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16854028 No.16854028 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16854040

So what's stopping him from signing the wallet?

>> No.16854078

>whats stopping
the fact that none of the addresses he filed will be his, nor does he have the keys to any of them. Call it an educated guess

>> No.16854080

you asking for it

>> No.16854081

He doesn’t owe you anything greg enjoy failure it has been your life so far

>> No.16854108

>produced a listing
look at my wallet
its empty

>> No.16854129

>tfw overestimated bsv cucks intelligence
>Tfw should have joined in on the fomo and dumped on them

>> No.16854130

>look here! - lots of wallets!
>can't help you with the contents tho
>they're not mine, I can't open the fuckers

>> No.16854139


>> No.16854158

Fuck off, bsv is up, stiff

>> No.16854229

I'm unironically sending "peepee poopoo" emails to the receptionist

>> No.16854251

kek, accurate

>> No.16854308


>> No.16854314

>from third party

>> No.16854331

I'll be signing from the wallets at 00:00.

>> No.16854369

timestamp with your face

>> No.16854374

a lot better to let all the morons in this world put all their money into btc ponzi and give actual intelligent individuals a chance to get richer on bsv

>> No.16854397

the fact that he is lying

>> No.16854404
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This is gonna be insane if you do. What will you write?!

>> No.16854407

He doesn't have the keys because they're in the other trust. This is just the first set of keys that will give him access to other keys, that will give him access to other keys etc. until he gets the satoshi keys and BSV is $1m each.

>> No.16854426

What a brainlet response

>> No.16854445

adding new layers to the scam, impressive

>> No.16854447

BSVchads rise up!

>> No.16854454

why are BSV threads all filled with 15 year old retards?

>> No.16854460

That claim is also why he'll go down for perjury. He already testified that he can access the coins.

>> No.16854473

>he's upset because a lot of 15 year olds will be millionaires by the end of the year

>> No.16854482

i'm 19

>> No.16854517


>> No.16854609
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The dump from this artificial pump is gonna be hilarious.

Question is, what kind of mental gymnastics and excuses he's going to make to justify why this time he's unable to access "his coins".

>> No.16854624


>> No.16854627


>> No.16854632

There is still no proof that he is Satoshi or that he owns the keys, only rumors

He has not produced a valid signature
>He has not produced a valid signature
He has not produced a valid signature
>He has not produced a valid signature

>> No.16854662

28 year young boomer here. Just a regular old retard thank you very much

>> No.16854676

see >>16854407

>> No.16854687

hes giving you your last chance to accumulate cheap and become wealthy.

But no. You couldnt trust based on merits and refused to trust him until he signed, so you dont deserve any gains. I dont pity you

>> No.16854691

how are you that old and not realize whats really going on? if youre in it for trading i understand.

>> No.16854707

thats pretty much 15 lil guy

>> No.16854706

Dave is Satoshi. He was asked by Craig to help him create it. Craig had compiled the bulk of how Bitcoin works, but his software version was bugged. He got help from different programmers, including Hal Finney to debug it.

>> No.16854711

That's fucking convenient isn't it? Is this just going to be a giant Russian Nesting Doll of a clusterfuck for the foreseeable future then?

Enjoy your gains by all means, I hope you cash out before it crashes back down, but this guy is so full of shit it isn't funny.

>> No.16854742

>muh russians
dilate, tranny

>> No.16854759

fuck you no it isn't fucking boomers out

>> No.16854771

im gonna be so rich by shorting this massive shit scam LOL

>> No.16854776

You have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.16854857

where is it?

>> No.16854878

dude, from a fellow bitcoin OG and insider.... dont do it...

consider yourself warned

>> No.16854886

>Doesn't know what a Russian Nesting Doll is
Take some English lessons, Pajeet

>> No.16854929

Why does him having keys mean BSV goes up?

>> No.16854944

ive got 30 bsv, will I make it?

>> No.16854947

He doesn't have the Satoshi keys

>> No.16854963

it will be around 1k tomorrow, probably around 10k by year end. so it depends what you mean as "make it" if youre good with 200k$ then youre set, if you want more youll have to accumulate more

>> No.16854967
File: 20 KB, 583x583, a30.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the signature?

>> No.16855026

if you need to be spoonfed a signature before buying into something im sorry to say you will never make it

>> No.16855071

He was buying keys on bitcointalk and was exposed. It needs to be the keys to the known addresses or no one cares.

