16864650

I just think that america needs to get its priorities straight, you are feed people a crooked picture of the world, an unsustainable (for most people) lifestyle, and you allow people to go into debt slavery. Trump promised to drain the swamp, and fix the economy. He did neither. And after that Iran debacle I am truly shocked to still see anons supporting him as hard as you do.

>> No.16864659

and not just any jews, some are ok. Slaughter the rich jews who benefitted and or engineered their homelessness. Give the homeless the jews mansions and eradicate jewish criminals from the earth

>> No.16864681

no one won ww2 bud, it was pointless. again, get your life in order and find motivation. theres is nothing stopping you from becoming whatever you want.

>> No.16864695

you dont know who I am. You should take some advice from me. Dont get shot, dont fuck with people who will love to kill you. Dont believe the tv. Get ready to die motherfucker

>> No.16864713

bunch of keyboard warriors in here. its crazy how lazy and unmotivated you guys are. keep blaming other people for your own problem while i actually get shit done by actually doing shit.

>> No.16864747

You sound like an coal black nigger .

>> No.16864748

you are a jew. Run jew run you have hell to pay and a house for homeless people. run jew run back to israel or die in USA

>> No.16864770

No you fucking buffoon. Killing homeless will not solve the problem of why they're homeless in the first place. All you'll do is drive people out of the state, both those who can afford to live with a roof over their head and homeless.

The reason why homelessness exists to such a degree in Cali is because of the cost of living has skyrocketed due to the success of Silicon Valley. When your next door neighbor is working for Google making 200K a year, land lords are gonna want a piece of that pie so they're going raise prices overall in the market. Which means if you don't have a high paying job to match, you're gonna fall behind in being able to amass wealth with all your paycheques going to bills and God forbid you lose your job, that's the beginning of the homeless life for you.

For every solution you need to figure out THE WHY, why the problem exists in the first place. Else all you're doing is mopping up water to keep a room clean while there's a leak in the roof causing you the headaches.

>> No.16864800

you are not a jew, no it is worse than that. you are, may allah forgive me for saying this... a tripfag

>> No.16864802

The mortgage crisis was caused by the Housing and Community Development act of 1992 allowing for sub-prime loans to be given to niggers with horrible credit to combat the "racist" mortgage system that only gave them to people who could pay it back.

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.16864804

When last have you talked to him? How is he doing now?

>> No.16864808

Don't forget, every homeless person in USA is migrating to California due to socal's noice weather. Especially in the winter. The number of homeless here is completely out of proportion to the actual population.

>> No.16864838

we spoke in 2019. funny enough he was a manager at a home depot. i asked him if he was going to open another pizza shop and he brushed me off...pretty much think that dream is dead.

sounds like cope honestly. did the weather suddenly get that great in 2009? where were the homeless street shitters from 1900-2009?

>> No.16864852

Google is a monopoly. We need to break up the big tech giants like Roosevelt did with steel & oil. They're the root of all this. They're sucking in money like a black hole

>> No.16864866
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they literally took his job

>> No.16864947


>> No.16865070

CA has been getting worse for decades and no one has bothered to fix the “why” ...at this point society needs a release valve from how crazy shit is getting everywhere so don’t be surprised if a group that is already dehumanized like homeless takes some of the heat. If you started picking up homeless and throwing them in camps, institutions, or ovens you can bet your ass you would stop seeing them everywhere around CA. The reason you see them so prevalently is because there are no consequences for them to be there. They even get assistance, food and money to spend on drugs. Weather ensures they can stay year round. I agree that there are numerous economic and political factors that led to this point which have nothing to do with the homeless themselves, but people are starting to lose it. The problem with trying to fix the “why” is that all the money gets sucked up by corrupt bureaucrats. Look at how many billions in aid have gone missing in Baltimore. CA is not so different, I bet.

>> No.16865206

make homeless illegal with special jails only for homeless. they get job training and released when passed exams

>> No.16865252

Honestly, i get excited just thinking about this. Will never happen though. Americans now are meek cattle that put up woth pretty much anything.

>> No.16865269

youre gonna die, you are punishing victims instead of the god damned jews and the nigger who did this. you motherfucker I hope you get shot in the legs and then the face

>> No.16865306

no you fucking jews have been getting shot, will be getting shot and you will pay full compensation or die in mass graves.

>> No.16865373

why are you falling for the trolls baiting you?

>> No.16865381

Who are you going to call? JACK THE RIPPER!

>> No.16865384

>throw them in camps

the french literally do this lol. around tourist season they bus them all out to the boonies. so much for le socialist paradise.

>> No.16865387

baiting the jews is the best way to hunt the jews

>> No.16865396

already we found a couple of sicko jews in this thread. they love to say work hard I did, while they shop online with barmitzvah money their dad stole form white people

>> No.16865416

>no you fucking jews have been getting shot
what are you trying to say moshe? We are talking about the homeless problem. yes, the homeless problem is directly a result of jewish capitalistic behavior. Doesn't mean capitalism is faulty. Just means the elite need a wake up call. And most of the homeless are deranged, insane, drug addicts. There is no hope for them.

>> No.16865420

holy shit I'm starting to believe if this trend continues murica might see anudah shoah in the upcoming 10 years

>> No.16865427

the only sicko jew in this thread seems to be you buddy
>namefag: Kihohuim
my jewdar is going off nigger.

