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16846950 No.16846950 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true your female coworkers can tell when you jerked off to porn before work?

>> No.16846960

only if you jerked all above your clothes and didnt wash hands and peepee

>> No.16846979

Its not conscious, but your test lowers after a coom and females can detect that in your body odour.

>> No.16846998

>your test lowers after a coom
Then why do girls still want Chad even after he has had sex with someone right before?

>> No.16847012

Your pheromone mixture is different depending on wherever you successfully secured your genetic future or admitted to being a genetic dead end.

>> No.16847024

People actually believe this.

>> No.16847027

because they can smell that too. Since I am out of a relationship none of these bitches want me no more. When I was in a long term relationship I had so many requests and whores that couldn't give two fucks if I was single or not. Trust me women smell it if you get laid or not and they find it attractive if you plow some hoes brain out and get your dick sucked on a regular

>> No.16847044

This females can smell when youre having sex. Any time im in a relationship i have lots of offers.

>> No.16847283

Hey man I don't deny that pheromones don't play a part, but judging by your language it could be that you were a lot chiller when you had a gf and that now your single your giving off intense single vibes which are off-putting. Just my 2c

>> No.16847297

Just to clarify by vibes I mean socially not biologically

>> No.16847321

does someone pay you to post this idiotic crap on biz? isnt there another forum for your posts? gtfo

>> No.16847330

yea its both
When you're in LTR you will interact more relaxed if you have no plans on scoring the chick and come of more confident

>> No.16847344

can confirm

bitches crave the feeling when you dump someone and choose them.

>> No.16847406

why female only?

>> No.16847414



>> No.16847417

>Its not conscious,
it's quite obvious you're fucked up

>> No.16847501
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>not noticing a huge decline of energy and libido

Unless you're one of those perma horny animals with huge testosterone spikes a single jerk off can set you back for at least 3 days where you don't even want to talk to girls cus you know they're empty holes with nothing to add in to any conversation, unless you're hoping to fuck her.

The more you jerk off the harder is for your testosterone levels to replenish, women can notice that because you don't stare at them with the same intensity as you would with a full sack of baby bater.

The less you jerk off the hornier you get to the point that if you don't jerk it in a whole month you will fuck anything in 2 legs.
Is not even science is straight up nature

>> No.16847608

It’s mostly psychological, not some scent or something. You act differently when you have a girlfriend , you probably walk with more confidence etc... also when you talk to another girl when you have a girlfriend you aren’t trying to pick her up so you don’t come off as desperate or nervous. You could care less if they like you or not and that’s a lot more attractive. Gtfo with this scent shit , that could be 5% of it tops

>> No.16847633

I think this is what happens mostly.
IT's the same that happens when I interact with gf's of my friends, I don't care what they think cause I'm not trying to attract them, so I come off as more social and charismatic unconsciously.

>> No.16847637

tfw need to not jerk off a while

>> No.16847641

I used to fap daily and it caused my cheeks to be red/blushed for hours after. Once I stopped fapping daily, cut down to 1-2 times a week, I stopped having red/blushed cheeks so often. This probably doesn't affect every guy who has a red face, but some guys who have blushed cheeks probably fap a lot and just had a good fap if they look extra red.

>> No.16847665

It’s 90% vibes , when I’m single I always talk to girls in a weird flirty way (without even trying). When I’m in a relationship I talk to them almost like I’d talk to to some random dude. I’m trying to get better at talking to them as if I’m in a relationship but it’s hard. Women are good at reading people

>> No.16847681

>tfw when looking for a hidden meaning behind everything everyone says as a male
This goes worse the more I browse biz

>> No.16847696

Yup, when I’m talking to my friends gfs I’ll just blurt out any obsurd joke or opinion I have because I don’t care if they like me. When I’m with a girl I like I’m subconsciously holding back because I don’t want to be judged, which in turn makes me less confident

>> No.16847724

This is truly a conundrum.
You don't need a gf cause you have one -> Several opportunities to have one.
You need a gf cause you don't have one -> 0 opportunities cause you don't have one.
I've realized that everything in the world functions in a similar way: the more you have of something the easier it is to get it, and you get more and more of it when you don't even want it or need it. This explains the incel / chad phenomenom, and wealth inequality. (more money -> more connections -> more opportunities for money, and viceversa).

>> No.16847751

The problem is how to come off as confident, or be confident. Or wanting a girl but at the same time not wanting her enough to look and feel unconfident. Truly a delicate balance one must have.

>> No.16847752

It’s all true. If I fap my gf smells it from miles away. It’s insane

>> No.16847777

Yup it’s the same with everything , people desperate for friends , money , women , etc.. will have a harder time getting it.

>> No.16847791

>before work
Not jerking off during working hours

>> No.16847794

she's probably smelling the cum socks

>> No.16847806

That’s why people desperate to “make it” on this board put all their money into one single thing hoping it to moon which is extremely risky and will likely end with loss, people who diversify, wait for good opportunities, and get slow constant returns will probably do alright

>> No.16847865


>> No.16847874

That's true, OP. Professional whores can tell your cock size just looking at your face.

>> No.16847892

>muh diversify meme
Thinking in abstractions instead of concrete reality is what constitutes success shiteating monkey.

Link outperformed everything.

>> No.16847909

Can confirm, was virgin until 20-s, now in LTR and have literal 9/10s hitting on my aggressively.
If I get dumped they'll stop it, I just know it.

>> No.16847974

winning a blackjack hand outperformed link. Keep up your investment strategy and we’ll see who has more more money in 10 years

>> No.16848000


>> No.16848150

he-s right man, unless you have $500 to your name.
If you have $20,000 it doesn-t make sense to throw everything at one thing.

>> No.16848171

link outperformed everything. are you impervious to reality?

>> No.16848340

When Chad fucks roastie he smells like her pussy
When you jerk off you smell like a lonely dicks cum

>> No.16849137

Only if you bring your cum jar to work and it has fresh cum

>> No.16849428

thought that was only me, a nut can make me immune to waman for about 3 days

>> No.16849782


I was gonna say something like this. Women seem a lot more receptive to me when I have not jerked off for a day or two and if I haven't showered that day.