>> No.16855085

>If you need proof that someone isn't full of shit before giving them your hard-earned money, you will never make it

This kind of logic is why India is still a 3rd world shit hole

>> No.16855098

buy the rumor sell the news. Its like you never learn anon. No wonder you had bad grades in school

>> No.16855233

That's basically an admission that this is a giant pump and dump

>> No.16855285

not really, this will be a rinse and repeat,

the pumps once craig or ira move satoshi coins will make this look like a blip in the charts

>> No.16855319

If Ira gets half the coins you can be sure they will be dumped quickly. I think Craig wants to slowly dump them

>> No.16855331

>thinking he has the keys

>> No.16855386

yes, btc will be dumped

>> No.16855427

BSV+BCH is *still* 1/10th what BCH on its own was when it forked off

>> No.16855464

Incredibly based

>> No.16855471

exactly, this means there is a ton of room to grow, Heck bch was at 3k right after the forkforked

>> No.16855488

Very low iq

>> No.16855549

Ask for feet pics she's probably hot af

>> No.16855601

holy crackers, if you're right I called everything wrong forever

>> No.16855647

When it hit $100 you fags said you were shifting. Again at $150. Again at $200. Again at $250. So on and so forth. Now it’s $400 and it’s still going parabolic. Go ahead, short it. I dare you. You’re going to get liquidated in the blink of an eye if you do, but I know you won’t because you’re just another poor larp. How’d I know you were broke? Because smart money has already bought SV. You can buy in once we let you around $20k. Just like you did with core/Segwit coin. Dumbass sheep.

>> No.16855669

is it too late?

>> No.16855679

hey guys, my james bond courier has arrived
and with him, the address
it is I, satoshi nakamoto, I have returned

here is the address:

>> No.16855822

Satoshi wins again. Get ready for the true bitcoin to do another 100% pump.

>> No.16855846

lul what in the fuck dude
What a load of bullshit

>> No.16856019
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>> No.16856136

If you read the court doc you will understand and you need a pacer. Acct

>> No.16856160

I believe this is the most accurate however Dave died with a key slice.

>> No.16856189

No updated filing on pacer . GoV

>> No.16856254

Theres nothing unbeleivable or unlikely in any of that. Iras team will have trouble if they start deposing fictive characters of cregs imaginations tho Could be a long fucking trial, this. As also noted, nothing but a shit-ton of Bitcoin addresses, most probably none of which are, were or ever will be the fat fraudulent cunts. As you were

>> No.16856281


>> No.16856372

Shut the fuck up idiot

Glowniggers are really out in force tonight. How’s the weather at Langley asshole?

>> No.16856402
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>> No.16856409
File: 161 KB, 1354x893, 1249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig admitted he can't unlock the Truecrypt encrypted hard drives because he doesn't have the means necessary to do so. That's why he teamed up with Calvin Ayre to run warehouses of mining rigs to crack the code of those drives. Dave has a history of creating Windows applications.


>> No.16856429

This they are glowing hard today.

>> No.16856432


oh, how convenient, he left the keys in his summer house

>> No.16856502
File: 10 KB, 1078x266, kleimanwrightthory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16856542

I wish that CSW was actually a competent scammer to keep the narrative interesting but his story failed long before the Kleiman lawsuit. I honestly can't believe how dumb people are to have kept his narrative afloat for years. Were talking single celled organism levels of retardation here.

>> No.16856564

corecucks still seething. enjoy the empty bags. BSV (real bitcoin) headed to 8k. peace faggots

>> No.16857413
File: 201 KB, 660x780, 1578025814894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already predicted this in two previous threads the other day (which both got slid).

Craig Steven Wright rescued Satoshi Nakamoto, who was a young Japanese boy, from a human trafficking ring which he busted; he kept the child's survival & rescue secret in order to protect the kid's family from retribution, and took care of him himself. Satoshi Nakamoto was a gifted child with a penchant for mathematics, and Craig Steven Wright nurtured him. Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin in secret under the aegis of Craig Steven Wright. In time, however, the strains of remembering the horrors he was rescued from -- and the onus of having to deal with Craig Steven Wright's insufferable egotism -- led him into drug use, and an eventual fatal overdose. After Satoshi Nakamoto's death, Craig Steven Wright continued to keep the secret, but his overweening desire for recognition, his inflated ego & his outright delusion eventually outstripped his grief. He decided to claim that he was Satoshi Nakamoto before someone else cashed in on the fame, and that brings us to our current story.

You might say that Craig Steven Wright murdered Satoshi Nakamoto.

Search your heart; you know it's (possibly) true. Also, meme magic is real.

>> No.16858287

Why is Mark's email the only one in blue??

>> No.16858315


>> No.16858418

why not fire him an email to ask anon?

