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16843916 No.16843916 [Reply] [Original]

i just sent a mass text to everyone in my phone and asked them if they knew about chainlink and no one has replied

>> No.16843928

schizo.. they probably won't even be your friends anymore

>> No.16843933

that sucks

>> No.16843935

what a stupid thing to do

>> No.16843939

So who did you text your family basically? No one this retarded has friends.

>> No.16843950

give it time, they will come around

>> No.16843959

Let’s see a screenshot of the text. We can analyze it for clues.

>> No.16843966

Thanks for the text, idiot, now i dont even need to buy anymore LINK ill be getting some for free soon

>> No.16843975

jesus fucking christ. How autistic can one get?

>> No.16843985

>to everyone in my phone
so you sent it to your oneitis and your mom? haha

>> No.16843996

Stop talking about Link and ARPA until next year's data boom, assholes.

>> No.16844077
File: 25 KB, 481x850, sdagdzfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16844093

>15 people

you only know 15 people OP?

>> No.16844107


>> No.16844113

>BigMac 4G

>> No.16844118


They're playing hard to get, but you did good. Be persistent. You have all the cards here.

>> No.16844127

Send them the link to the forbes article and say
> well now you have!

>> No.16844237

>big mac
Anon...-rubs temples-

>> No.16844246
File: 330 KB, 499x499, 1561639734189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to send them a weekly update on ChainLink price changes, and how much they would earn if they had bought when you first texted them about it. Obviously if LINK is down that week, dont bother sending

>> No.16844248

Well all 2 of those people you know probably don't care.

>> No.16844258

This post made me imagine what a shit show it would be if there was a MLM-style crypto with referral commissions then I remembered the shit show that was Bitconnect. Next step in BSV shilling will be referral commissions, you heard it here first.

>> No.16844266

save yourself quickly reply with: a chainlink fence contractor*

>> No.16844267
File: 26 KB, 400x710, ODQ5Mzkx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]