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1686094 No.1686094 [Reply] [Original]

What companies (besides Google, AMD, NVDA) should one invest in now if they wish to profit on the coming A.I. boom?

>> No.1686097

It wont matter the ai singularity will ruin every economy on earth

>> No.1686099


someone has to make the robots though? At least initially.

>> No.1686104

The robots make the robots

>> No.1686206

IBM. They're pulling out all the stops on Watson. It's not a >muh jeopardy machine anymore.
They'll be integrating machine learning into all of their services and offering their knowhow to any company that looks like they got a shitload of data that needs mining.

Off-hand, I think Microsoft is sort-of getting into it. Not as hard as any of the other major players. Nvidia pretty much rules the server GPU market. Amazon's cloud services are almost certainly going to be the backbone of many neural networks undergoing training and verification.

Problem is that I think an AI boom wouldn't really have a significant effect on any companies, except for IBM. Amazon gets it for free, Google already has their hands in everything, and Nvidia gets their shit bought no matter what.

>> No.1686216

what AI breakthrough has occurred in the last 10 years? I havent seen anything remotely interesting

>> No.1686221

my robot vacuums my pool and my floor hurr durrrrr but i have to move it when it gets stuck

>> No.1686227

Nobody calls it AI anymore. If you look up 'AI' you probably won't find anything. After decades of producing all of fucking nothing, despite the entire world expecting 'Skynet within 10 years for sure!', industry got tired of them and now AI is a joke career.

Nowadays, to separate themselves from Skynet-spewing retards, modern AI researchers call themselves Data Scientists, who specialize in Machine Learning and datamining.

It's much more realistic because it offers a better understanding of what the researchers actually do, instead of promising a pie in the sky.

Breakthroughs in particular? You're looking at it. You just solved one. By shitposting on 4chan you're helping Google refine their neural networks, and bring us one step closer to self driving cars.

>> No.1686344


It's going to happen one day. Why not get in on it early?

>> No.1686384


Convolutional neural networks are kind of a breakthrough.

>> No.1686394

Internet of Things now

>> No.1686439


Google Deepminds A.I beat the Grandmaster of the game "GO". It is said to be the most complex game ever created.

>> No.1686582

Said by people who are obsessed with Go. It's not a difficult game, it's just difficult to brute force all possible moves like in chess. So a new method had to be created for a computer to win.

>> No.1686621

Find out what companies stand to benefit the most from AI and are in line to use it and invest in them.

>> No.1686632

Can we stop with this meme? They are never going to prosper from anything, NVDA owns the market.

>> No.1686674

Car companies

>> No.1686704

You have no clue how to invest. AMD has a very realistic chance of increasing market share. It will never beat NVIDIA but it will certainly have larger returns.

>> No.1686713

i don't think it's guaranteed at all.

>> No.1686731

Thats because youre dumb

>> No.1686752

nvda should be coming out with a new graphics card in february or june

>> No.1686757

Whatever AI company that gets created will be bought by google.

Google is the best way to play this desu out of any existing company.

Watch this and be amazed:

>> No.1686765

QCOM is positioned pretty well for the upcoming IoT, which will also play into the AI boom. Everything will be wireless and networked.

>> No.1686786

You are right.

These fools would be trying to invest in hover boards and flying cars if it were the 80's.

>> No.1686810

The 80s equivalent would probably be personal computing. Not hoverboards.

>> No.1686825


> They're pulling out all the stops on Watson.

watson is a parlor trick compared to deepmind.
>actually betting on IBM when google exists

>> No.1686942

pakistan energy etf

>> No.1687099 [DELETED] 



>> No.1687105
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holy shit

>> No.1687109

>It is said to be the most complex game ever created.

That's a meme