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File: 125 KB, 767x1024, CA168366-9779-494B-8174-4D991E5EE9D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16860746 No.16860746 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the advertising industry that made it like this?

>> No.16860754

shouldn't you advertise to the majority of your market?

>> No.16860755 [DELETED] 

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my village destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.16860764


>> No.16860773

lol women will fuck themselves up with their moronic ideology

>> No.16860787

Profit happened.
How many bodytypes like pic #1 in women 18-40? Maybe 7%? 10%?
How many bodytypes pic #2? Every woman is on a spectrum on the weight from 2019 and down to the 1999 size.
So they jew all the money they can and spend the same on ads.

>> No.16860788

Fat black women accumulated enough cultural and financial capital to become a viable consumer demographic.

>> No.16860793

you mean the 70% fat americans that are now your main target audience, because you already have the 3-6% of thin demi-gods in your pocket?
you are reversing cause and effect. thicc americans are the target audience now

>> No.16860809

Liberalism aka communism aka Zionism

>> No.16860822

They go rid of based Kevin Roberts the ex CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi.

>> No.16860935


>> No.16860940
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In advertising, attention is like oxygen.
People started to mistrust and become desensitized the fake, perfect, glamorous people. That's like losing Oxygen.
So the way advertisers realized they could trick people into pretending they were real, authentic, and genuine and more importantly get free publicity as they're 'praised' for it was by putting non-glamorous, non-perfect people in their ads

>> No.16860946
File: 18 KB, 1199x252, Clickbait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention is Oxygen.

>> No.16860968

But they did not, it is all virtue signalling from the marketing department, fighting probably with sales. Do you think Gillete took money into consideration with the ad campaign, and so many others (like sjw bullshit in vydia?) Nope, it is all full Idiocracy.

>> No.16861002

the myth of equality and communist professors have culturally trounced us.

>> No.16861142

its just the shift from asipirational marketing to realist.
1999 - "You could be this beautiful white women on the beach"
2019 - "You are a fat hog on the couch"

>> No.16861179

and we are all paying the price.

>> No.16861191

White girls love sassy black women like lizzo. So seeing fat black women makes them excited. So this ad basically appeals to virtue signaling wealthy skinny white girls age 40 and down, all fat girls, and blacks. Putting a white trash fat woman wouldn't appeal to wealthy white women at all, nor blacks. Normies still think this is new and interesting to have fat people in add so it might get some social media shares.

>> No.16861207

>But they did not
But they did. Black womens earnings have been going up consistently as more and more get degrees. The fact their obesity rates keep going up to makes this a no-brainer.

>> No.16861276

If you know so much better, how come you're not pitching to these massive consumer brands? Surely your marketing skills will help you get a meeting with top execs mr. marketing expert?

>> No.16861282

This still falls under “accumulated cultural capital”. I’m not necessarily saying they did this through their own efforts.

>> No.16861298
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>> No.16861321
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see pic
it's part of globalisation

>> No.16861356

Is there any research showing which type of ad sells more? I would imagine the 2019 one sells more because a lot of women can say "I'd look better wearing that", while the 1999 one might make women think "what's the point of putting lipstick on a pig, even if I'd buy that I'd still not look that good".

>> No.16861366

It makes people talk about it so it works.
It's that simple.

>> No.16861368

Women and their superiority complex aided with funding and help of the jews.

>> No.16861376

i'm in marketing and i've already explained it here: >>16861142

its a shift from aspirational to realistic

see: https://www.sawtoothgroup.com/as-advertising-shifts-from-aspirational-to-realistic-what-can-marketers-and-brands-do-to-stay-irresistible-to-consumers/

>> No.16861401

Capitalists are trying to buy woke points even if it loses them money.

>> No.16861493

>even if it loses them money
Does it though? I remember seeing here that gillette actually made money, though that may have been a shitpost.

>> No.16861496
File: 53 KB, 368x437, pffft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat people are the majority of the market.

>> No.16861505

Can someone tell me why advertising with a message is allowed at all? Recently I got kind of angry realizing that for me Christmas/new years is associated first and foremost with coca-cola. It's a parasite that will live inside of me forever and I will deal with it but I'm not okay with it. Better yet, make it mandatory for companies to stress the negatives reliance on your product will bring.
In regards to OP's picture, I want to neither get aroused by a brand nor for it to promote degeneracy, i believe degeneracy finds a way even without a promotion.

>> No.16861517

this and nothing to do with jews conspiracies

>> No.16861548

Interesting, thanks for the insight.

>> No.16861557

Just stop watching cable, that’s what helped me dissociate the two

>> No.16861770

By weight, to be sure.

>> No.16861784

Both of these are unhealthy body images although yes, one is visually more appealing

>> No.16861816

its called "tv programming" for a reason....

>> No.16862089

political correctness happened

>> No.16862090

That's why they call it mass market.

>> No.16862447
File: 503 KB, 960x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monopolies happened, good example would be Gillete
>have monopoly on razors
>do whatever retarded publicity stunt you want
>people keep buying your garbage because there's no alternative

>> No.16862492

there aren't any females in the USA that look even close to the top image anymore.

being overweight is pretty much the female standard rn and CK needs to sell their products to make profit

>> No.16862493

Jesus christ you're fucking stupid. They only do this shit because exec's are dumb and think that the few loud mouthed faggots on twitter represent the whole of their customers. This shit backfires. Get woke, go broke is fuckong real mein nigger.

>> No.16862505

They did it so Americans can relate

>> No.16862508

Fuck kikes. This is an absolute eye sore. Imagine working in an office and you finally get that window and this is what you have to see when you look out.

>> No.16862515

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Are they implying that fat ape is some kind of woke activist? Cringe

>> No.16862632

>Recently I got kind of angry realizing that for me Christmas/new years is associated first and foremost with coca-cola

When I think of Christmas I think of snow. And I live in a tropical climate. What are you doing to think Christmas is associated with Coke?

>> No.16862650

living in the USA where there are so many advertisements that people get literally brainwashed

>> No.16862665

Advertising that reflects the reality of the population probably sells better.

Or maybe not. I wonder...

>> No.16862676

Pic #1 draws more attention from viewers.
Pic #2 reflects the reality of a large group of American women.

I tend to think that pic #2 works short term, but in the long run it can backfire.

>> No.16862678

its probably something against "muh fat shaming"

>> No.16862680

And the truth that is stated is as follows

>> No.16862681

>It makes people talk about it so it works.
Checked. This anon is onto something.

>> No.16862684

>its attention seeking
That's not true becuase being unapologetically racist or extreme right wing would get you a lot more attention.

>> No.16862692

a lard group.

>> No.16862693

(((They))) aren’t doing it to sell underwear.

>> No.16862696

>its just the shift from asipirational marketing to realist.
Maybe boomers were more welcoming of aspirational cultural representations, while millennials are going through a reality check.

>> No.16862697

That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard anyone say. You're an ass mad marketer aren't you?

>> No.16862731

But she doesn't look good at all lol

>> No.16862749

>Is there any research showing which type of ad sells more?
Calvin Klein's marketing people probably did extensive research on it before launching the campaign.

>> No.16862759

But fat women aren't going to buy the underwear becuase they see how shit it will look on them. It makes no sense at all as a self insert