>> No.16858450
File: 43 KB, 800x450, 1578760678613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bsv headquarters about to start pump #3 get ready sirs

>> No.16858481

First off, if anything this seems like a reach of a complaint. The complaint is about not being able to talk to the bonded courier, not with anything he actually submitted. If you think 16K wallets for 1 million BTC is a lot, you're retarded. At current value on average each of those addresses would be worth over 500K. It doesn't say anything about him proving or failing to prove ownership/access to the keys, which if he failed to do so I think would be way fucking bigger than
> We didn't even get to talk to the guy that delivered it!
Just my opinion, I only have 1 BSV I bought to see what happens at 152.XX so by no means a pajeet

>> No.16858560

>Parties may obtain discovery regarding any
nonprivileged matter that is relevant to any party’s claim or defense and proportional to the needs of the case

>relevant is if it has any tendency to make a fact more or less probable

I'd tend to believe deposing the supposed bonded courier and/or his company could lead to making the fact that Craig is committing fraud a lot more probably

>> No.16858641

craig is like the Q larp of crypto. just trust the plan goy.

>> No.16858644

I am so fricking excited for you guys!

>> No.16858658

Valid point, I honestly don't give a shit about who the courier is though, for all we know it could have been a random trusted 3rd party who agreed to complete discretion as opposed to a legitimate courier service, but they could definitely be interested to try for fraud.

>> No.16858660
File: 25 KB, 225x225, C5276923-9FBE-4C69-B385-55A3023CB7B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PST shock the world Craig God Bless

>> No.16858666

>list of his bitcoin holdings
>not a key
based scam artist

>> No.16858953
File: 5 KB, 218x232, bobodab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and kekd
get ready future victims of yet another pajeet pnd operation

>> No.16858968


Creg had enough time and money to look up some whale adresses.

>hurr durr muh public key
>I must be Satosho

>> No.16858990


>tells everyone that he doesn't care
>unloads a shitload of documents to "prove" he's Satoshi

>> No.16859003

this but unironically

>> No.16859009

>just trust the plan
>actually getting results

>> No.16859049


It's your typical scam:

>avoiding clear proof (endless court processes with no clear judgment)
>demanding beliefe in your claims by followers/"investors"
>working with uncertainty and greed of your "investors"
>continuous moving of important dates like events (Tulip Trust) and predictions ("BTC will crash")
>main focus on price in combination with marginal improvements in development
>straight lies out of mistakes or calculation ("Craig must be Satoshi, court said so")

>> No.16859123

Are you telling me they are trying to break sha-256 encryption? kek

>> No.16859161
File: 9 KB, 238x211, bobo_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 hours ago
>nothing happened

>> No.16859171

He's an idiot and he doesn't understand how fucked he's going to be for lying to the US government.

>> No.16859187

if the header is still there they can just try to brute force it by deriving shasum from the passphrase

>> No.16859228

Why did I ever doubt this man?
I'm going to sell up & buy BSV
t. btc hodler since '14

>> No.16859293

>Following and trusting a faggot aussie

I'd rather follow some nigger that promotes a pyramid scheme than him

>> No.16859636

Can't fully say. There's a document posted with the tulip trust and a courier rumored to give the keys to the wallet or wallets containing the tulip trust bitcoins to Craig. That caused the pump. It's like okay, this Aussie is the creator of Bitcoin because he has the keys to the 1M bitcoins. I find it hard to believe that Craig was the person that coded Bitcoin. Don't care how many diplomas he has or how muc of a cyber security expert he is. Dave Kleiman is dead, Dave Kleiman had all the experience and knowledge himself to create Bitcoin, and Hal Finney was there from the beginning too. You don't live in the same neighborhood as Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto and not pull his name into this without a cause for doing so.

I wish we had clear cut proof of what happened without the rabbit hole. Even with all these events occurring, why is there doubt that Craig is Satoshi? I think he's found a way to center himself as Satoshi without it being a problem because Dave and Hal are both dead.

>> No.16859662

Every time Craig has commented that BTC will crash, we have pumped. It's clear his words mean nothing.

>> No.16859800

Craig has said he's a shit coder and he got help to create bitcoin.

>> No.16859841

Then it was Dave Kleiman that really was Satoshi. Proof of work, Hashcash, and a lot of the technical properties of Bitcoin were already researched on and thought of before 2008. It was putting it altogether and the software working as a peer2peer network. Hal would debug it and send it back to Satoshi. There was also some involvement from Phil Wilson.

Phil Wilson, Hal Finney, and Dave Kleiman may have together, got Bitcoin to work.

>> No.16859843

cam someone give me a qr on Craig? why is he supposed to give out his wallet addresses? what is even happening that a court is involved in this?

>> No.16859909

Craig wrote the white paper.

>> No.16859911


>> No.16859921

I've got a list of other peoples addresses. what do i win?

>> No.16859938
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>> No.16859959

feels like buying REQ all over again

>> No.16859965

Because it's not his wallet, you absolute dumbfuck.

>> No.16859995



>> No.16860025


no. he just showed some wallets,not necessarily *the wallet* which hold satoshi's btc

correlation is not causation

>> No.16860322

dave has almost no bitcoin lol

>> No.16860464