>> No.16865438

we should annex parts of Oklahoma, Colorado and whatever barren but relatively not freezing cold areas there in the middle USA and create a Homelessstead Act where any homeless person that goes there can stay for free. Initially there will be a big war between the drug addict welfare leech homeless and the smart but fucked over by the system 4chan tier homeless, but after we eradicate the leeches we will create a new strata of society. It will be the ultimate Ancap ethnostate.

>> No.16865450

Make a law requiring synagogues to house all homeless and paroled individuals

>> No.16865472

Or you might just wait another 5 years for the next financial meltdown, then it won't matter because everyone will be homeless. And 90% of murican real estate will be bought by israelis and chinese.

>> No.16865475

sorry to dissapoint you, not only are the homeless people victims of jewish organized institutional crime, but I am too and millions of others who dont even know it was a handful of jews and their pet nigger first program that did it. See there is enough of us now s that its getting to be kill em all oclock

>> No.16865482

How is Langley this time of year btw?

>> No.16865493

I dont know try google. Maybe we can get the CIA boys to give us a hand eradicating the mennace

>> No.16865500

.Protip: it's really all naziposting.

>> No.16865505

its only going to get worst, this is just the beginning im afraid

>> No.16865514

protip you dont know what a nazi is. The nazi platform was territorial expansion of germany. On the other hand all humanity has a deep obligation to erradicate jewish institutional crime and the jews who cause so much suffering on earth

>> No.16865543

Neonazi, whatever. I'd be surprised if you didn't recognize your own words as straight Stormfront-esque propaganda.

>> No.16865549

Sure I can imagine IT cuck throwing homeless nigger into oven. Top kek. It's gonna be the opposite. And your proverbial oven will be another tax hike

>> No.16865551

Vote the Dems out of power. Oh wait, that cant happen because they flooded the country demographically and are now guaranteed a super majority. Hurry up and secede from the USA so that pesky constitution can't get in the way of California slide to becoming the next Venezuela.

>> No.16865565

>he doesn't know

>> No.16865579
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juice dindu nuffin you sick nazi

>> No.16865594

no. My words are from my own pain and the crimes done directly to me and millions of others. I dont give a fuck about germany. I do give a fuck about jewish mass crime hurting so many people and the very real fact they must be erradicated for the standard of living for all humans to rise

>> No.16865665

Well then you truly are a victim, and I feel bad for you.

>> No.16865684

how brown are you? are we talking brownies, or maybe latte or capuccino?

>> No.16865841

Based on the trends I am seeing the middle class is completely fed up with their pathetic elites across the globe. Another bullshit tax hike could very well be the straw that breaks the mutt’s back. Either that or this draconian gun grabbing we are seeing attempted with red flag laws in states like VA. Everyone can feel the electricity in the air. Once you push too far there will be organized rampage and it will be impossible to quell at that point. Do you really think people will stay docile forever with the way things have accelerated in just the last 4 years?

>> No.16865925

Elect a republican

>> No.16866114

Are you in socal?
I'm desperate for a job bro

>> No.16866171
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there is still time to shape our reality

>> No.16866185

It does feel like the pedo globalist elites are really overreaching at this point and they cant stop themselves. Europe is already lost, but the US still has a chance and it feels like its getting to the breaking point and a civil war is going to happen. Unlike eurofags, americans have resistance and revolution baked into the culture of true patriots.

>> No.16866236
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Give them money and housing

This is honestly the solution LA is coming up with

>> No.16866392

Paulson was a shabbos goy

>> No.16866409

There won't be a civil war in the US imo. People are fed up with demoshits and have started realized how dogshit their policies are even in Cali and Ny. If there is a civil war I would most likely bet that all the cali and ny fags will join Trump's side.

>> No.16866634

Maybe so or maybe not, but the Dems, terminal lefty TDS people, and antifa loons seem to exist in a completely manufactured reality and so incompetent that they might just stumble into starting one. All I know if that one did start it would be quick and decisive and the Democrats would be on the losing end again.

>> No.16866728
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>> No.16866736
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how is europe more lost than the mulatto stud farm?

>> No.16866763

Enjoy your caliphate.

>> No.16866767

There's a difference between Mexicans and Spaniards. Spaniards are white and that's probably why they're listed as white males in your pic.

>> No.16866804

0.5% of europe is muslim. It's heavily overstated.

>> No.16866841
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sorry here's a clearer one hahahahahhaa

>> No.16866887

"Cuz we're just gonna kill 'em, cuz we're just gonna kill 'em"-Sam Hyde

>> No.16866895

>Do you really think people will stay docile forever with the way things have accelerated in just the last 4 years?

>> No.16867051

This is what JEWS will do to any country. Learn history.

>> No.16867117

>Europe is already lost,
You clearly haven't been to the land of the actually free
>breaking point and a civil war is going to happen
You clearly don't even understand what your own civil war was for ffs...but there's going to be another one.
>Unlike eurofags, americans have resistance and revolution baked into the culture of true patriots.
Imagine being so brain washed you actually believe this.

>> No.16867149

>actually free
Imagine saying this while sucking EUSSRs cock.